10 Social Media Hacks to Improve User Engagement
Around 94% of the SMBs strengthen the social media in the United States for marketing to their customers. And, it’s been found that many of those are very good at it. 60% of SMBs declared that social media marketing has received new audiences and opportunities to improve their branding.
When your business becomes more successful, then it might become better at social media marketing. It has also been discovered that 91% improved brand awareness through social media and 82% gathered leads through users, brand awareness and leads.
- A vast number of SMBs (nearly 43%) spent more than 6hours in a week on social media marketing.
- Nearly third of SMBs post in social media many times per week while others post once in a while.
- The most consuming time of social media marketing is to search for the right content.
And it’s very common that a minimum number of owners try to lower the time spent on social media so that it benefits the organization.
Here is a list of top 10 tips to squeeze your time from the Social Media Marketing!
1. Do a Mini-Brainstorm Session
If there is any social media site that you wish to give more importance so that it might help you to increase your followers? Then you have to do a bit more brainstorm session.
According to a study, it shows that a small business can be made of two members, with one as the proprietor for building the marketing of business. Since two members will be better than having one, creative ideas and brainstorming gets best with more groups.
If the size of your team is not sufficient then pull people from other sessions. Meet them once in a week to get ideas to put weight in your brand on social media. The interaction with team mates helps you to refresh your offer insights that you will never notice otherwise.
Look at the content given on the site and create notes about those that connect your fans. Continue writing all that comes to your mind and the best part of it is that it is free.
2. Know What’s Trending
Updating the content of the social media is another important task. Contents that are constantly buzzing around get more views and shares on social networking sites.
For example, Google’s mobile update content was tempered few months ago, as users liked to know how to recover, tackle and expect.
Google Trends and Brand Watch are the pick tools that can be used to stay up to date on the World Wide Web. Try to comment on the trending topics to start a new discussion with your customers.
3. Get Outsourced
On certain days, you might not have enough time to do it daily especially when you boil down. Most of the people will be experience such feeling that they are falling behind on all the work that they have. Once you get to know about it, reduce your load and ask someone else to make it out for you.
Outsource sites have freelance writers, which might help you to view your work prior to assigning your content. Tools like Due let you to find the number the hours put by creators, which makes your payment process simple.
4. Curate your Content
It is not necessary that all the content have to be created from scratch. Repins, shared posts and retweets of certain famous content can happen on social media. Reducing your content creation costs and freeing up your time by curating content will be appreciated by your customers.
Stumble Upon is a bookmarking tool to discover interesting content. Don’t forget to acknowledge the correct sources while reposting the content on pages.
5. Time in Right
Timing is about all. Don’t post your content when your customers are working or asleep. Make a deep research on social media to search about your most engaged user.
Here are few rules of thumb:
- Mostly Tweeters involve before and after completing work.
- Engagement in Facebook is essential, but usage increases only after work.
- Time zone will seriously make a difference.
- Posting during the late night and early in the morning will get more engagement than other times.
- Various countries and cultures have different intervals that may be before or after lunch and work.
6. Get Found with Hashtags
The higher you use social media, the more is the keyword terms you think. You will guess about the words that people search that helps them to identify on Facebook or tweet update.
If you have a doubt about something is a hashtag, then search for it. Social networking sites like Twitter, Google+, and Facebook use them quite often. For example, #contentmarketing can be used if your content revolves around marketing. Before posting the content, check if it could be converted into hashtag.
7. Use the Right Social Media Management Tools
The size of your company, your posting frequency and the accounts you operate determines your social media calendar. Posting the content across several social networks will be a huge process. Not only that you can post simultaneously on multiple platforms but you can schedule the content that needs to be posted. There are a variety of tools to help you out of that.
Try to make a balance between real human interaction and automation when you automate.
8. Recycle your Content
Just like how the planet likes to recycle materials to reusable ones, your past posts have made it worth and have customers who already love them.
So select the old content after making certain changes to reload it and make it better here and there.
9. Hack your Audience
Research is an option to understand what makes customers tick. Analyze campaign engagement, but you must also try to scope your content engagement industry wide. You can use research tools to search about what your industry is up to. Keep the page responsive and up-to-date to feed data, content and information on social media regularly.
10. Comment on your Favorite Blogs
Take enough time to read the whole article and share this post to your friends if you find it useful and also feel free to comment about your suggestions and ideas regarding the article.
We hope that all these tips would help you make best out of your social media. Whether you have a small or large business, getting the right social media is important to stay signed in with your customers and industry.

Author: Iswarya Ram
Iswarya Ram is a social media geek and trainer working for IT Job Training and Placement in Chennai. She’s a digital marketing expert and offers training on social media and SEO. Apart from work she loves watching cricket and she’s also a movie enthusiast!
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