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Tag: business

30 Most Influential Business Books Ever Written

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The most successful are the most voracious. Warren Buffet reads a whopping 500 pages every day. Bill Gates reads almost 50 books a year. Mark Zuckerberg finishes one book every fortnight. How about you?


Check out this list of 30 evergreen business books to add fresh perspectives and ideas on your ongoing entrepreneurial journey. Read more…

Top 20 Most Influential Fake Companies of All Time

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The large corporations of the world play a highly influential role in our life. They watch what we buy and the various services we use. Misuse of their power position can affect many lives. The major corporations have the power to influence even the Congress. They have the ability to change the economic scenario of the world.


The fictional companies interact from their fictitious world with our real world by launching new dealing. To be influential they need not necessarily be real. Here is a roundup of the top 20 most fake influential companies. These large companies do not exist, yet they make jet-propelled sticks for toys, candy bars, movies, and robots. Read more…

10 Small Business Ideas You Can Easily Start from Your Home

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Are you bored with your 9 to 5 job, or still searching one? Do you think that your job is not paying well and you can earn better with your business? Do you want to continue your passion? Your job doesn’t give you motivation anymore?


Many people face issues in their regular jobs such as low payout, no satisfaction, stress and deadline pressure, anger and time management problems and finding the motivation to continue it. That is why you might have thought about starting your home-based business and follow your passion. Read more…

20 Best Adobe Acrobat Alternatives You Must Try

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If you dislike the price of Acrobat Pro DC, but don’t want to have to keep working around the limitations of the free Acrobat Reader, there are plenty of specialized alternatives to these tools. We have identified some of the features and characteristics users most commonly expect from a PDF reading and editing utility.

best-adobe- acrobat-alternatives

While we have categorized the recommended web, desktop or mobile apps into five groups based on the user demands that they meet, we tried to provide as much variety as possible within particular categories when it comes to the deployment method, pricing options, etc. This way, regardless of what you expect from a PDF reader, and regardless of how or where you’d prefer to use it, you should find at least one suggestion here that offers all that you need. Read more…

5 Best and Most Profitable Affiliate Markets

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Making money from home as an affiliate might seem like a pipe dream, however there are many online affiliate programmes to get involved in. In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the best and most profitable affiliate markets.


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Useful Tips to Improve Amazon Sales Rank

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Are you an online seller struggling to rank your product high on Amazon and boost your sales? Then you’ve come to the right place. When you’re an online merchant, your Amazon sales rank is very important to revenue. Improving your Amazon sales rank gets your products in front of potential buyers, and products that are showcased on the first page of search results sell the best.


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How SEO Helps in Digital Marketing

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Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is critical to reaching success in an online business. However, many people don’t know how exactly it can be helpful in their marketing plan. For example, everyone knows that SEO defines a business’s online presence, but knowing how potential customers find you is unclear but critical information.


Figuring out the different strategies you need to rank higher and reach a large audience is thus the only way to deliver your message to customers and increase the chance of getting a desired response. Read more…

Business Analyst’s Guide to Smart Resource Management

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It’s always a good sign when projects pour in. It means your enterprise has marked out its expertise and that your clientele is counting on you to deliver. But what happens when the right staffs are suddenly nowhere to be found? At the worst possible time, you discover there’s a skills gap and experiential insufficiency. After all, you can’t just hand over your latest project to whoever happens to be passing by. Neither can you afford to do everything yourself or overburden the same set of people time and again.


Enter smart resource management. Besides helping you delegate task swiftly and with higher precision than before, it’s here to permanently resolve the pain points associated with making every second on the project clock count. Read more…

7 Effective Ways to Manage and Promote Your Online Courses

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Okay…you have finally crafted an awesome online course. All those sleepless nights are behind and it’s time to start making money. But how to promote online courses and generate some nice income? Let me be honest with you, the entire success of your efforts depends on these two factors: the quality of your product and the marketing strategy you’ll choose. If you think, your course is not helpful and valuable to your target audience, stop looking for marketing channels and improve your product right away. However, if you love your online course and sincerely believe it’s perfectly done and ready to be launched, then read and implement each and every marketing advice mentioned in this article.


Here are 7 effective ways to manage and promote your online courses.: Read more…

7 Offline Promotion Strategies to Boost Your Online Brand

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Digital marketing has become the core of a marketing plan for many businesses as it can be easily measured and is often less expensive than traditional offline marketing. But it doesn’t mean that the age of traditional offline marketing is coming to an end. There are still plenty of offline advertising strategies that you can take advantage of. Here are seven of the best offline marketing strategies for getting your online brand back at the top of search results.

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7 Great Qualities All Small Business Websites Need to Have

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Creating a website for your business is just the beginning. You need to optimize this site so that people can find it and navigate it easily. There are a number of tools to help you build your website, but its success ultimately boils down to the decisions you make and the fixtures you choose to put on the site. Here are several qualities you do not want your website to be without.


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10 Best Business Intelligence Tools and Software

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Business intelligent tools and software is a class of computer applications that are specifically designed to process and analyze corporate data to produce quality insight about the health of your business. BI software makes the use of the variety of formulas, metrics to measure, compare and relate business indicators. These software and tools have automated the process of distinguishing strength and weaknesses of the organization. Data discovery, data management, and data reporting are some the primary functions of this software. You can use some of them to evaluate the functionality and performance of employees.


Either you are a small start-up company, medium size or a large enterprise business you can get support for a wide range of business decisions from BI tools and software. Read more…

Business Presentation: Prepare Your Text with Professional Writer

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When a person speaks in front of the audience, he prepares the text and presentation itself. He spends a lot of time to make thoughts appear clear.They are the key to the successful statement. To keep an audience focused on the speech he must write the one which will be interesting and not too long.


By and large, why suffer trying to meet all requirements when there is a chance to receive help from professionals? When you decide to order the speech you get the best one you can imagine and save time also. Be sure, your colleagues will not carry out copyright search to understand who the author is. Read more…

Top 20 Sneaky Tools to Spy on Your Competitors

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If you have tools that help you monitor your web performance, then they can also help you collect data from your competitors. Although some of them might look familiar and already being used by you, they help evaluate other competitors in the market. Search has been such a dominant factor in the web era, as internet has grown extensively. Thus you have to take into consideration various factors while spying on other companies or let’s just say your competitors.


This is where the marketing tools come into play. Here in this article we discuss some of the best marketing tools that are designed to do the job of being sneaky enough and still be able to capture information for you from your competitors. Read more…

10 Tech Companies Might Face Extinction in 10 Years: Here’s Why

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Most often than not, it is hard to tell when a brand has failed, most particularly if a company fails while its brand retains its fame. In a merger or acquisition, the better-known brand represents the new company, regardless of the financial stability of the company before the merger took place.


While no one wishes for a company to fail, it’s the reminisce-inducing companies hanging on the cliff of bankruptcy that grab our attention. We watch these companies flounder until they give their final bankrupt breath and pass into the records of history. Read more…