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Tag: keyboard

100 Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know

Updated on by in Software

There are a lot of businesses that focus on the technical side of things. And as many of you believe, there are companies who rely on application and software that tracks the activity rate of its employees. This helps them monitor the activity levels and the projects that employees are currently working on. For one thing, keyboard shortcuts are one of the most effective ways to increase your productivity rate.


Let’s assume that you are the type of person who easily does things without distractions and prefer to do it in one go. So, let’s say you are editing a draft of a book and it needs to go under an ePub conversion services first, and you’ve considered it as ready for publish you just need to add a few images to the document. Well, what if I said that you do not have to move your mouse around to find the right window containing the photos? You can shortcut you way to various actions in your computer with all but a press away. Read more…

10 Best Online Tools to Improve Your Typing Speed

Updated on by in Web Tools

How fast can you type? Can you type at the “speed of thought”? Well most of us spend a large amount of time using computer for works, chat, games and other purposes. Besides having mouse as a pointing device, keyboard is the most common data entry device for both computers and laptops. So there’s a need to improve our typing speed for higher efficiency.

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Many of us have learned typing in computer classes at school, but how many of us really master the typing skill? Can you type properly without looking at the keyboard? Well if you are still not familiar with this touch-type keyboarding skill, here’s your chance. Below we’ve gathered 10 online apps and games that can help you boost up your typing speed. Read more…

How to Use iPhone As a Mouse or Trackpad and Keyboard

Updated on by in Mobile

With the free iPhone app – TouchMouse given away by Logitech, you can turn your iPhone, iPod Touch and even iPad into a wireless mouse or trackpad and keyboard. TouchMouse is definitely a cool app for you to point, click, scroll and type during a presentation, watching movie, surfing internet on your computer from afar, and other applications on a Mac or PC.


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