How to Set up RSS Feed to Automatically Show the New Posts of Your Blog on Facebook
Setting up a Facebook page is one of the effective ways to drive more traffic to your website or blog. The social networking site provides many tools and applications for you to promote your blog and one of the tools that you should not missed is to set up a RSS feed to automatically import your new posts to your Facebook notes. Facebook members can then become your “fan” and make comment about your posts. Here is the simple step by step tutorial on how to set up RSS feed on your Facebook page.
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1. Login to your Facebook account
2. Click on “Notes” and select “My Notes”, then click on “Write a Note” link
3. Select “Pages’ Notes” in the Browse Notes section, then click on “Edit import settings” link
4. Enter your website or RSS/Atom feed address in the box provided and check the box next to the statement that you actually own the content and then click the “Start Importing” button
5. Facebook will import the content of the RSS feed for you to preview. If everything looks OK, click the “Confirm” button to proceed.
Your RSS feed will now be automatically imported into your “My Notes” section. Facebook will check your feed every couple of hours for new posts you’ve made and add them to your Facebook notes.
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Tags: blogging, facebook, how to, rss, social media, tips & tricks, tutorial
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