Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Web Development
In the past few years, Google has made a number of meaningful changes to its search algorithms in order to supply people with better content. Though older search engines focused on keyword optimization and the volume of content a site was producing, Google’s new algorithms prioritize user-friendly websites that create their own original content and publish lengthy, well-researched articles.
Google’s changes to its search algorithms have inspired a new wave of search engine optimization strategies. In addition to being concerned with quality more than quantity, modern search algorithms also take social media presence into account as well as the overall design and usability of a site. As a result, content marketing, web design, and social media marketing have become crucial components of current SEO practices. Read more…
Updated on
July 24th, 2018
by Quertime Team in Web Development
I believe most of the website owners or bloggers have ever considered hiring a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm to perform various online marketing services for their website. This is especially true when the websites or blogs experienced a drastic drop in web traffic due to impacts like Google Panda and Google Penguin. Some new websites that struggled to take their web traffic to the next level after certain period of time will also desperately ask for help from SEO service providers.
Now here’s a question. How can every SEO Internet marketer promise each of their clients to show up on the first page of Google natural search results? Well my answer is that some can deliver while the others can’t. And that’s the reason why I write this article sharing 6 valuable tips to help you make the right decision when hiring a SEO company. Read more…
Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Social Media
After black hat SEO, now comes black hat SMO (social media optimization). Black hat strategy is quickly gaining grounds, spawning new ways to spam the web. The effects are three-fold: users, businesses and sites themselves. While black hat SMO and SMM is happening for about three years or so, discussions regarding such are limited. Search Engine Land started the topic, and we will continue it here.