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Most Effective and Proven Tips to Get More Followers on Twitter

Updated on by in Social Media

Twitter is one of the great ways to promote yourself or your business. Its brief post, active users base and real time updating capabilities provide you an easy way to reach a large number of people in a short period of time. If you are reading this post with the intention of getting more followers on Twitter, here’s the right place!


Today we will be sharing 11 really useful tips that can quickly multiply your followers count! You will be surprised with the excellent results after following all the tips. If you know of any great tips on getting more Twitter followers, feel free to suggest them in the comments below.

Before getting into the topic, please ensure that you’ve done the following:

  • Write up a Good Bio
    It’s important to let people know who you are and what you’re interested in.
  • Create an Attractive Background
    Create a unique and eye-catching background is a must to attract people’s attention and make them remember you.
  • Create a Good Avatar
    Show a good photograph of yourself. Don’t shrink it down as it’s good to let people to click on it and see the larger version.

Once you’ve completed the 3 things as mentioned above, here’s the best tips to help you get more followers on Twitter:

1. Tweet Often with Great Stories
Keep tweeting with something useful, interesting or funny. Make it 3 ~ 10 times a day, but don’t overtweet! You may get some good tweeting materials from websites like StumbleUpon, Digg, etc.

2. Follow People Who Have the Same Interests as You
Look for people who have the same or similar interests as you, reply their tweets and then follow them. Your response will show them that you have something in common, and make it more likely that they’ll follow you back. You may use Twitter Search to find people you want.

3. Follow Everyone Who Follows You
The main purpose of this practice is to prevent people from unfollowing you. This is because your followers might unfollow you if they notice that you didn’t follow them back. This practice will also give you some exposures to their followers when they respond to you publicly. You may use auto-follow tool to help you instead of doing it yourself.

4. Follow People who Autofollow
You may follow “Twitter celebrities” as they are likely to follow you back automatically. Simply search for “Popular Twitter Accounts” or “Top Twitters” on the web to get those popular Twitter accounts.
(Example: Follow everyone on the list at SocialNewsWatch in order to get some easy new followers.)

5. Unfollow People Who Aren’t Following You Back
This practice is important to “clean up” your list to avoid follow limits. To save your time, following services can help you with that:

6. Follow People Who are Spam Follower
Spam followers will have 1,000 + people they are following but only 5 to 150 followers in return.

7. Make Use of Twitaholic
Make use of Twitaholic as this web service provides top Twitter user rankings and statistics. You can also use it to compare your Twitter account against those in your same location.

8. Ask People to Retweet for You
Always remind your followers to retweet for you as some of them might not be familiar with the nature of retweeting.

9. Add Your Twitter Link on Your Website, Email Signature and Any Other Social Media Profiles
This will help people who are already interested in what you’re doing follow you.

10. Make use of Hashtags
Add hashtags to your tweets, and also create tweets based on hashtags that are popular on Twitter at the time.

11. Twitter Enhancement Services
Use Twitter enhancement services to quickly gain followers safely with guaranteed results.


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