20 Most Wanted IFTTT to Make Your Life Easy
If, This, Then and That, then this will happen, then would bring you to what that is called something spectacular. The one of the most simple and free web – based conditional statement service is the IFTTT. These conditional statements involved are called applets. How to use the applets is almost known to everyone one who is reading this. Let’s give it a flashback. Writing #20MostWantedIFTTTtoMakeYourLifeEasy is a conditional, which could get a trigger over a number of platforms like the Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and many others. These are even the flow-tags in the e-mails as well.
Well here we are going to discuss 20 Most Wanted IFTTT to Make Your Life really Easy. Let’s begin:
Don’t miss anything out on offer on eBay. Do you want to be in touch with all attractive and enchanting deals? Then get the eBay triggering applets that would keep you updated with everything that comes up on eBay. Isn’t it good that you would receive the spectacular offers via e-mail an over the specified destination? Yeah it’s favorable for a number of shop alcoholics.
The next awesome IFTTT recipe is the Instagram. Have you ever noticed that Instagram offers the pinning of photos over Facebook, Twitter and other ventures? That’s another applet and certainly best of its kind. What you have to do is to share the image over Instagram and tap the rest, the image will float to those ventures as well.
Another best social media venture is on the recipe of IFTTT. That’s no other than Facebook. Share a post over Facebook and get it viewed by the whole world. All you need to do is to link in your other profiles (based on other mediums) with your Facebook and have it viewed. That’s one of the best way to promote yourself, your business, your products and your services.
Want to save your mails and make them available to a number of other platforms? Then your next IFTTT recipe is Gmail. One of the most convenient and highly recommended emailing segment with variety of services. Just tag your mail, and it gets shared over every other platform, whether a blog, social media, e-mail, instant messenger or anything else.
Slack Channel
#Slack everything you get. Got anything from your vendor, from a business partner, your employer(s), employee or client, share it directly to your main platform. Isn’t it good to stay updated every time? This is what #Slack does for you. It brings up everything on a single plane where everyone could see and review it.
Dropbox is one of the best cloud storage platform. The venture has been offering a valuable storage for business organization to save up commonly used and extensive files over their box for every employee and employer to view. Not just the files, it has the ability to save your photos from Facebook, Twitter and many other social media networks.
The very next recipe is the Amazon Alexa. The platform offer the Hue Light Blinking options. The timer would end up upon your alarm setting. This will hook you up for your errands that are pending to be run by you.
We have a typo-logical content over here in our IFTTT recipe. That’s no other than Evernote. It is the highly used and highly productive diary. Just type your notes, either sitting or on the move, and put it everywhere that’s linked to you. You get it in e-mail, Facebook, Google+ and many other forms. Isn’t it great?
The New York Times
The papers are even contributing to the technology. The New York Times, one of the bestselling newspaper is here over the recipe of the IFTTT. What happens, is that, just mention your interest, and you’ll get updated time to time when there is something of your interest. Like if we have to mention our interests, we’ll go for the new and productive IFTTT recipes, and we’ll get it in our e-mail.
Yet another way to stay automated. Have you got the automated electric system at your home? Then you can get a break from switching your bulbs on and off. Get the Belkin WeMo Bulb Channel over your IFTTT recipe and enjoy your electric and electronic steam in one go. It will light up your house for you.
Do you have interest in the outer space? Then the Tech Giant NASA of the outer space, is even contributing in this context. You’ll get the attractive and beautiful astronomical photographs in your mail, on the daily basis. Wow!
Android Location
The Android Location has too much to offer in the context of IFTTT recipe. It has a number of ingredients, with a variety of tastes. Like you going out for lunch, the app will simply send out a message to your colleagues that you are out for lunch. Want a break? Get the Android Location IFTTT.
Google Calendar
The Google Calendar is the widely used calendar of the present day. You have a birthday coming, a Caturday Party or the pool dining, then your Google Calendar does the trick. Whether it’s Facebook, Gmail, Google+ or any other linked venture, you’ll get yourself updated about upcoming event. Even if you add a contact to your phone, it will pin up on the calendar.
Automobile industry is not lacking anything. It’s evenly in as the rest of the ventures do. The Welcome Back Home tag makes things easier for you. Just pull up on the garage pavement and rest will be done by the BMW app. It will open up your garage, turn on the lights and sets them at 72o.
Four Square
Don’t miss your upcoming gathering. The Four Square does the trick for you, it reminds you for any upcoming event like the calendars do. But the difference is, it even pops up some beautiful photos for you with sweet sounds.
Google Drive
Google is everywhere. You drive, you play, you sleep, you work or do anything and Google will be there with you. Just like the Dropbox, the Google Drive enables you with the same features but a number of more platforms to offer.
Do you want to stay fit? Then you must be looking for the Fitbit. The IFFFT recipe for the Fitbit works as a coach for you which makes you to get smarter. And not just the smartness for you, it is even smart itself. It tells you about the weather updates.
The eight hour app, is even on our list. The IFTTT included Yo in its recipe in 2014. Since then everyone is saying Yo! It’s one of the easiest way to get interacted with your colleagues, fans, friends and else. Just hit the button and send the Yo everywhere.
We don’t want to forget twitting. The Twitter is one of the best IFTTT recipe. Tweet and let the world know that you tweeted. That’s what it can do. It won’t let you live alone in shadows, it will bring you in the brightness.

Author: Angelica Dowson
Angelica Dowson is an exemplary writer when it comes to consultation on tech related issues. She works with TheOneSpy blog as a senior and active contributor to provide her experienced based researches.
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Tags: ifttt, mobile app, social media, web app
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