9 Most Effective Social Media Management Strategies
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going! Competition in any business is increasing, especially in the field of social media where it has become a manifold in recent years. New social networking sites are appearing and more and more customers are becoming members (only in LinkedIn, one new member joins every 2 seconds). Hence, it becomes very much necessary to manage your social media to keep business growing.
It is also true that using only the old strategies of social media management would no longer suffice. New experiments and testing must be done to create a fresh social media strategy. Here are some new methodologies for social media management, which one should use to accelerate his business.
Strategy #1 Selecting the Right Platform
There are so many social media platforms, giving you an opportunity to choose one that suits your business best. There are other options beyond Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. Choose the best five from the sea of social networking sites because it is practically not possible to manage your social media sites if they are too many. The right social media strategy is to choose only as much social media as you can manage.
Strategy #2 Creating a New Way of to Say ‘Thank you’
In the past, the two simple words ‘thank you’ is used to acknowledge the audience. This method still works and results in approximately 25% increase in followers. Every 1 out of 4 persons whom you have sent a ‘thank you’ message can become a follower. Nevertheless, Jason (2014) from GrowthHackers.co suggests adding more spice to the simple ‘thank you’. He came up with the idea of an animated form of saying ‘thank you’, which seems even more awesome. This strategy has really worked because it is not just one social media strategy – it is a mixture of two strategies (‘thank you’ and ‘animation’).
Strategy #3 Considering the Role of Analytics
There are hundreds of tools available for analyzing your social media campaign. Use them to understand the successes or failures of your strategies. These tools will ensure whether or not your social media strategy is going the right direction. Collect reports, organize and analyze the data and decide to adapt a corrective action if things are not going your way.
Strategy #4 Using Social Sharing Buttons
You should test the position of your social share buttons when you manage your social media content. Based on initial findings, Toha (2014) mentioned that there can be a 50% increase in the rate of sharing through using a floating sidebar that has sharing buttons. Still, there is no final position for share buttons because it depends on your definite page. Sometimes, a better social media strategy is to delete totally the share buttons. Some high-ranking companies have adjusted to this style and had positive results.
Strategy #5 Using Images and Videos
Images and videos are timeless and always give desirable results. People generally get more attracted by images rather than the text. Make good use of colors, but don’t overdo it. Similarly, your videos must be professional, informative and elegant.
Strategy #6 Reposting
Tweeting a duplicate content again and again does not look like a great idea. Still, reposting always gives you some results, although the influence of every repost becomes less than the former one. Try to understand it with this example – you can get the maximum quantity of sugarcane juice when you crush it for the first time; fold the sugarcane and crush it again and you’ll again have some juice, but in lesser quantity. Repeat this procedure 4–5 times and you will draw the maximum amount of sugarcane juice.
The same is true with reposting. When you first post your content, you get the maximum output (say 80% increase). On reposting, you may get 60% outcome, and third time, the result will be approximately 40–50%. Hence, you may want to repost the same content at least 5 times. Ultimately, the final decision of reposting rests on you. Just check the impact and then decide how many times you need to repost.
Strategy #7 Initiating Competition that Attract Engagement
Offer gifts to people who follow you on social media in the form of discounts and giveaways. Create exciting contests or quizzes to attract audiences. Of course, your audience should get something for liking your page or for being your fan or follower. This is a simple yet very effective method to manage your social media, as it gives rise to publicity.
Strategy #8 Not Trying Intensely
There are some factors that show you are struggling too hard – these factors are overuse of hashtags, punctuation marks, exclamation points, emoticons and capital letters. All of these factors can adversely affect your social media management. Don’t forget, these factors make your posts seem like spam and compel the audience to delete them even without reading.
Strategy #9 Being Aware of Current Events
People are well aware of current events. Talking or gossiping about the current events and happenings is a common hobby. Use these current events to increase your visibility on social media. Don’t you think posting a contest based on Christmas is a good idea, when Christmas day is about to come? Mix the contest with your services or products with Christmas to get the best output. Holidays, special events or special interest events are some occasions that you can use as a marketer.
These are some awesome strategies that you can follow. There is no harm in using some other’s social media strategy and make it work for your brand or your business. There are also many social media dashboard tools available that can help you in social media management such as Cyfe, Hootsuite, Sendible, Social Sprout, Buffer and many others. All these strategies and tools, if used wisely, can remarkably increase both your visibility and your business success.

Author: Andy Thompson
Andy Thompson has been a freelance writer for a long while. Her passion in writing is her main drive in crafting articles that are engaging, informative, and meaningful. Her partnership with TroopSocial has given her a whole new opportunity to take writing to a whole new level.
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Tags: business, smm, social media, tips & tricks
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