10 Best Social Media Plugins for WordPress Bloggers
If your blog or website lacks necessary viewer traffic or engagement it fails to boost, or worse can even lower your company brand. This is the reason that many bloggers choose to use some form of social sharing plugin in order to make the spread of their message much easier This, in exchange allows the average visitor traffic to their website or blog to increase.
Bloggers who use WordPress are one of the luckiest as the website offers a large amount of plugins within its own website. The plugins which we have taken time to list provide the expert assistance with which provide a high variety of features that take heavy consideration of the blogs placement and feel. These plugins make the art of social sharing much easier, making this tool something that everyone can use to better their business. With these tools you can find it easier to promote posts on other forms of social media, research their audience, and even focus on writing great content.
1. MashShare
One of the most popular plugins is known as MashShare. This one is popular due to its particularly high customization ecosystem, which is a direct result from the many features it holds such as social media add ons. This allows the user to optimize their companies social media imprint, and to ensure that their best content is posted. This plugin also features a way to connect to the rest of the world as it had been translated into multiple languages, a couple of which include German and Spanish. MashShare is a free service that will be useful for any online based company in the world.
2. Yoast SEO
This plugin boasts about how it has been the favorite of many users since the year 2008, and it definitely shows. Yoast SEO offers many free services as well as a few premium services which cost a yearly fee. These services can include help with writing the best content. Whether it is the free content analysis, or the premium service of multiple focus keywords, which help you to keep your content in check and optimized. Yoast also offers services which optimize the look and feel of your website, including a free Bulk Editor.
3. Social Pug
Social Pug is one of the less fancy plugins that are available on WordPress. However what it lacks in options it makes up for in efficiency. This plug in offers “Social sharing buttons” which you may add to your blog in order to make sharing across multiple forms of social media much easier. This service is free and offers support for some of the most popular forms of social media including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. By using this plugin many have reported higher rates of interaction on their website.
4. Jetpack
Jetpack is a plugin that is described as a must have way to increase your website’s traffic, allow you to engage with your readers, and all in a safe and secure manner. This plug in offers both free and paid for services, all of which depend on the need of your blog or site. Whether you are one who wishes to make use of the free site stats and analytics. Or you wish to increase your viewer traffic through the paid search engine tool which helps you optimize your page through search engines such as Google or Bing, Jetpack is the perfect plugin for you.
5. Get Social
GetSocial is a free plugin which features a myriad of tools. These tools not only provide the basic functionality of content sharing, but they go beyond that as well. With the addition of making it easy for the reader to share your posted content, GetSocial also improves the ability for you to engage with your viewers. This can be excellent for all companies from those who sell personalized stationery kits, or even high end electronics. This plugin is excellent for those with subpar computer skills as no coding is required.
Custom Share Buttons is perfect for those who crave simplicity in their social sharing solutions. This plugin features a simple sidebar which floats on the website which allows your readers to share the content you post on a multitude of the most popular social media sites. Custom Share Buttons is a free plugin which allows you to encourage sharing across multiple forms of social media while preventing the compromise of your websites loading speed.
7. Flow-Flow
Flow-Flow is a plugin which allows you to compile a stream of social feeds within a highly responsive social media boundary on your WordPress website. With this you can make almost limitless combinations of the social feeds you use. Flow-Flow can allow you to display the posts you create on social media through multiple sources on almost any page. This means that you can have all of your Tweets, Facebook updates, and Pinterest posts connected through the same stream. This can result in an excellent way for your wordpress to engage with the audience you create. While Flow-Flow is not free the services offered start as low as 19$.
8. Shareaholic
Shareaholic is considered one of the greatest social media kits that are available on WordPress. We consider this to be one of the best descriptions as it not only includes some of the basic necessities such as social sharing, content promotions, and analysis. But it also includes support across multiple languages, localization, and many more features beyond that.
Shareaholic can easily help users to increase their content and traffic volume across almost any form of social media. Whether you are one to stick to Facebook, Tumblr, or Pinterest. Or you are one who chooses to use lesser known social media sites such as Digg or Buffer. Shareaholic is an excellent plug in that ensures that content you post receives the engagement it deserves. Pricing for Shareaholic can run from a spectrum of as low as 0.00$ to as high as 250$.
9. Social Login
Social Login is one of the most professionally developed, free of cost WordPress plugins which not only give you visitors the ability to comment, or login and register with a wide arrange of over 30 forms of social media. It also gives you the ability to seamlessly integrate across these sites as well. Social login is highly customizable to the needs of you and your audience, and is highly efficient as it helps you to get rid of the need for ridiculously long and overly complicated forms.
Kiwi Social Share is described as one of the best, and one of the easiest plugins that are available for use on WordPress. This plugin features a myriad of options from the most popular forms of social media available, to the ability to turn certain features on and off. These options make this plugin fully customizable and all for the low price of 19$
There are many great aspects that the WordPress plugins possess. They allow its users to spend more time with vital research and promotion. Social plugins make it particularly easy to promote the sharing of the product, engagement, and of course the integrating of ones blog with other forms of social media. Check out some of the plugins which had been listed and you may see the traffic of your website increase with great significance.

Dina Indelicato is a blogger enthusiast and freelance writer. She is always open to research about new topics and gain new experiences to share with her readers. Currently she is a writer for Pick Writers.
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Tags: plugin, social media, wordpress resources
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