Wallets are crucial for anyone who invests in cryptocurrency, whether planning to actively trade, invest and wait for the price of the coin to rise or spend crypto at retailers that accept them. Simply using a wallet is not enough, however, so you must also follow best practices to keep your crypto secure. Otherwise, you risk losing funds.
Tag: tips & tricks
Best Practices for Crypto Wallets to Store Coins & Handle Keys
10 Types of Email Titles Most People Will Ignore
Believe it or not, email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels for businesses. After all, the people on your list have already given you permission to email them, so they must be at least somewhat interested in your product or your company. But we all get a lot of email, every single day. Be honest — how many emails from companies do you open, and how many do you delete as soon as they come in?
The best way to get people to open your email is by giving it a great title. The title is the first thing your subscribers see, and if it isn’t a good one, it will probably be the last thing they see before sending your important message straight to the trash. There is a lot of good advice out there about how to write an email title that people will pay attention to. Here are 10 types of email titles that most people will ignore. Read more…
Common Password Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Passwords are arguably the most critical element of cybersecurity in the information age, establishing the first layer of protection against potentially disastrous implications of unauthorized access to private information. Yet, many people continue to make critical mistakes in creating and managing their passwords, which can leave them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This article provides some common password mistakes along with relevant advice on how to avoid them.
How to Unblock Friends / People on Facebook
In this article, we will go through a simple tutorial on how you can unblock someone you’ve previously blocked on Facebook. If you change your mind later, it is easy to block someone on Facebook.
How to Block, Remove & Delete People / Friends on Facebook
If you want to block someone who has been spamming you or hassling you out on Facebook, here is the solution. This article shows you 2 simple tutorials on how to block your friends and unknown people on Facebook, so that they can’t find or see your account. If you change your mind later, it is easy to unblock someone on Facebook. Facebook also allows you to block app invites and event invites from someone.
How to Block People on Facebook Using Privacy Settings Method
Top 12 YouTube Channels to Learn Gaming Tricks
YouTube is one of the top ranking videos watching website all over the world and has videos related to almost everything. If you are a gamer, likes to play games or want to learn new tricks of gaming there are some YouTube channels you should subscribe and learn some cool stuff.
Many professional and non-professional gamers have created their YouTube channel and have different exciting videos for the audience who love games. There are reviews of new and old games on their channel, some tips, and tricks, as well as they, rate different games according to their likings. Read more…
How to Check If Your Accounts Have Been Hacked (Easy Tips)
It’s a matter of technological development that these days we have countless ways of digital connection and communication. These technologies exist all over the world and are available for every person, who has a smartphone, a laptop or a computer with Internet connection.
Such automated processes of interference are beneficial, as they provide us with fast, free or low paid, means of getting information, sharing and exchanging data. However, every fairy tale has its stumbling stone and in the case with modern technologies, we can speak of stealing personal information and its usage for harmful and dangerous purposes.
Experts in this field know that everything can be hacked; nevertheless, there is a way out. Read more…
3 Powerful Psychological Tips for Being a Pro Blogger
Wouldn’t it be great if you could make money just writing about stuff you like online? Welcome to the world of pro blogging. While being a pro blogger is pretty simple for the most part, there can be some tough psychological hurdles to overcome on your path to earning a full-time income blogging. These hurdles include things like your own internal insecurities, and of course outside pressures. The good news is that it’s relatively easy to overcome these issues so let’s take a look at three psychological tips for being a pro blogger.
How to Make Your Video More Engaging and Persuasive
Video production is a valuable skill that can be utilized in just about every industry imaginable. In fact, video marketing is one of the most powerful tools available to businesses in 2019. As we move into another decade, we will begin to see more platforms taking full advantage of video-forward content and optimizing their user interfaces to help people engage more visually with the brands they’re interacting with.
To make your videos truly stand out among the crowd, here are a few tips to keep in mind. Read more…
10 Skills Every IT Professional Needs on Their Resume
It’s fair to say that the world has gone digital. While there are still some places without decent internet coverage, it is generally possible to connect with anyone at anytime. This has led to an explosion in global businesses as even the smallest trader can offer their wares around the globe. But, it has also led to a desperate need for IT professionals.
The Role Of The IT Professional
An IT professional is someone that creates computer systems and the infrastructure needed to support businesses. This includes purchasing the hardware and software resources to ensure all employees are properly connected to the network with adequate access to the systems. Read more…
20 Best Tips for Beginners in Blogging
Being a blogger is getting more and more popular and it doesn’t surprise me. A blog is not only your chance to express yourself but also to help others, give pieces of advice, share your pictures or artistic creations, and even make money and get discounts. Some bloggers produce content themselves while others use various services like Writingcheap or similar. It’s up to you to decide which way to go.
Although it seems that becoming a blogger is a tough task, it’s still pretty easy to accomplish. The competition in the media market is high enough nowadays due to the great number of influencers and people trying to get through. There are over 2 billion bloggers in the world today! Nevertheless, there are special rules, life hacks, and tips for starting a successful blog. But before we get to the point, let’s get a clear understanding of a blogger. Read more…
Top 20 Tips for Beginner Bloggers
Your passion for writing might be the driving force to you starting a blog. However, content generation takes more than passion. Tons of bloggers exist in the digital space, which means competition for an audience is very high. As a beginner, it can quickly frustrate and discourage you if you are giving your very best on articles and still receiving slow traffic. That is an indicator that you need to learn more about blogging other than typifying in a bunch of words to come up with an article.
With so many experts to compete with, you need several survival skills that will shed a little light on how you can manage your brand and stand out amidst the stiff competition. Here are 20 tips that every beginner in blogging should run with: Read more…
7 Tips to Build a Platform as a Social Media Influencer
There are so many factors to consider when you’re looking to create a name for yourself on social media. Often times, people look at the number of social media influencers and assume that the market is already saturated. Truthfully, you’ve only seen the beginning of social media influencing. This niche will continue to expand. As a result, brands and major companies will continue to look for people who are willing to promote various products on their respective pages. If you’re truly interested in making this a career, consider the following seven tips to get started.
10 Ways / Methods to Access Restricted Folders in Windows
Can’t access a folder on your PC? Access Denied file permission errors can occur due to many reasons. So the solutions to the problems are many as well. Here is a list of easiest folder access solutions you can try without needing coder-level knowledge:
10 Best Twitch Tips & Tricks for Streamers to Grow Channel
Twitch is streaming platform for gamers. Having said that it is not only about watching live streaming of video games instead it encompasses live broadcasts of different artists, chefs and even musicians. Furthermore, you can expect a rerun of classic TV shows.
The interface is pretty straightforward when it comes to Twitch. However, if you are not familiar with it, you can miss out on certain features as well as opportunities to make money. Read more…