18 Best Twitter Tools to Track Latest and Hot Online Trends
Twitter is one of the best social networking sites for tracking emerging trends. Whenever there’s a breaking news or big event, people tweet about it and these trending topics will show up on the Twitter’s homepage and its Search page. Additionally, there are tons of third-party Twitter tools available on the Web helping people to monitor and keep track of latest trends as well as popular hashtags. Here’s a list of 18 best Twitter trend tools you can use to find out the hottest topics on Twitter and to understand what’s happening now in any part of the world.
If you know of any Twitter trend tool that is not listed here, please let us know in the comments section below.
Twitter Search
One of the easiest ways to see hot trends on Twitter is on their homepage and search page. Clicking any trends will get a stream of tweets on that particular subject.
With TweetMeme, you can find the most popular links from Twitter for you to retweet. It categorizes these links into different channels making it easy to find what you’re interested in.
Trendsmap.com is a real-time mapping of Twitter trends across the world. You can select any region from the map and click on a tag to get a stream of tweets on that particular subject.
Hashtags.org provides hashtags analytic reports which allow users to know what’s happening now on Twitter. The Twitter tool also lists a number of topics along with their related hashtags.
WhatTheTrend lets users to track Tweet trends on Twitter. The online service also makes a stab at explaining what they are about.
Monitter is a real-time Twitter search tool that allows you to monitor a set of keywords on Twitter. It also allows you to narrow the search to a particular geographic location, allowing you to find out what’s going on in a particular part of the world.
Twitterfall is designed to allow Twitter users to view upcoming trends and patterns posted by users in the form of tweets.
Twubs are Twitter groups built around content aggregated from #hashtags. You can view the full social landscape of a Twub with tools such as Live Tweet Feed which pulls in external images, videos and links, and their Tweetups & Events Scheduler.
Tinker helps you discover and join the top conversations on Twitter and Facebook. It allows you to search for the top news, events, topics and places people are talking about.
A real-time geographic visualization of posts to Twitter.
Twistori provides dynamic stream of Tweets that include words such as love, hate, think and believe.
TwittURLs displays all the popular links that have been tweeted on Twitter. It also has a mobile version so that you can stay updated with popular links while on the go.
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Tags: social media, twitter, web app
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