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Category: Inspiration

40 Amazingly Beautiful Nature and Landscapes Photography

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Are you a nature lover, nature photographer, or nature wallpaper collector? If you are, you will definitely love today’s collection. In our Earth, there are plethora scenes and places you must see at least once in your lifetime. Although many of us cannot physically visit all the beautiful places in the world, the good news is we can enjoy nature photography on the web that brings the beauty of nature.


Here’s a showcase of 40 breathtaking nature photographs taken around the world. In this amazing collection, you can find many photographs of mountains, waterfalls, forest, fields, etc. All of them are carefully collected from the web after having viewed more than thousand of nature images. We promise today’s showcase is one of the most stunning shots of nature photography collections you can find online. So, are you ready to be amazed? Check them out now! Read more…

Most Destructive Earthquake, Tsunami & Natural Disasters Photos

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Natural disasters are sudden and destructive events that strike on anywhere on earth, often without warning. They are effects of natural hazards (e.g. earthquake, tsunami, tornado, volcanic eruption, flood, or landslide) which move from potential into an active phase, or caused by human activities. In most cases these disasters lead to financial, environmental or human losses. Here is a list of most dangerous and deadly natural disasters in pictures.

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65 Most Creative & Interesting Advertisements You Must See

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A good advertisement should attract attention, arouse interest, create desire and stimulate action. When designing an ad, creativity is one of the major concerns that every designer should always keep in mind. Other than that, it is also important to ensure that the message is clear and the design has to be simple and eye catching. Bear in mind that if the advertisement can’t catch audience attention within seconds, it is considered failed.


In this post we’ve collected some of the most creative and hilarious ads for your enjoyment and inspiration. Do tell us which ad is your favorite? Read more…

Photo Collection of Creative Google Offices Around the World

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Have you ever dreamed of working for Google? Google has many offices around the world. While their offices are not identical, they tend to share some essential elements. Here are a few things you might see in a Google workspace:


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30 Most Impressive MS Paint Artworks & Drawings You Can’t Miss

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After Microsoft released Windows 10, creatives all over the world began to panic that the software giant is going to kill its Paint app in the next Windows’ update. Fortunately Windows’ managers had announced to the public that Paint won’t go anywhere, it’ll co-exist alongside its latest version Paint 3D. If you think no-one is using MS Paint, you may be surprised to discover a great number of artists relying on MS Paint for their creations. The 39-year old tool has a long way to go before it becomes obsolete. The art world loves Paint.


Yet, for many of us, Paint is a distant childhood memory. The simple colour palette, the minimalist layout, and the easy user interface made Paint the favourite tool for kids. But, you don’t have to be a kid to draw with your mouse. Don’t believe us? Take a look at these impressive drawings. Read more…

60 Amazing Optical Illusion & Paradox Pictures You Must See

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An optical illusion (also known as visual illusion) is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed in the brain to give a perception that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. Today we’ve crawled deep into the Internet and gathered 60 incredibly amazing illusion pictures that can stimulate your brain! In this comprehensive collection, you can find many visual perceptions, optical illusions, paradoxes, and perception puzzles. You better be prepared that these images will trick your eyes to make you question whether seeing really is believing! Without further ado, let’s check out the photos and take this opportunity to exercise our mind!


Tell us which optical illusion impresses you the most? Read more…

30 Amazingly Oversized Objects You Haven’t Seen Before

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Have you seen fork taller than you? A basket that bigger than your house? A floppy disk that seems like it has hundred terabyte of storage? Or a mouse trap that can be used for trapping elephant? All these objects are hardly seen in our everyday life, but some talented artists are brave and creative enough, bringing these oversized objects to the reality.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Here we’ve collected 30 extraordinary objects that look too large to be true. So let’s take a break and enjoy our awesome photo collection. We hope these heavyweight objects will make you laugh all day long. Read more…

25 Amazing Microsoft Excel Drawings and Games

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Microsoft Excel has been a widely applied spreadsheet for calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, Visual Basic programming and other purposes. Sounds boring to you? May be you are much more familiar with this data organizing tool than I do. So let’s focus on the art and design side of it.

In today’s post, we would like to showcase you 25 extremely cool artworks and games that are actually created using Microsoft Excel alone. We hope you’ll enjoy this awesome collection!


