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Install Google Maps and YouTube on Apple iOS 6 iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

Updated on by in Mobile

Apple has finally announced the much anticipated iPhone 5, a longer, thinner, lighter and more powerful smart phone powered by iOS 6. The good news for existing iPhone and iPad owners is that the Apple’s latest mobile operating system is available for download now. If you’ve already tried iOS 6, you’ll notice that both Google Maps and YouTube apps are no longer the default mapping and video tools.


If you are one of those Apple fan who can’t live without Google’s online mapping tool and video sharing service, here are 2 quick tutorials which you can follow to “restore” Google Maps and YouTube apps back to your iPhone and iPad while enjoying the new functionalities of iOS 6.

Installing Google Maps App on iOS 6 iPhone and iPad

1. Open the Safari app on your iOS 6 device.

2. Go to


3. Tap on the arrow.


4. Tap “Add to Home Screen”.


5. A menu will appear, tap the Add button.


6. You’ll see the Google Maps icon appears on your home screen and it’s ready to use now.

Installing YouTube App on iOS 6 iPhone

Restoring YouTube app back to your iPhone is as easy as installing a new app on App Store. Here’s a quick tutorial you can follow to install the new YouTube app on your iOS 6 upgraded iPhone. Although the app is tailored for the iPhone, it works on iPad too. An official YouTube app specifically tailored for iPad is believed to be released in the next few months.

1. Go to App Store


2. Enter YouTube and search for it.


3. Select the official YouTube app and install it.


4. Now you’ll see the new YouTube app appears on your iOS 6 powered iPhone. This official YouTube app is an improvement with better social media features.


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