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Tag: web development resources

17 Best Tools to Get More Backlinks to Boost Your SEO and PageRank

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Link building plays an important role to determine the success of your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Every webmaster wants to get higher search result ranking for website or blog. If you managed to get your targeted keywords ranked on the first page of Google search results, you’ll receive tremendous traffic to your site. On the contrary, if your site is not SEO optimized with targeted keywords appeared on page 5, 6 or 7, people are unlikely to reach your page. In short, the better your website is SEO optimized, the more traffic you’ll receive. And, the most effective way to boost your site’s SEO is through link building.


There are many ways can be used to reach out webmasters and drive backlinks from their sites for free, but most of them are time consuming. In today’s post, we would like to recommend you some reputable and reliable tools that can make the process much faster and easier, bringing your link building and SEO campaigns to the next level! Read more…

4 Ways to Check If Google Has Penalized / Banned Your Website

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Every month Google will make a number of changes, both major and minor, on its search results ranking algorithm to stay relevant for search queries. Since the release of Google’s major update called Panda in 2011, most of the websites and blogs were affected significantly. Some webmasters were benefited from the update, receiving record-high traffic and ad revenue. On the other side of the coin, many site owners and bloggers were hit badly, experiencing a drastic drop in web traffic up to 80%.


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15 Free, Open Source Web Hosting Control Panels to Manage Servers

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If you happen to be a web developer running multiple websites on a dedicated or VPS servers, then you should consider using a dedicated control panel for better web server management. This also applies to bloggers that run several blogs and online portfolios simultaneously. A customizable, flexible and dedicated control panel helps to fulfil bloggers’ various needs, allowing them to manage multiple servers from one control panel, easily and effectively.


Here we’ve gathered 15 powerful and reliable web hosting control panels that are specifically designed for Internet service providers and IT professionals. Do let us know in the comments box below if we’ve missed any worth-sharing hosting control panels. Read more…

67 Google PageRank 10 and 9 Websites You Must Know

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At the time of writing, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo! and are the top 5 most popular websites according to, but none of them have Google PageRank (PR) 10. Why these sites can’t score the highest PR even Google itself? This is absolutely a great topic for discussion.


Many webmasters and bloggers trying all they can to pursue a higher PageRank because it’s one of the key factors determining how good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) a site gets. A website with a higher PageRank tends to have better SEO, making it ranks higher in the Google search results and receives more traffic. While PageRank’s link analysis algorithms are constantly changing, but the golden rule for building up PageRank is still getting quality backlinks from authoritative sites that are related to your niche. Read more…

5 Bulletproof SEO Tips for your Website or Blog

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There are numerous search engine optimization tips tossed around all over the web and many sites have their top ten, top 20 and even top 50 lists of things that a proper SEO campaign must have. Unsurprisingly, SEO can easily become confusing to anyone just starting out in the business of optimizing their web pages. Aside from all the confusion, there is also the question of all those Google algorithm updates that everyone seems to keep talking about and describing ways to deal with them. Finally there is the whole confusing issue of what constitutes “bad” black hat SEO and “good” White hat SEO. Again, confusion isn’t hard to come by.


Despite all the different tips and tricks scattered across the internet, despite the constant Google updates and despite the varying definitions of both white hat and black hat SEO, there are in face several absolutely bulletproof and rock solid SEO procedures that always apply and almost certainly always will apply to any website despite any algorithm changes or new trends. Let’s go over these now. Read more…

How to Setup and Configure WP Super Cache Plugin for WordPress Blog

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WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are commonly used caching plugins to improve the performance of WordPress blogs. However these two plugins are not recommended to be installed together as they might conflict with each other. That’s the reason why many bloggers are trying to find out which one is better for improving server performance, reducing download times, caching site, and most importantly speeding up the page load time.


We at have been using both WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache for a pretty long period of time. After comparing the two plugins, we’ve decided to stick with the latter. This is because WP Super Cache is easier to setup and configure, and more importantly the plugin managed to reduce the page load time of our site up to 50 percent, which is very impressive. Read more…

Easy Way to Back up Your WordPress Blog to Dropbox

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How have you been backing up your WordPress files and database? Are you using the right method to back up your WordPress sites? Well, Backing up files is one of the most important routine tasks every WordPress blogger should perform at least on weekly basis. Without a proper backup, all your hard work might be wiped away in minutes due to web hosting or server breakdown, wrong plugin installed, or conflicts within WordPress system itself.


