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2 Facebook Apps to View and Manage Your News Feed

Updated on by in Social Media

Everyday, most of the Facebook users receive a variety of news feeds from their friends, family, colleagues and pages they’ve subscribed. If the posts received are too many, it’s not easy to go through all of them. And it’s even harder if most of the posts are unimportant junk. Although Facebook does provide us some features where we can filter our posts by photos and links, unfortunately that’s not enough to customize the news feed based on what we want to see.


So for those of you who want more controls over your news feed, here we would like to introduce 2 web apps that will help you get updates from people you care about as well as the information and news you’re interested in, in a more organized way.

Filtering Facebook News Feed via LeFeed


LeFeed is an easy-to-use online application that allows you to filter your Facebook news feed based on the types of posts you like. To use the app, simply go to LeFeed’s website, login via your Facebook account and then allow it to analyze your data, interests, and usage. Your Facebook news feed can be filtered in the following ways:

By selecting this option, LeFeed will show you all the news feed on your Facebook Timeline.

LeFeed recommends new content and subjects to you based on your interests and your friends’ interests.

This option will show you all the news feed with link(s) but no photos and videos.

This option will show you all the news feed with photo(s) only.

This option will show you all the text-only news feed, without any link, photo or video.

This option will show you all the news feed with video(s) only.

Additionally, LeFeed enables you to vote up / down posts by using its + / – buttons. You can also instruct LeFeed to automatically like on Facebook when you vote up a post.

Viewing Facebook News Feed in a Different Way via Octofeed


If you are getting bored with Facebook’s default news feed look, try Octofeed to feel something different!

The news feed displayed on Facebook website is come with author name, title, description and link located at the top of the post, image or video while Likes, comments, published time, etc at the bottom, such as the screenshot image shown below.


Octofeed, on the other hand displays posts in the left column while the rest of the information such as author name, link, short description, Likes, comments are displayed in the right column as what you can see in the screenshot image below.


If you feel like giving Octofeed a try, simply go to its website, login via your Facebook account, and then allow the app access to your Facebook content. After a few seconds wait, you can then experience your brand new news feed look.

P/S: Although Octofeed works great with photo, links and text-based status, it currently doesn’t support music and video.


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