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Tag: it cloning

20 Successful Website Clones: What to Learn from Them?

Posted on by in Info & News

Competition is not always faithful and the market economy does not always reward the best and brightest ideas. This fact has been part of developed society ever since the earliest days of capitalism, understood as the system in which supply and demand regulate the flow of products. It remains true in what concerns the last rush for gold – the online business environment.


The following websites took flattery (imitation) for the best products of Silicon Valley to new peaks, enjoying an immense growth of their own. Some were purchased by the original sites early on, others grew to dominate entire regions of the world. However, each presents a successful, however immoral, business model. Read more…

13 Times Facebook Cloned Snapchat

Posted on by in Social Media

Facebook follows the strategy of copying the features of other apps implementing those feature and then killing them after sometime. It is a habit that is repeated by Facebook over and over again and Facebook has done that with Snapchat many times.


Facebook also made an attempt of buying Snapchat few years ago for $3 billion in 2013, which was turned down by the Snapchat owners. Many times Facebook introduced similar feature just as Snapchat. This resulted in making Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram all look almost similar. Read more…