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Category: Humor

24 Apple Vs Samsung Funny Photo Collection

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Apple and Samsung Electronics are two of the biggest technology giants known today and their relationship is complicated. Samsung is Apple’s primary supplier of processors and memory chips for its devices like iPhone and iPad. In other words Apple is one of Samsung’s largest customers. However the two electronics rivals compete directly in the smartphone and tablet computer market. With the intention of dominating the mobile market, they’ve spent years for suing and countersuing each other around the world over the design and features of their devices.

(What if Apple, Samsung and Nokia were students in a classroom?)

Today we would like to showcase a series of funny illustrations regarding the love-hate relationship between Apple and Samsung. Enjoy! Read more…

40 Apple Vs Google Android Funny Photo Collection

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Just like the complicated relationship between Apple and Samsung, Google is another company that’s simultaneously rival and business partner to the maker of iPhone and iPad. Apple’s relationship with Google has been a roller-coaster of a ride. Both companies used to work together when Apple made the Internet giant the centre of its electronic products’ online services such as web search, maps and email. Eric Schmidt the ex-Google CEO was even a member of Apple’s board.

Apple vs. Android


However their relationship turned bad when Google launched its own mobile OS namely Android and Schmidt left the board. Apple then responded by suing Google and a number of its partners over Android. In Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple quoted “I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product.”

Below we’ve rounded up 40 most hilarious and creative illustrations found from the web which we think they best describe the relationship between both tech giants. Enjoy! Read more…

35 Most Funny & Creative Advertisements to Make You Laugh

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Advertisement is created to deliver a message to the audience. However if they can’t catch your attention in the first place, would you bother about their message? The answer is No! Nobody is willing to spend a second on something they’re not interested in. That’s the reason why advertisement designers have to come out with something really out of the box, something extraordinary, or at least something that makes you laugh.


Today we would like to showcase 50 most funny and creative advertisements that we’ve collected from the Web. We’re very confident that most of them will make you laugh within seconds. Read more…

Top 60 Funny Photos Taken at the Right Time from the Right Angle

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We all know that a great photo has to be taken at the right place, at the right time, and from the right angle. But sometimes if the timing and angle are correct, it might lead to some funny photos that seem to have a double sense. In today’s post, we would like to show you 60 really funny photos taken at the exactly right timing from the specific angle. These photos will definitely make you laugh out loud! Enjoy!


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20 Most Bizarre Apple Products that Actually Exist

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In the time period of a little over 4 decades, Apple made a massive jump from being a bedroom firm working around homebrew computer club machines to its current position of being one of the most known companies around the world.


Apple has a rather impressive and a little bizarre portfolio to show for their efforts during the four decades and these products range from smartphones to TV set-top boxes and smart-watches. However, among the wide product portfolio of Apple, there have been quite a few absolutely bizarre products that you won’t even believe that they really exist. Read more…

24 Funny Animated GIF Images to Make You Laugh All Day Long

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These days, animated images have been widely used on websites, presentation slides and various design projects. As opposed to common still images, animated GIF can be used to display a short video or animation, better illustrating a point.


Thanks to some cool online animated image creators which we’ve introduced in our previous blog post, anyone now can easily generate animated GIF by looping the images files they want. Due to its wide popularity, Google Image Search even comes with an option to let users specifically search for animated GIFs. Read more…

30 Popular Memes on the Internet Explained

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Internet memes can be any content or concepts that is spread virally by Internet users. Majority of the memes are photos with caption to create humorous effect or to ridicule human behavior. They are everywhere on the web these days but do you ever wondered where they come from?


Here are the best Internet memes along with their origin and explanation. Sit back and enjoy!
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20 SnapChat Fails That Can Tickle Your Funny Bone

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Mistakes happen! Mankind has been falling flat at stuff since our species existed. But, dissimilar to our primitive forefathers, who used to keep their embarrassment up to themselves, we’re sufficiently lucky to live during a time where we can share our screw-ups with the whole world and that too with a single tap. To know what we mean, go beneath.


