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Tag: leadership

How to Improve Leadership Communication – 9 Proven Tips

Posted on by in Self-Improvement

Leadership can be described as the ability of one person to motivate one or more others to change behavioral patterns and or to collaborate for a common purpose. Arguably, the most prominent means a leader has to influence others is the ability to communicate effectively with those in his or her charge.


In fact, one could argue that communication is the bloodline of an organization. It is the juice by which all business enterprises operate. If so, the ability to communicate effectively would be an imperative for any leader that wishes to lead his follower-subordinates well. Read more…

6 Things Leaders Can Do to Tackle Stress in the Workplace

Updated on by in Self-Improvement

Stress in the workplace is likely to occur when the management is unable to resolve or overcome different constraints. However, excessive stress can interfere with the productivity of your business. As a business owner, stress can negatively impact your general performance when it arises. Effects of stress can be clearly manifested by your employees in absenteeism, lack of motivation for work, and restlessness.


Stress in the workplace has become a significant health risk with so many factors involved. If your business is a startup, stress may have adverse consequences on your firm. It is, therefore, important to manage stress in the workplace. Read more…