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Find Out Fake and Real Twitter Followers You Have

Updated on by in Social Media

Wondering how many fake twitter followers you have? In today’s post, we’ll introduce one really cool online tool enabling you to find out the answer in seconds. Owing to the fact that Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites on the Web, tons of fake accounts being created for spamming purposes. If you have a successful Twitter account attracting over thousand of followers, there’s a need to check whether they are real people or just bots.


To check how many spam Twitter accounts are following you, you can go to StatusPeople website which provides a fake follower checker. After connecting StatusPeople to your Twitter account, the authorized app will instantly show you the percentage of fake Twitter followers you have, as well as those inactive and good followers as shown in the image below.


Apart from checking your own Twitter account, StatusPeople also allows you to find out any other Twitter users including celebrities and politicians. Simply enter Twitter username in the search box and find out how many fake followers he/she has. See below StatusPeople results on Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber’s fake followers on Twitter.



So how does StatusPeople works? Basically this online tool takes a sample of your follower data and assesses them against a number of spam criteria. According to StatusPeople, spam accounts tend to have few or no followers and tweets. But in contrast they tend to follow a huge number of other accounts.

While we can’t comment on the accuracy of the results, but we still recommend you to give this fake follower checker a try. For those who’ve tried out StatusPeople, please share your thoughts on how accurate the result is.


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