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Tag: transport

15 Ways to Make Your Waze a Better Navigation App

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Waze is a wonderful app for people who hate getting stuck in traffic and want to explore other possible routes. It is also the perfect app for people who have a poor sense of direction. Waze was acquired by Google in 2013, and since then it has integrated the use of social data to implement its functions.


Because of the user engagement generated by the app, maps are generated by locating its users with GPS. Users get to share information about traffic accidents, closed roads, and any other obstacles for travelers. It is the perfect platform to get help and offer help while traveling within the same locality. Waze is complementary and at the same time a counterpart to Google Maps. It fills out voids Google Maps in navigation information, while at the same time adding security features to the map. Read more…

20 Uber Secrets You Should Know

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While governments and their citizens are still debating in many countries how they are going to deal with Uber drivers, this service’s figures are just increasing around the world. They are present in 58 countries at the moment, and Uber Technologies, the company behind the app, is already an over US$ 51 billion company with only around five years of age.


It puts them side by side with Facebook, the only other venture-backed startup to break the US$ 50 billion valuation so far – and yet the most famous social media network did it in seven, not in five years. But this is just one of the things you should know about Uber, so you can make the most of the app and enjoy a ride for less anywhere you go. Read more…

30 Uber Secrets and Facts – So You Think You Know Uber?

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Everyone thinks that Uber is that idilical place where the sun is always shining and where each and every customer is happy. Did you ever wonder what hides behind each driver’s crooked smile or what’s the secret to their successful business?


To keep up with the times, we have compiled a list of 30 secrets about the company. Note that while part of them is general knowledge, some of them have been passed down from veteran Uber drivers or clients. Read more…