Posted on
May 21st, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Info & News
Here comes another logo generator! “Design your logo for free.” Did it hitch your attention? It sure did! You must be thinking what else is better than having a freebie? We all love freebies, don’t we? Well, there is no harm in loving freebies, but yes when it comes to your business, you have to think professionally. Saving few bucks is not a good deal. Surely, statements like “We will design your logo, free of cost” grabs your attention but don’t fall for it.
You have planned to bring your idea to life, you are doing everything to give a kick-start to your business, but you seek to save pennies when it comes to designing a logo for your business. Don’t fly in the air when you come across different blog generators. They will try to imprison you by saying “design your logo for free,” but you don’t get hitched. Read more…
Updated on
May 15th, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Tutorials
There are millions of brands, organizations around the world today, some have already made their name and are highly recognized, the same cannot be said for others. One of the factors that make a brand, company or an organization be well recognized is the symbol that represents them, their logo. Think about it, just anything with an Apple or Microsoft logo will experience an outstanding sale, even if there are cheaper substitute in the market, and that is, the power of a logo. Designing a logo was not an easy task, it requires graphic design experience and the general idea of what a logo is i.e. the concept of a logo. This article will help you to get the concept surrounding a logo and show you how to design your own even with little or no graphic design background. Read more…
Posted on
March 8th, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Graphics
Designing a logo that fits perfectly with your brand is something worth selling gold for. Why not? Your logo design is going to represent you at every stage where your business will move. Therefore, regardless of how much you have planned to spend would the ship skin or bear the tides only time or this article will tell, so it is essential to cross-check whether the investment paid off or not.
Once you know all the possible causes that are hindering your logo to dazzle, it will be easier to find spots to fix and make it a game-changing identity. Read more…