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Category: Social Media

15 Types of Social Media Fans and Followers

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What is the one thing all your social media followers and fans have in common? Quite simply, they follow you across your different social media accounts. In many instances, this is where the similarity ends. Your social media fans can range greatly – from fans who re-pin, Like and retweet your posts at every opportunity, to the furious ‘fans’ who follow you across various platforms to share their negative customer experience.


By gaining a greater understanding of the different types of consumers of your social media posts, you can form a solid strategy to generate engaging content. Hitting the right note with your posts is crucial to get your followers to take action and share, like, comment and repost your content. Read more…

Social Media Strategies for Online Casinos

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The realm of online gambling is very dynamic. As such, promoting an online casino requires an approach tailored to lure patrons. Online casinos, like the Bovada betting website, must find the right balance of games, promotional offers, and advertising to increase brand awareness.


While this may sound somewhat difficult, this article provides simple hacks to navigate this topic easily. Read on for some great social media strategies to promote online casino engagement. Read more…

40 Best Social Media Search Engines to Find People & Profiles

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In the interconnected world of social media, the abundance of information can often feel overwhelming. Whether you’re reconnecting with an old friend, researching for professional purposes, or tracking online presence, the right social media search engine can make a world of difference. These tools are instrumental in discovering individuals, their profiles, and their mentions across the expansive landscape of social platforms.


Let’s delve into some of the best social search engines that facilitate discovering people, social profiles, and mentions across various platforms. Read more…

Dummies’ Guide to Social Media Marketing – How Get Started

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Understanding the potentiality of Social Media, digital marketers are now pouring in thousands of dollars and hours to take control of it. They recruit finest guys and work with killer resources to mine as many leads from Social Media as possible. So the question is, how a dummy who has never tried out social media marketing is going to compete them?


Answer — by getting started. You never learn something if you don’t start it. And in this article, we will show you how to get started with social media marketing. Read more…

3 Unique Ways to Use Instagram Polls for Your Company

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Want to capture the attention of your audience quickly? You should try Instagram polls. They are more than just a tool to understand what the community wants; it is a way to understand what your business needs to do to make your audience happier. Engaging with target customers is crucial if you want to improve brand reputation, and Instagram polls are a quick way to achieve that goal. There are two options that you can choose from when it comes to these polls:


  • Keep it simple with a classic survey where there are two to four answers that the audience has to choose from. Read more…

7 Tips to Build a Platform as a Social Media Influencer

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There are so many factors to consider when you’re looking to create a name for yourself on social media. Often times, people look at the number of social media influencers and assume that the market is already saturated. Truthfully, you’ve only seen the beginning of social media influencing. This niche will continue to expand. As a result, brands and major companies will continue to look for people who are willing to promote various products on their respective pages. If you’re truly interested in making this a career, consider the following seven tips to get started.


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Facebook Dating App – Everything You Need to Know About

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What is the Dating App?

On November 9, the leadership of Facebook announced launching the new dating service in Canada and Thailand. New features were also introduced by the social network. One of them, so-called Second Look, will allow the members to re-like someone even if they weren’t previously interested in.


Similarly to this, users of Tinders can have such feature for an additional fee, so they are able to take their last swipe left back. The second feature is about pausing the profile in Facebook Dating app when a user wants to take a break from using it, or they have started a serious relationship, so the need of looking or meeting other people has fallen off. Read more…

Why You Must Use LinkedIn Automation Tools & Software

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Social media has become an integral part of business, with more social platforms than one can keep count. Each network has its own plusses, but when it comes to establishing solid business relations, LinkedIn is king. It separates the jokers from the serious crowd, and it would be suffice to call it the search engine for professionals.


While it started off a little slow due to the fact that it was initially a place for job seekers and recruiters, LinkedIn has gradually evolved over the years. Today, it has become the go-to platform for small businesses, startups, and growing companies prospecting for meaningful B2B connections. Read more…

Top 30 Best Social Media Automation Tools to Publish at the Right Time

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When it comes to social media marketing, always one thing works, a rule of time, the right things publishing at the right time can change the game on social media, it is true but if the position of the post is wrong, or an inappropriate medium or platform has been used, it literally can ruin the overall experience of your social media marketing.


Social media marketing is the game where you have to be on your toes to double up every minor opportunity to engage a maximum number of audiences and a maximum number of conversions. Engagement of the audiences is one of the most vital things and it is one of the most necessary things too. Read more…

10 Best Twitch Tips & Tricks for Streamers to Grow Channel

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Twitch is streaming platform for gamers. Having said that it is not only about watching live streaming of video games instead it encompasses live broadcasts of different artists, chefs and even musicians. Furthermore, you can expect a rerun of classic TV shows.


The interface is pretty straightforward when it comes to Twitch. However, if you are not familiar with it, you can miss out on certain features as well as opportunities to make money. Read more…

Myth or Fact: How Blockchain is Impacting Social Media

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Something is going wrong in the world of social media. Such companies as Facebook and YouTube are leaders in this sphere, and it’s impossible not to notice new scandals and questions that shake these companies from the inside.


Social media is a perfect business model. These companies earn millions of dollars by selling ads, and they collect all the possible information about users, which makes this business so successful. Using complicated algorithms, social networks monetize content by selling ads based on users’ interests. Of course, Facebook keeps claiming that they put the privacy of their users first, but the scandal around Facebook and Cambridge Analytica proves the opposite. Read more…

15 Proven Tips that Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

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LinkedIn is a valuable professional networking tool if you use it properly. However, if you don´t invest yourself in creating an authentic and professional profile, you will potentially lose your dream job. Therefore, don´t waste your time and start building an outstanding profile!


But, before you even start, let´s check, once again, how could you benefit from LinkedIn? Read more…

12 Awesome Facebook Ad Features Your Business Needs

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Do you really need to incorporate Facebook ad features in your digital marketing strategy? If you look at these statistics, you’ll see that by not using Facebook ads, your business will miss out on a valuable channel for reaching out to your customers. Facebook has 2.01 billion active users each month and 1.32 billion active users each day. Given that there are 65 million businesses running campaigns on Facebook, your competitors may actually have an edge over you.


Take a look at these Facebook ad campaign tools that your SEO company Irvine will use to give your sales that all-important boost. And, set you apart from the competition. Read more…

20 Most Wanted Facebook Tips and Tricks

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Facebook has become the number one social media platform across the globe, helping connect families and friends across borders. However, without knowing the many tips and tricks, you might not be getting the full and exciting experience Facebook has to offer. In this article, we’ll reveal some of the most popular Facebook tips and tricks for 2018.


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20 Most Popular Free Social Media Marketing eBooks

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The concept of social media marketing is not new to the modern-day marketers. However, the significance of this form of marketing has grown exponentially over the past few years.


If you are involved in marketing practices, you must be aware how tricky social media marketing is. However, you can improve your knowledge and skills effectively by learning crucial things about the various aspects of current social media marketing practices. Read more…