Best Contact Form Plugins for WordPress Blog
Are you looking for a plugin that allows you to add contact form to your WordPress blog? If you ever searched plugins through WordPress plugin directory, you might realize that many of them were out of date or not what you needed. Today, this issue will be ended here as we will introduce you a variety of top WordPress contact form plugins for you to choose. We believe that you will be able to get a good one that is suited for your needs.
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on. You can also install Contact Form 7 to Database Extension plugin that saves submitted form data to the database. It is also applicable for Fast Secure Contact Form (FSCF) plugin. Visit plugin’s official site
Fast Secure Contact Form
This plugin allows a webmaster to easily create and add contact forms to WordPress. The contact form will let the user send emails to a site’s admin. An administration panel is present, where the webmaster can create and preview unlimited forms. This plugin provides an easy admin panel, multi-form feature, auto-responder, no templates to mess with, and an option to redirect visitors to any URL after the message is sent. It also includes CAPTCHA and Akismet support to block all common spammer tactics. You can add extra fields of any type: text, textarea, checkbox, checkbox-multiple, radio, select, select-multiple, attachment, date, time, hidden, password, and fieldset. Visit plugin’s official site
WP Contact Form
WP Contact Form is another drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post.
Custom Contact Forms
This plugin customize every aspect of your forms without any knowledge of CSS: borders, padding, sizes, colors. It uses a custom thank you page or built-in popover with a custom success message set for each form.
Formidable Forms
This plugin lets you easily build forms with a simple drag-and-drop interface and in-place editing. You can construct custom forms or generate them from a template. Shortcodes can be used as well as spam catching services.
The Form Builder Plugin for WordPress allows you to build complex forms in the WordPress administrative interface without needing to know PHP or HTML. It is simple enough for anyone to make them, yet customizable enough to use for the most difficult job.
Enhanced WP Contact Form
This plugin let you easily add a contact form with spam protection to your pages, and get additional data about your visitors with each e-mail.
Contact Form by
Another plugin that provides easy way to get a fully customizable contact form on your WordPress blog.
SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF)
SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered modal contact form. It utilizes the jQuery JavaScript library and the SimpleModal jQuery plugin. SMCF has options to include certain contact form elements, like a Subject field and “Send me a copy” option for the sender. Visit plugin’s official site
Grunion Contact Form
Grunion Contact Form lets you add a contact form to any post or page by inserting [contact-form] in the post. Messages will be sent to the post’s author or any email address you choose. Your email address is never shown, and the sender never learns it (unless you reply to the email). As seen on
Clean-contact hides itself from spam-bots and optionally will filter messages using Akismet. Capctha and skill testing questions not required. The plugin has minimal configuration and can be used out of the box. It is intended to be a simple contact form that is familiar to your users, and doesn’t require them to jump through hoops to send you a message. Visit plugin’s official site
Tiny Contact Form
This plugin lets you add a little form that allows site visitors to contact you by email. What you need to do is using ‘[TINY-CONTACT-FORM]’ within any post or page. You can also add the widget to your sidebar. Visit plugin’s official site
Simple contact form
Simple contact form plug-in provides a simple Ajax based contact form on your WordPress website side bar. User entered details are stored into database and at the same time admin will get email notification regarding the new entry. This plugin has an option to stop sending emails to admin. It generates images (known as “Captcha’s”) which contain security codes used for protecting a form from spam.
A simple plugin for your WordPress blog that enables you to have a contact form with the reCAPTCHA challenge system. All you have to do is install and activate the plugin, enter your reCAPTCHA keys in the Admin section, and place the shortcode [recaptcha_form] on any page or post within your blog. You can optionally specify a theme for the reCAPTCHA box (Red, Blackglass, Clean and White), and you can also specify a different language (Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish).
MM Forms Community
MM Forms Community is an easy form builder for WordPress. The plugin has some basic features like field creator, customize form and mail contents with simple markup, spam filtering with Akismet, captcha prevention and more.
Other Contact Form Plugins
- simpleContact
- Scaleable Contact Form
- Send E-mail
- 123ContactForm for WordPress
- Inquiry Form Creator
- AJAX Contact
- Spam-Free Contact Form
- Custom Google Talk Chatback
- cformsII
- Secure Form Mailer Plugin For WordPress
Tags: free download, free stuff, plugin, web development resources, wordpress resources