5 Useful Tips to Increase and Improve Google PageRank
PageRank is one of the key factors that determine the position of your site in Google search results. It assigns a value (0 ~ 10) to every website indicating how important the website is in the eyes of Google. In short, if your site managed to obtain higher PageRank, it will rank higher in the Google search results.
Generally you can improve the rank of your site by getting more links from high quality sites. However there are still many other ways to improve the visibility of your site in the Google search results. Here are 5 very useful tips you can use to increase the PageRank of your website.
Get More Incoming Links from Highly Authoritative Websites
Without a doubt, the most effective ways of increasing Google Page Rank for your website is to get more incoming links from high quality websites and blogs. The high quality sites we refer here are those websites that receive high volume of traffic on a daily basis. Better yet, get links from high-quality sites that are related to your website’s topic.
For instance, if you are running a blog that talk about social media and Internet, try to get links from popular websites like Mashable.com, TechCrunch.com, ReadWriteWeb.com, etc. You’ll certainly see a big jump in your site’s Google Page Rank.
Make Use of Search Engine Optimization SEO Strategies
If getting quality incoming links is the best way to boost Google PageRank, SEO will definitely be the second best technique. It’s important to fully understand the concept of SEO and apply effective strategies to your website. It will not only improve your PageRank, but also drive more traffic to your website as SEO helps rank your site higher in the Google search results and gain more exposure.
Make Sure Your Content is 100% Original
Another way to improve your Page Rank is to write more original and unique content. Do not copy content from other sites. You should also remember not to reproduce any online content, because Google search engine is too smart to detect duplicated content. Bear in mind that any kind of content scraping will be penalized by Google by downgrading your PageRank.
Write More Quality Content
“When it comes to websites, content is king”. This saying can also be applied on PageRank. You should write more great content, so that more people and websites will want to link to them. This helps your site receives more incoming links. Additionally, you can also leave constructive comments on other sites, write guest posts, or participate in forum. All these strategies help to improve your site’s PageRank over the time.
Do Not Use Any Spammy Tactics
May be this tip should be located in the top place. Before you use any technique to improve your PageRank, you should first avoid some spammy tactics like cloaking, keyword stuffing, paid links, etc. Questionable tricks like link exchange or leaving comments everywhere across the web should also be avoided.
Tags: google, search engine, tips & tricks, web development resources