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Tag: twitter

15 Types of Social Media Fans and Followers

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What is the one thing all your social media followers and fans have in common? Quite simply, they follow you across your different social media accounts. In many instances, this is where the similarity ends. Your social media fans can range greatly – from fans who re-pin, Like and retweet your posts at every opportunity, to the furious ‘fans’ who follow you across various platforms to share their negative customer experience.


By gaining a greater understanding of the different types of consumers of your social media posts, you can form a solid strategy to generate engaging content. Hitting the right note with your posts is crucial to get your followers to take action and share, like, comment and repost your content. Read more…

40 Best Social Media Search Engines to Find People & Profiles

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In the interconnected world of social media, the abundance of information can often feel overwhelming. Whether you’re reconnecting with an old friend, researching for professional purposes, or tracking online presence, the right social media search engine can make a world of difference. These tools are instrumental in discovering individuals, their profiles, and their mentions across the expansive landscape of social platforms.


Let’s delve into some of the best social search engines that facilitate discovering people, social profiles, and mentions across various platforms. Read more…

20 Most Shocking Social Media Facts and Secrets

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The worldwide population is more than 7 billion and of that 7 billion, 3.5 billion have internet access. 2.3 billion People worldwide are active social media users.


The world seems smaller now as there are various apps available now which help you communicate with people across the globe. Using social media, you can share news with a friend thousands of miles away and share it with other like-minded people around the world. This can be both a blessing and a curse. Read more…

30 Most Popular Tweets of All Time

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In March 2006, Jack Dorsey introduced to the world a new medium of expressing their views and thoughts in the form of 140-character messages that later on known as “tweets”. You know what I am talking about and what is that medium, right?


Twitter, soon gained popularity and has more than 300 million active users. The very fact that every well-known person be it politicians, sportsperson, actors/actresses etc. are on Twitter. Jack Dorsey changed the world with five words i.e. “just setting up my twttr“. It was the first tweet and bring in along the opportunities that we enjoy today. Read more…

15 Secrets About Celebrities’ Instagram and Other Social Media

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Only a few years ago, celebrities seemed so far away. We only get to see them in movies, magazines, and television interviews. Today, with the widespread use of social media, we get to see the inside of their house, their bedroom, and even their bathrooms. They invite us into their lives with every post, tweet, and photo. They keep on updating us, and we find ourselves asking for more.


But how can they be so active in real life and still be active in their virtual lives? Celebrities are working round the clock, they’re on a shoot, on stage, on tour, on interviews, how can they possible post about the latest happenings in their lives? Read more…

How Celebrities Make Big Money from Social Media

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Do you know how much Kim Kardashian rakes in with just a single tweet? It’s a $10,000 and it is just a piece of the pie. The world’s most famous and affluent people today are cashing in their star power to earn thousands of dollars, including the likes of Selena Gomez, Charlie Sheen, and Lindsay Lohan.


When an anonymous user posts a selfie, it’s not a big deal. This is why many big brands turn to celebrities to promote their brands or endorse a product. The influx of celebrities on social media means that these brands can leverage the influence of celebrities to increase the outreach of their brand. Read more…

How Social Media Personalities Make Money Online

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The 21st century has brought in a new era of millionaires that are gaining their wealth from social media. Gone are the days when young people had to go and look for their first job earning a few dollars a day to then work through until their retirement and earn a pension. The game has changed and social media personalities on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and more are breaking the bank with their new found wealth.


These people who build their social media audience are able to build their own brand, which they can monetise to earn an income and accumulate wealth. Web marketing agency Digital Next provide a few examples of social media celebrities that have mastered the way to make money from social media. Read more…

Top 20 Celebrities Making Mad Money on Social Media

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Just how much cash are celebrities making by endorsing products on their social media pages? It’s funny that someone somewhere gets paid for taking a selfie or standing next to a new sports car. The simple reason being the tyranny of numbers. They have a lot of followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Unlike most of us who might not even get a thousand likes for posting an impeccable photo, these are celebrities are sure to get a couple of hundred thousand likes for posting the silliest photo and a caption you have ever come across.


Endorsements are not a 21st century innovation. The innovation is integrating these product endorsements into social media platforms. Read more…

20 Vine Tips: How to Make Your Social Videos Stand Out

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In a world where everyone can create their own videos using their hand-held devices, how will you make yours stand out? Not only that, how will you make a video stand out if you only have 6 seconds at it? That’s the real challenge. And yes, we are talking about Vine. Developed by Twitter and launched in 2012, Vine is a video-sharing service that conforms to six-second-long videos.


Make your Vine videos stand out with these practical tips. Read more…

Lessons from 15 People Made Famous by Social Media

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The new generation of young celebrities are not necessarily singers and actors. Many up and coming rich and famous people have found their way into celebrity status through social media.


On platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and Vine, ordinary people are gaining massive followings and weaving their way into the hearts of millions, all while making some money on the side too! Read more…

Snapchat vs Twitter: Who Wins The War?

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Although Snapchat doesn’t presently have the earning power of Twitter or Facebook, the situation may change in the near future. Snapchat is often called an “underdog” in this fierce media race, however, its history of innovation and new and stylish user base make it stand out from other social media platforms.


Snapchat, as well as Twitter, were thought to be the serious threats to Facebook. Read more…

15 People Who Got Famous and Rich on Social Media

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A majority of people today use social media, but did you know you could become famous or rich on social media? There have been many people who have done just that. We’re going to look at a few of them and see just how they did it.


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Top 5 Social Media Journalists You Should Follow on Twitter

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Social media changed the face of journalism once and for all. We are no longer forced to read unintelligible journalistic style that was characteristic for old-school newspapers. Today, the news is brief, simple, and easy to comprehend. The most popular journalists understand they have to build a good connection with their readers. Social media is part of their profession – they have a responsibility to spread their honest voice throughout the world. You definitely should follow professional journalists to find out about new trends.


As a result, we have an entirely new category in this profession: social media journalists. They are clear, influential, receptive, and powerful. They have a global reach and they take the responsibility of informing the public very seriously. Read more…

Twitter’s Plan to Remove Share Counts Could Impact Your Site

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Twitter is a leading social media platform and just about every business that is worth its salt has an active Twitter handle. Ever since people discovered that social media is not just a place to share gossip and show off their ‘selfie’ skills, they have been using Twitter to make money. You can do social media marketing as a career to make that money or choose some other avenue. However, one thing that is notable about all online businesses is that they are not static. They are constantly changing as changes are being made to the online platforms to improve user experience.


So what has Twitter done recently to change their site? Well, a few months ago the company stated that they will be releasing some new, fancy tweet buttons. Read more…

10 Ways How Hackers Attack Your Social Media Accounts

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A decade ago, it was simply our personal computers that we wanted to protect when it came to computing. However, nowadays the stakes are much higher and the things we have to worry about in much greater numbers. For instance, the banking accounts that we use online or even social media can be the target of attacks. That’s why Facebook more or less recently launched partnership with Kaspersky in order to make their whole experience more secure. Along with that, were launched some pages and exclusive content explaining how exactly the dynamics of security really worked when it came to social media.


Did you know your social media content and activity could be at risk? Read more…