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Tag: e-commerce

Top 50 Best Cheap Online Shopping Sites (2024)

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Shopping online has never been easier. However, most shoppers want the best, meaning the lowest, the price for the desired item. Not all shopping sites priorities low-cost deals. Here is a list of e-stores that do offer budget-friendly prices, in addition to lots of deals, promos, and discounts:


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20 Best Online Bidding & Auction Websites Like eBay

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What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear ‘online auction’? Obviously, one of the first things will be eBay. This large-scale online marketplace has already helped millions of people around the world to sell or buy products or services. This online selling platform provides plenty of advantages such as a great variety of listing options as well as other handy selling features.


Nonetheless, despite the 129 millions of active users and $10 billion revenue in 2023, eBay is gradually losing its supporters. More and more enthusiasts are launching powerful alternatives to eBay. In this article, you will familiarize with the 20 fresh and reliable alternatives to the worldwide auction leader. Read more…

10 WeChat Tips to Sell Your Products and Services

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WeChat plays a very vital role for different brands to get closer to their customers globally. This application is also a paramount social media tool in most of the countries of the world.


You can’t take WeChat as a simple messaging application used for messaging; this is social media platforms that allow the users to get location-based services, make video calling and also has a payment system. It also helps the users to participate in contests, play mini-games and also to issue coupons. Read more…

Top 30 Best E-Wallets are Changing The Payment Landscape

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In the not too distant past, we only had PayPal and a few other global payment systems to use for international transactions. Nowadays, the number of international e-wallets has grown considerably, which means carrying out transactions on the go has never been easier.


You can use these e-wallets to store your debit and credit card information, generate invoices, and of course to pay for stuff from anywhere in the world. Most of them are an entrepreneur’s best friend because they offer convenient payroll solutions for contractors as well. Read more…

Everything You Need to Start an E-Commerce Business

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Anyone can spin up an e-commerce business in a day. You don’t need much to start a venture that can grow to a million dollar business and provide a comfortable lifestyle that will enable you to work from anywhere in the world.


The great news is that you don’t need a ton of investment to start an e-commerce business in today’s environment. It takes a computer and some specialized software to get your online retail empire going. With a minimal level of technology, time and some elbow grease, you can start your own e-commerce business today. Read more…

How to Build E-Commerce Customer Loyalty through Supply Chain

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Succeeding in e-commerce requires staying in tune with a plethora of touch points. Doing so is a constant challenge. But at the same time, the vast array of details brands must focus on presents more opportunities to improve processes that in turn build customer loyalty.


In an age of heightened customer experiences, vast product selection, and unprecedented convenience, the supply chain is the critical factor in brands maintaining healthy balance sheets while still appeasing customers. Read more…

Top 25 E-Commerce WordPress Themes to Create Online Store

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Running a profitable e-commerce business nowadays has become a lot more difficult than the past. You can no longer continue with the old tactics and still manage to outrank your competitors. The best way to survive through this period and take your business to newer heights is to design a fantastic online store that is user-friendly, looks awesome and loads fast on different devices.


What you can do is install a perfect e-commerce theme on your site and turn it into a fantastic online store. Here we have mentioned top 25 e-commerce themes that are equipped with a host of world-class features and can help you achieve desired results. Take a look at them and go for the one that fills the bill in a hassle-free manner. Read more…

Useful Tips to Improve Amazon Sales Rank

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Are you an online seller struggling to rank your product high on Amazon and boost your sales? Then you’ve come to the right place. When you’re an online merchant, your Amazon sales rank is very important to revenue. Improving your Amazon sales rank gets your products in front of potential buyers, and products that are showcased on the first page of search results sell the best.


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20 Successful Website Clones: What to Learn from Them?

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Competition is not always faithful and the market economy does not always reward the best and brightest ideas. This fact has been part of developed society ever since the earliest days of capitalism, understood as the system in which supply and demand regulate the flow of products. It remains true in what concerns the last rush for gold – the online business environment.


The following websites took flattery (imitation) for the best products of Silicon Valley to new peaks, enjoying an immense growth of their own. Some were purchased by the original sites early on, others grew to dominate entire regions of the world. However, each presents a successful, however immoral, business model. Read more…

7 Ways Geo Targeting Can Help an E-Commerce Store

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Geo-targeting is an impressive method of localizing the website for the users according to their geographical locations that are recognized on the basis of their IP addresses. It is about removing the hurdles for the end users to easily understand the content and get familiar with the website.


An online store is often started with a generalized form of content and products, but with the passage of time, it expands to a different locality. The popularity and reach to different localities compel the merchants to break the uniformity and come up with personalized versions for different locations. Here comes the geo-targeting to rescue the merchants from a challenging state of mind. Read more…

30 UX Design Tips to Ensure Positive e-Commerce Experience

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Ecommerce changed our lives, changed the way we buy things. In e-commerce, first impressions are critical for online stores, because the competition is high and it it extremely easy to lose the client, just with 1 click, your client may quit your page and never come back because of the poor user experience. You need to think about value proposition, about how to simplify life of your users and make them buy from you over and over again. You need to think about how to share that your company is different from the hundreds of others online stores. Combined with simplicity, easy user flow and call to action items, you create online experience for your clients.


Let’s look at our ux design tips to boost your e-commerce. Read more…

11 Tips When Shopping on Alibaba & Other Online Stores

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Online shopping has taken over the brick and mortar installations, almost. Online shopping offers ease in terms of affordability, selection of wide variety, less hassle, and convenience. These are things we are all aware of but do you know there are some secrets to making purchases at Alibaba and many other online stores.


What are they? Read on to find out. Read more…

15 Amazon’s Top Seller Success Secrets to Learn From

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Amazon is one of the best sellers online. They sell a lot of items to their clients and the company became popular amid clients across the world due to its variety of services. The company could earn scores of clients around the world due to their reliable services. The success of the company came from their many years consistent efforts and they didn’t gain success from a day. There is no company in the world that became successful in their business in a day and they became thriving due to their commitment and hard work.


Being a successful selling company in the world, Amazon offer a variety of services in different categories, ranging from arts to video games. Here are 15 Amazon’s top seller success secrets to learn from: Read more…

10 WeChat Marketing Tips for Your eCommerce Business

Updated on by in Mobile

The eCommerce industry has shown some remarkable breakthroughs after the introduction of cutting-edge mobile technologies and mobile apps. Different scales and sectors of companies and new-age marketers are adopting avant-grade e-marketing tools and technologies to improve their productivity and generate more revenues. Marketers are leveraging different genres of social media tools to grow their customer’s reach quickly and efficiently.


In this race, Wechat has emerged as one of the most persuasive social media marketing tools on the web. It is a powerful mobile messaging app, launched by the Chinese high-tech giant company, known as Tencent. The popularity of Wechat is just remarkable. In a very short time span, it has built more than 541 million users in China itself and is fast becoming one of the most powerful e-marketing tools across the globe too. Read more…

Amazon vs Alibaba: Who is the Global e-Commerce Winner?

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Who gets the top crown of global ecommerce king – American Amazon, or Chinese Alibaba? Here we look at some of the key things that separate these platforms from each other; and what that means for sellers, shoppers, and investors. Let the ecommerce games begin… (Need to brush up on your Alibaba knowledge first? Check out these Alibaba infographics for an instant refresher).


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