Additionally hackers, malware, viruses are everywhere on the web trying to access website like yours. If you don’t want to be the next cyber victim, make sure all your website files and database are saved in somewhere safe. In case your site is down for whatever reasons, you can use your backup to restore your site immediately making it up and running again. Otherwise I bet you wouldn’t have motivation to start your site all over again from zero. Read more…

20 Most Recommended Blogging Tools and Applications

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Which is the best tool you must use to enhance your blogging experience? In today’s fast changing Internet world, no matter you are a beginner or professional blogger, you should always keep yourself updated with the latest blogging tips, tricks and tools so that you won’t left behind by your competitors. We at have been consistently searching for something that’s truly beneficial to serious bloggers. Below we’ve recommended 20 hottest blogging tools to help you bring your blog to the next level.


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Why is Your WordPress Blog Extremely Slow?

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WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms used by millions of bloggers worldwide. While it’s free, easy to use and equipped with tons of awesome features from plug-in architecture to template system, the CMS (content management system) sometimes has some common issues that make your blog slow.


When a visitor reaches your WordPress blog, the server processes PHP scripts and establishes a database connection. The higher traffic your blog receives, the slower this process becomes. However not all slow page loads are caused by web traffic, here are 2 common causes of the problem and our recommendations to fix them in minutes! Read more…

5 Useful Tips to Increase and Improve Google PageRank

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PageRank is one of the key factors that determine the position of your site in Google search results. It assigns a value (0 ~ 10) to every website indicating how important the website is in the eyes of Google. In short, if your site managed to obtain higher PageRank, it will rank higher in the Google search results.


Generally you can improve the rank of your site by getting more links from high quality sites. However there are still many other ways to improve the visibility of your site in the Google search results. Here are 5 very useful tips you can use to increase the PageRank of your website. Read more…

6 Useful Google PageRank Tools Every Webmaster Must Know

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Google PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google Search Engine to determine the importance of every webpage. It assigns a numerical weighting to each webpage ranging from 0 to 10. In Google’s eyes, the higher PageRank a webpage obtains the more important it is. In most of the cases, websites with higher PageRank will get better ranking in Google’s search results. That’s the reasons why many web developers and website owners are working hard to get better PageRank.


Google takes many factors into consideration when it calculates a PageRank for a particular website, but the most important factor is still the quality and quantity of incoming links a webpage has. Therefore one of the best ways to improve your PageRank is to get more quality links. In today’s post, we would like to recommend 6 Google PageRank tools and Add-ons that every web developer and website owner should use or at least know them. Read more…

Top 14 Best HTML5 Code Generators, Makers, Frameworks and Editors

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Similar to CSS3 makers, there are quite a number of HTML5 generators available on the web. Despite many developers prefer to use HTML5 Boilerplate which is a popular HTML, CSS and JS template already filled out and ready for them to work with, we think it’s still worthwhile to share some of the quality HTML5 generators for you to try out. Below we’ve listed 14 HTML5 code generators, frameworks and editors that worth your attention. We hope these online tools will help your web design jobs easier.


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Top 21 Best CSS3 Code Generators, Makers and Editors

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CSS3 is the lastest standard for CSS which is used to determine and control the style and layout of webpages. It’s changing the way we build our websites. Despite many developers still have doubts and questions about the future of CSS3, there are those out there that are moving forward and creating cool stuff with this new feature.


One of the best ways to try out new language is through online tools. Today will be sharing 21 great CSS3 generators and editors which you can use to generate codes, to learn and to play with them. These free online tools are incredibly useful for both beginner designers and professional web developers especially when it comes to doing repeated works. We hope you’ll like them. Read more…

37 Best Free Website Building Tools to Create Your Site Easily

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For those who are looking for some great web tools to create websites for free, pay attention on this post! Well, not everyone is willing to pay premium to set up a website. May be you just want to own a simple website for a temporary purpose, or you have to produce a website on a budget.


Fortunately, there are many useful web applications available which allows you to put up a website without spending a dime. Below we’ve rounded up 37 best free website builders to fulfil your needs of both web design and development. We hope these top notch free website building tools can help you to create a professional-looking website with ease. Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box below. Read more…

Using SEO to Expand Your Web Traffic from Local to International Audiences

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The first question you probably ask when concerning SEO is usually, what is it? Well the initials stand for Search Engine Optimization, and it means exactly what it says. You use SEO strategies to make your website appear in online search engines more frequently and on the top of the search page with your keywords. It may sound a little complicated, but it really isn’t.


When you use a search engine you are using a keyword or words to find the most relevant content that applies to you. This is the search engines job, and it can be pretty difficult sifting through billions of web pages worldwide to find you the most relevant article. To make this job easier, search engines use complex algorithms with data collected from every webpage around the world to create relevant search results. Read more…