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Top 15 Best GPS Pet Trackers for Dogs and Cats

Updated on by in Hardware

Thanks to smartphones, tablets, and computerized watches, we no longer have to worry about getting lost in the middle of nowhere. We have GPS or Google Maps to help us move around. More than that, there are even gadgets designed for tracking the location of our pets.


Purchasing a pet tracker for your four-legged friends is a great idea. Especially, if it keeps sneaking into different places every now and then. However, which one is really worth its money? How do they work? Which one is better: a GPS or a Radio Tracker?

Speaking of GPS and Radio devices, let’s clarify the main difference between those two technologies.

GPS trackers work along with the newest GPS technologies. It allows them to identify the location of your pet in real time. The signal from a satellite is transmitted to a receiver station, which is usually your smartphone or any other electronic device. However, in some places you can face issues with low cellular coverage. What is more, such devices need frequent recharging and a regular subscription.

Radio trackers use kind of outdated tracking system based on radio signals. The average radio frequency equals several hundred feet from the receiver station. Keep in mind that they won’t tell you the exact location of a pet, they are only pointing you in the direction. However, radio-tracking devices have some obvious advantages. There is no need to pay a subscription fee and charge it frequently. Also, they are able to work well in places with poor cellular coverage.

Right now, numerous companies are producing such wearable pet trackers. Thus we have completed the top 15 GPS and Radio pet tracking devices for dogs and cats from most popular producers.

GPS Tracking Gadgets

1. The Paw Tracker – $99.95


This is an American based company, however, their pet trackers also work in the Canadian and partly Mexican territory. When purchasing the device from The Paw Tracker official website, they give you out an activated SIM card. The tracker’s weight is only 33 grams; it looks like a paw and is available in three different colors. Best choice for cat owners but suitable for both cats and dogs. The battery life is up to 5 days, the cost of subscription – $9.95.

2. Gibi Pet Locator – $99.99

This device is also lightweight (43 grams), but still durable and waterproof. These qualities make the pet locator a perfect choice for restless dogs. You can attach the Gibi locator to any of your existing collars. The system requires the Internet connection, so you can track the pet’s activity through Google Maps. The battery lasts for up to 4 days, the cost of subscription is $9.95.

3. Pod 2 GPS – $197.94 (price of a tracker + 1 year of service)

This is a portable (28 grams) Wi-Fi pet tracker and an activity monitor for our four-legged friends. You can easily attach it to any collar. The battery lasts for 2-5 days, the cost of subscription is $49.99/year (after the first year).

4. WÜF – $129.99 (still on a pre-ordering stage)

This is another GPS pet tracker together with an activity monitor. The gadget comes in several sizes and supports the two-way audio system. There is a “virtual leash” to prevent your pet from wandering too far off. The battery lasts from 1 to 4 days, the cost of subscription is $49.99/year. The company is still accepting pre-orders!

5. Tractive Real-time GPS tracker – $129.99


For this price, you are getting a real-time GPS pet tracker to keep your aware of the pet’s location through your IOS or an Android app. It’s very convenient and relieving to know the pet’s coordinates if you are far away from each other. The battery lasts from 2 to 4 days, the cost of subscription is $9.95.

6. PetRace – $149.99

The concept of this GPS device is a little different since it’s designed more for monitoring the pet’s health. It has a larger price as well size and weight accordingly. The subscription cost is $14.95 per month. Keep in mind that the battery life is only 1-2 days.

7. Nuzzle – $170.00 (still on a pre-ordering stage)

This pet device is designed to keep track of the pet’s activity through both GPS system and Bluetooth. Both cat and dog owners can purchase this gadget and attach it to their own collars. If you have several pets, you can monitor them all at one time. You can also get notifications if your pet goes beyond the “safe” zone that you can set up in settings. The battery is changeable and there is no subscription fee. It is a perfect choice for both cats and dogs, Nuzzle comes fitted with a collar.

8. Squeaker Buddy – $250.00


This “smart” collar for dogs is not only a cellular GPS tracking and activity-monitoring device. It is one of the few wearables with incorporate illuminating LED lighting, temperature sensor and heart monitor. It’s attached to Squeaker Poochlight illuminating LED dog collar and available in 3 sizes. Water-resistant. Subscription Cost – $99.99/year, battery life is from 7 to 14 days.

9. Voyce – $199.99

This device monitors the resting heart and respiratory rates, quality of the rest, the intensity of activity, the number of burnt calories and many other indicators. It’s waterproof and goes as a decent alternative to the PetRace wearable. The Subscription Cost – $9.50, the battery lasts for a week on average.

10. Whistle – $99.99

This GPS tracking gadget attaches to your own collar and lets you track the pet in real time anywhere in the USA with a good cellular coverage. All the information is sent to your Android and IOS cell phone. The battery lasts 2-6 days and the subscription cost is $9.99.

11. PitPatPet – £39.99


This is one of the devices operating on the UK territory. It’s a great FitBit for dogs so it monitors their movements 24/7. It also analyzes if your pet gets enough exercise and indicates if the dog has some changes in behavior. The device is waterproof and its battery lasts for almost a year!

12. TabCat by Loc8tor – £99.99

Another UK-based GPS gadget designed to help owners find their cats in case they get lost. It comes with an RF receiver that guides you to the cat’s location. It’s not as technological as Whistle, but it’s small and comfortable to wear and there is no data subscription!

Radio Tracking Gadgets

13. Garmin Astro 320 T5 Dog Gps Bundle – $499-$799


Astro radio trackers are mostly used for hunting dogs rather than for regular pets living at home. This device combines GPS system and has other features, one of which is the ability to track up to 10 dogs at one time. This pet tracker requires AA batteries. No monthly fees and the range is up to 9 miles.

14. Marco Polo Pet – $219.99

Radio frequency can identify walls and other barriers, so you can set the alarm on your pocket-size device to know when the pet leaves the house. It is able to track up to 3 dogs. The range is only 2 miles, the battery lasts from 1 week and up to 3 months.

15. Loc8tor Pet The Ultimate Locator – $99.99 for 2 locators

The size of this pet tracker is the smallest out of all devices with the shortest distance coverage (only 400 feet). Suitable for small cats or dogs and can track up to 4 pets at one time. The battery life is up to several months and there is no monthly fee.

Author: Irene Kot

Irene is a mom blogger and shares her experience on IreneKot blog. She loves writing about career, family, kids, budgeting, food and many other things that the life consists of.

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One Response to “Top 15 Best GPS Pet Trackers for Dogs and Cats”

  1. Shechosethecat says:

    I would like to use The Paw Tracker. it’s a amazing GPS tracking gadget from all the tracking system. Thanks for posting such gadget.