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How to Update Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus at the Same Time

Updated on by in Social Media

Undoubtedly, social media is one of the hottest trends in the Internet and marketing industries. Many people are using both Facebook and Twitter to stay connected with their friends, family, colleagues and followers. With the rise of Google+, some Internet users like bloggers and webmasters may even be involved in three social networks everyday. Well, if you are one of them, your life must be very busy and tedious as you have to share or update the same things on these social networks separately. Wouldn’t it be good if there is a web service enables us to update Facebook, Twitter and Google+ simultaneously?


Thanks to Start Google Plus for giving us the solution. Yes, you heard it right! You can actually update all your social networks in one place through this web service.

Looking for more tips? Check out our 50 best Facebook tips and tricks!

Here are a few things Start Google Plus can do:

  • Put your Facebook and Twitter streams inside your Google Plus stream, complete with “Stream” links on the side and rich media.
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  • Automatically post to Facebook and Twitter whenever you share something on Google Plus. (You can turn this on/off from within the share window in Google Plus)
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  • Add a Gmail inbox notifier to the top bar, so that you do not have to keep a gmail tab open. Clicking on the Gmail icon shows a menu with the unread messages that let you access your emails directly inside Google+.
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How to Get it Started?
To get started, you just download the extension and install it like any other, then log into Google+ and authorize both your Twitter and Facebook accounts. Once you’ve done that, you’ll see your Twitter stream and Facebook news feed show up in your Google+ feed.


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