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20 Animated Images & Cinemagraphs by Dunken K Bliths (Part 2)

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You’ve probably heard that a picture says more than a thousand words, but what about animated image or cinemagraph? We’ve previously showcased 40 amazing animated photos created by Dunken K Bliths. These GIF masterpieces are more than a picture, but not quite a video. They are visually pleasing, eye catching, and very suitable for advertising purposes.


If our previous showcase of animated GIFs unable to satisfy your hunger for inspiration and creativity, here are another 20 awesome animated pictures that worth your attention too! Any comments or thoughts, please let us know in the comments section below. Read more…

40 Crazy Animated Images & Cinemagraphs by Dunken K Bliths

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Step into the mesmerizing world of Dunken K Bliths, a visionary artist whose creativity knows no bounds. With a keen eye for the extraordinary, Bliths has crafted 40 mind-bending animated images and cinemagraphs that push the boundaries of imagination. Each piece is a unique fusion of artistry and technology, capturing moments that seem to defy the laws of reality.

Bliths’ work is a celebration of the surreal, seamlessly blending the static with the dynamic to create a visual symphony that dances before your eyes. From whimsical scenes that transport you to alternate realities to cinemagraphs that breathe life into still frames, every creation is a testament to his unrivaled talent.


Prepare to be captivated by the unexpected, as Bliths takes you on a journey through a gallery of the extraordinary. Read more…

Top 20 Most Influential Fake Companies of All Time

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The large corporations of the world play a highly influential role in our life. They watch what we buy and the various services we use. Misuse of their power position can affect many lives. The major corporations have the power to influence even the Congress. They have the ability to change the economic scenario of the world.


The fictional companies interact from their fictitious world with our real world by launching new dealing. To be influential they need not necessarily be real. Here is a roundup of the top 20 most fake influential companies. These large companies do not exist, yet they make jet-propelled sticks for toys, candy bars, movies, and robots. Read more…

15 Art Instagram Pages Successfully Changed the Art World

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The presence of art in Instagram interests a lot of people. It is useful for artists because they can express their inner word in this application. It is useful for galleries too because other people buy and sell different pieces of art, which appeared on Instagram. Instagram serves as some kind of advertising. This kind of communication has an ability to unite people.


Instagram users follow different artists who dispose their masterpieces on this application. Here is a list of 15 intriguing and captivating Instagram pages, which you might get interested in: Read more…

Top 20 Most Creative Uses of Lego

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No matter what games you have played in your child hood but, you must have played with Lego and spent your childhood joining those creative colorful bricks and blocks. If I say “Lego” is a life time brand for toys, it would not be wrong. Lego is an inspiring brand that allows children to be creative as architect, engineer or designer. If you are parent, you can teach your child creative things to make with Lego bricks, if you are a teacher than you can teach your students that how they can roll their imagination with these simple Lego bricks.


Here I am going to describe few insanely creative Lego uses that will definitely get your attention and inspire you to come out with your creativity. Read more…

How Technology Integrates with Fashion (20 Examples)

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The statement that says fashion changes but style endures is true to a large extent. There is another assumption or notion that focuses on analyzing the relationship between technology and fashion. With the passage of time, this aspect must be taken into consideration that there are new and innovative products are coming on a frequent basis. Moreover, the trends in fashion arena keep changing all the time and as a result, it can be assumed fashion and technology both changes after a certain period of time. This fact must be taken into consideration that with the changes and advancements in the domain of technology, there is strong likelihood that technology provides new and exciting opportunities to the fashion industry.


Keeping these attributes in consideration, there is need of integrating the art of technology in the area of fashion in a great manner. For that reason, there are some people who have taken innovative decisions as they have been able enough to correlate the style concept with the notion of functionality to a great extent. Read more…

There are Only 2 Types of People in this World. Which are You?

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How many kinds of people live in this world? Generally people can be classified based on races, countries, religions, ages, languages and many more. However some experts, on the other hand, claim that there are only two types of people in this world. Well, to a certain extent I agree with this theory. And I’ve done some in-depth searches on the net digging out some images of fact to prove it.


Below you’ll find 20 really interesting and thought-provoking images that well present our world is very simple and only occupied by two kinds of people. Enjoy the post and let us know what do you think? Read more…