Snapchat made it possible. But, it’s damn disgrace that Snapchat is intended to make all our recordings and photos to vanish after a couple of moments. A ton has been lost because of this feature. Well, there is something called screenshots. Thanks to it! Read more…

20 Insane Things People Have Attempted to Sell on eBay

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Over the course of more than 20 years, eBay has developed a bizarre underbelly. While some eBay users are busy searching for household goods, others are scouring the darkest corners of the auction site in search of everything from human skulls to companionship.


In honor of eBay’s dark side, we’ve compiled a list of 20 of the most outrageous items ever sold on the site. Read more…

Top 20 Weirdest and Craziest Things Ever Sold on eBay

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eBay the site that encourages its members to use the website as a platform to auction off stuff they want to sell. For over 21 years, eBay has seen all manner of items sold on the site. Below we peruse some of the most outrageous items sold on this auction site:


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40 Most Funny Google Search Suggestions

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In today’s time, browsing the web comes off as a routine just like how brewing some good cup of coffee is a routine every morning when we wake up. This has become a natural part of living in the digital age. Of course, sitting in front of your computer, laptop, or even mobile phone in hand, every single day, you will find yourself surfing the internet for hours and hours. With that, let it be said that we have also come to familiarize ourselves with searching hundreds and thousands of things to look for information that we want because let’s face it, we humans, are very curious in nature. Only then do we also realize that we rely on search engines to provide these said information.


Admittedly, we all go to Google and ask numerous questions to look for answers just like how we turn to helpdesk services. And in turn Google will automatically provide us the information we need that are mostly delivered by other people like us who share their experiences and the like through the internet. Read more…

5 Technology Hoaxes & Fake Ads that Successfully Fooled the World

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The first rule of using Internet is ‘don’t believe everything you read on Internet’. This is especially true when you stumble upon some odd news on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. These days, more and more people are getting news through their social networks and blogs. But it’s always good to verify the authenticity of the content and consider the source before sharing any news with your friends.


In today’s post, we would like to share with you some famous fake technology stories that have gone viral on the web in the form of online news and ads. These hoaxes are intentionally crafted by some notorious pranksters, making it looked so real and difficult to tell truth from fiction. We hope you’re not a victim of these pranks. Read more…

30 Really Funny Siri Responses to Weird Questions

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Siri is a famous virtual assistant for iPhone and iPad, assisting users to get information from the Web, make appointments, locate restaurants, etc. But sometimes the helpful assistant can give you hilarious responses if you didn’t specify your questions and commands clearly.


In today’s roundup, we would like to show you 30 absolutely hilarious and stupid conversations between Siri and the users. Get ready to laugh out loud with these Siri responses and its sassy attitude! Read more…

Most Funny iPhone 5 Photos that Will Make You Laugh

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The most anticipated smart phone of 2012 – the iPhone 5 has finally been revealed in San Francisco on Wednesday. It looks pretty much the same as iPhone 4S, still a “retina” display, but a longer screen while maintaining the same width. This allows the new iPhone to display a total of six rows of apps on the screen.


Apple claims that the iPhone 5 is the world’s thinnest smartphone and it’s the most beautiful product they’ve ever made. While millions of Apple fans agree with it, some people, perhaps Android users have different thing to say. Instead of using text to express their thoughts, they choose to “re-design” the iPhone 5. Here we’ve collected some really funny “iPhone 5” photos that will definitely make you laugh out loud. Enjoy! Read more…

Top 10 Google Tricks and Easter Eggs You Must Not Miss

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Google is not only the most used search engine in the world, but also a fun place that filled with lots of entertaining tricks and Easter eggs. Thanks to Google’s engineers spending their time to hide some cool stuffs at some unexpected places giving us pleasant surprises. Today we would like to unveil some of the coolest tricks and Easter eggs hidden in Google. Have fun and don’t forget to share it with your friends!

top_10_best_google_hidden_tricks_and_easter_ eggs

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