20 Animated Images & Cinemagraphs by Dunken K Bliths (Part 2)
You’ve probably heard that a picture says more than a thousand words, but what about animated image or cinemagraph? We’ve previously showcased 40 amazing animated photos created by Dunken K Bliths. These GIF masterpieces are more than a picture, but not quite a video. They are visually pleasing, eye catching, and very suitable for advertising purposes.
If our previous showcase of animated GIFs unable to satisfy your hunger for inspiration and creativity, here are another 20 awesome animated pictures that worth your attention too! Any comments or thoughts, please let us know in the comments section below.
- Top 40 Amazing Cinemagraphs – Photography in Motion
- 10 Cool Google+ Plus Animated Profiles to Impress You
Tags: animation, artwork, cinemagraph, inspirational idea, photography