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Tag: amazon

Useful Tips to Improve Amazon Sales Rank

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Are you an online seller struggling to rank your product high on Amazon and boost your sales? Then you’ve come to the right place. When you’re an online merchant, your Amazon sales rank is very important to revenue. Improving your Amazon sales rank gets your products in front of potential buyers, and products that are showcased on the first page of search results sell the best.


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15 Amazon’s Top Seller Success Secrets to Learn From

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Amazon is one of the best sellers online. They sell a lot of items to their clients and the company became popular amid clients across the world due to its variety of services. The company could earn scores of clients around the world due to their reliable services. The success of the company came from their many years consistent efforts and they didn’t gain success from a day. There is no company in the world that became successful in their business in a day and they became thriving due to their commitment and hard work.


Being a successful selling company in the world, Amazon offer a variety of services in different categories, ranging from arts to video games. Here are 15 Amazon’s top seller success secrets to learn from: Read more…

Amazon vs Alibaba: Who is the Global e-Commerce Winner?

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Who gets the top crown of global ecommerce king – American Amazon, or Chinese Alibaba? Here we look at some of the key things that separate these platforms from each other; and what that means for sellers, shoppers, and investors. Let the ecommerce games begin… (Need to brush up on your Alibaba knowledge first? Check out these Alibaba infographics for an instant refresher).


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20 Amazon Shopping Tips and Tricks You Must Know

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Whether or not you’re a regular Amazon shopper, there are a ton of tips and tricks that you can use to make your shopping experience much more convenient. Many of them can save you quite a bit of money too!


Here are 20 of the most essential tips and tricks for getting the best deals. Read more…

Amazon Echo: 20 Amazing Things It Can Do with Alexa

Updated on by in Hardware

When you have Amazon Echo with you, there are so many interesting things that you can think of and the device has an assistant by the name of Alexa.

Introducing Amazon Echo


Amazon Echo comes with a cylindrical shape that includes a personal voice assistant known as Alexa. It stays on and stays connected to the Wi-Fi which allows the device to be placed anywhere in the house and at the same time has the access to the cloud services. With the help of Bluetooth, you can easily stream and listen to your favourite tracks of your mobile. Read more…

Best Websites to Find and Download Free Amazon Kindle eBooks

Updated on by in Freebies

Do you know that other than Amazon Kindle store, there are many websites provide free ebooks for you to download and read on your Kindle e-book reader? Although some of the ebooks are in ePUB format, you can convert them to what is called the Kindle or .mobi formats using conversion software such as Calibre. So this is not a big issue. Below is the list of top websites that provide Kindle eBooks for free download. Most of the ebooks from these websites already formatted for the Kindle.


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Free Online Storage Service and Backup Solution – Amazon Cloud Drive

Updated on by in Web Tools

Amazon has recently launched its cloud storage service allowing you to store your music, videos, photos, and documents on Amazon’s secure servers. All you need is a web browser to upload, download, and access your files from any computer. (Get more details about using Cloud Drive) The online storage service comes with 5 GB of free storage for you to store any files and access them through your Amazon account while at home, at work or on the go. You will never worry about losing any important files if your computer crashes, or is lost or stolen.


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