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10 Cool Google+ Plus Animated Profiles to Impress You

Updated on by in Social Media

Just like Facebook Timeline covers, Google+ users are also allowed to tell their life story through the scrapbook images at the top of profile page. Many of them will tweak their scrapbook photo album for a more creative photographic display. However there’s a new way to play around with your Google+ profile – using animated images. Animated images also known as cinemagraphs, they are like a movie inside a photograph which can be eye-catching and memorable if you apply them on your Google+ profile page to impress your visitors.


Here’s a showcase of 10 awesome animated Google Plus profiles that are definitely worth your attention! Leave us a comment if you’ve seen any other good ones on Google+.
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Dunken K Bliths
One of the coolest animated Google+ profiles.

Eric Cheng
Shark is always the popular choice when it comes to social media profile design.

Ralph Roberts
This Google+ profile showcases an Android-like green robot to catch your attention.

Daria Musk
Daria Musk has not only rocked Google+ with her musical Hangouts, but also her profile page design with some cool animated circles.

Anthony Widdowson
A simple but impressive animated profile design displayed by a model train lover.

Trey Ratcliff
A beautiful welcome design introducing Trey Ratcliff’s “Stuck in Customs” travel photography blog.

Evo Terra
Evo’s gentle movement in the Google Plus background has made his profile page a memorable one.

Jeremy Cupp
In Jeremy Google+ profile, you can see his lovely photography changing across the strip of scrapbook images.

Adam Simmons
Adam’s animated map is another cool Google+ profile you should check out.

Giles Pettipher
Giles shares his amazing home-made creation on Google Plus.


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