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Tag: email

How to Check If Your Accounts Have Been Hacked (Easy Tips)

Posted on by in Cyber Security

It’s a matter of technological development that these days we have countless ways of digital connection and communication. These technologies exist all over the world and are available for every person, who has a smartphone, a laptop or a computer with Internet connection.

Such automated processes of interference are beneficial, as they provide us with fast, free or low paid, means of getting information, sharing and exchanging data. However, every fairy tale has its stumbling stone and in the case with modern technologies, we can speak of stealing personal information and its usage for harmful and dangerous purposes.


Experts in this field know that everything can be hacked; nevertheless, there is a way out. Read more…

7 Ideas To Create a Perfect Email Banner

Posted on by in Email

Which elements of email do people see first of all? When the inbox message is not opened yet, that’s subject line and (optional) preheader text. With Gmail, other pre-opening things are their promo annotations but this innovation is a matter for separate posts as well as subject lines… so let’s skip them and proceed with the next stage.

Well, the email subject turned out to be strong enough and the recipient opened it. Regarding promo newsletters, the very first thing people see in the email body is a banner.


Should we scroll the email down to the bottom or just close and remove it? Banner is a key factor to make this decision. It’s the face of the promo campaign and has a direct impact on performance rates and overall success. Therefore, we should design it outstanding, noticeable and attractive. Read more…

Top 55 Best Free Newsletter Marketing Tools

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Newsletters offer a simple and affordable way to communicate with your network and strengthen your brand. One of the best ways to keep in touch with your customers and keep them up-to-date on all of your specials and company news is by sending out a newsletter. You can send this newsletter out monthly or weekly, or whatever frequency you deem right. However, the important part is to be consistent. Not only do you need to be consistent with your newsletter, but you need to give your customers a reason to wait for receiving your newsletters.


There are a lot of experts proclaiming that this way of promoting is dead or is dying. When you look at the numbers, you will find that it is actually growing in acceptance as more and more accounts are being created. Read more…

Top 20 Free Email Marketing Tools and Resources

Updated on by in Email

All organizations make use of various email marketing tools as well as resources. These tools and resources make the functioning of sales, marketing as well as promotional activities way easier and more professional. However, so many of such tools are available in the market these days that one is confused as to which one to opt for!


Well, to make it a little easier, here’s a list of the top 20 picks for free email marketing tools and resources: Read more…