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Tag: nintendo

15 Reasons Why Nintendo Switch Will Fail

Posted on by in Gaming

We all love playing games. Few of us are so much into them that we bring them outside our screens and into our lives! For now, let’s just concentrate on the latest release – Nintendo Switch. All the video game fans were quite excited to explore its features when it released first back in March 2017. Since then, a lot of opinions and reviews have come up regarding this latest addition to the Nintendo family. And most of them happen to be not much in its favor.


A lot of factors have contributed towards the underwhelming response of this otherwise amazing gaming gadget. These include the exclusion of the old favorite features, unsuitable release timing, and overall generic console design among others. There are just so many faults with this new design that prevents it from being the next big revolution in the world of gaming. And we are here to review all of them so that you know what you are in for before making the purchase. Read more…

15 Cool Tips and Tricks of Nintendo Switch

Posted on by in Gaming

The Nintendo Switch has been in circulation for almost ten months now, and compared to the sales of every other Nintendo product, has done extremely well. The new features and additions appeal to gamers everywhere, both young and old, and the great thing about considering to get a device after the first initial months, is that all of the teething problems will have already been found.


The Nintendo Switch has proven to be an agile and easy to use device, with the potential for better gaming and a more salient experience. Here is everything you need to know about the device, 10 months on from the release date. Read more…