63 Useful Tools to Give You Better Flickr Experience
Flickr is one of the best online image platforms allowing users to upload, manage and share their photos. The photo sharing and management platform has a huge community of photographers, graphic designers and artists who upload myriad of beautiful photos there and share to the world. All in all, Flickr is the great source of inspirations, creativities and fun.
To help you experience the possibilities of Flickr to the fullest, here we are sharing more than 63 useful tools to further enhance this photo sharing platform. So if you are Flickr’s regular user, don’t miss the opportunity to check them out!
(Image Source: Flickr.com)
Flickr Photo Slideshows & Galleries
Flickroom is an Adobe AIR based application that provides the rich browsing experience Flickr users have long deserved. The dark theme ensures that your photographs look better than ever before.
Slideoo lets you create horizontal streaming slideshows of your Flickr photos. To use Slideoo, you’ll need to already be a registered member of Flickr, or at least know the member name of a user whose photos you’d like to create a slideshow of.
Flickr Slideshow Generator
Flickr Slideshow Generator allows you to generate the HTML necessary to embed a custom Flickr Slideshow in your page or blog.
Flickrshow is a very simple Javascript slideshow for Flickr. It doesn’t require any web-development expertise, any particular Javascript frameworks, or any hosted web space. It works in all modern web browsers.
Dojo/Flickr Image Gallery
An Ajax image gallery built on top of Dojo Ajax Toolkit version 0.4.3. Some of the features include pages of thumbnails, intelligent pre-loading of images, fade effects for transitioning of images, and more.
SlideFlickr is an online Flickr slideshow generator that will help you create and embed Flickr slideshows in seconds.
flickrSLiDR allows you to easily embed the classic Flickr slideshows on your website or blog. All you need to do is enter the Flickr URL address of the user, photo set or group you would like to embed along with some options. You’ll receive the HTML embed code in return.
PictoBrowser is a free web application that displays Flickr and Picasa images on websites and blogs.
Picsviewr turns your Flickr photos into visually stimulating presentations. You can choose one of the 10 slideshows templates available and enjoy.
Flickr Photo Uploaders and Downloaders
FlickrFaves is a small utility for downloading high-resultion versions of your Flickr favorites to your hard drive. It is a cross-platform utility written in Java.
Flickr Downloadr
Photo downloading tool for the Flickr.com photo service. This application will make it easy to download any photo to your local computer. Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and optimized for Windows 7.
flump is a simple application that allows your to download all of the public photos for a specific Flickr account.
gnickr allows you to manage photos on your Flickr site as if they were local files on your Gnome desktop. It does this by creating a Flickr virtual filesystem.
Kflickr is another tool to upload your photos on Flickr. It offers many features such as drag-n-drop from other applications, easy editing of your photo properties (title, description, privacy, tags), access to your Flickr.com list of tags and more.
Flickr AutoDownloadr
Flickr AutoDownloadr is a small, freeware Windows application written using the Flickr API and AutoIt. It can download a batch of photos from any given Flickr user or group, and store them on your own hard drive.
Glimmr is another photo uploader for the Flickr web service. It also lets you edit photo metadata (such as the Title and Description).
Flickr Importr
Flickr Importr is a tool for Windows that allows you to upload images to Flickr and automatically add them to groups and sets. Additionally it can import tags from a variety of third party image applications.
UploadrXL is a program to upload one or more images to Flickr and add them immediately to your Sets of Groups.
Flickr Photo Search Engines
Flickriver is a web-based Flickr viewer that allows viewing hundreds of photos quickly and easily, in one seamless ‘river of photos’ view – never needing to hit ‘next’ to load the next page.
Tag Galaxy
Browse through Flickr photos in 3D with this flash application. You need a newer version of the Adobe Flash Player to view the Tag Galaxy website.
With PictureSandbox, you can type a search term and search across multiple stock photo collections at the same time. Click each tab to see the results for that collection. Click through on each result thumbnail to see more details.
Flickr Related Tag Browser
Flickr Related Tag Browser lets you surf Flickr’s ‘tag space’. Flickr tags are keywords used to classify images. Each tag has a list of ‘related’ tags, based on clustered usage analysis.
findr lets you find photos on Flickr by browsing and refining related tags. The most interesting feature of this experiment is the ability to refine your search by eliminating tags. When you click on a tag, Flickr returns that tag’s list of related tags. findr then compares that list with the previous list(s) of tags and displays the intersection. So, instead of forgetting about previous searches, findr allows you to drill down within a tag set.
PiciShare is a great alternative to your standard Flickr search.
Compfight is an image search engine tailored to efficiently locate images for blogs, comps, inspiration, and research.
Flickr Flipper
Flickr Flipper allows you to search for Flickr photos and also search for photos from specific Flickr users. It uses Papervision to display the photos one at a time and even allows you to download the photo to your computer. Currently it only returns up to 100 photos of your search.
FlickrStorm is a better search for Flickr. It works by looking for more than what you enter to find related and more relevant images.
With Tiltomo, you can play with visual search code using two sample databases from Flickr. Getting started is easy, search for a tag or click random. Look for an image you like, click one of the Find Similar links under the image.
Flickr Wallpapers
WallPapr is essentially a search engine designed specifically for Flickr photos. Type in any keywords and random photos pertaining to your chosen subject will appear on the page. You can elect to show 20, 40 or 100 photos per search.
Fleace, the Flickr-Enabled Automatic Changer for Everyone, is a free wallpaper changer that retrieves pictures from Flickr based on topics of your choice.
Miscellaneous Flickr Tools
Colr Pickr
Colr Pickr is an online application showing a circular color chart out of which users can pick a descriptive color category, plus a specific color and brightness. The application then shows an according collection of Flickr color-matched images.
Flickr Logo Makr
Flickr Logo Makr lets you make Flickr style logo.
Preloadr is a simple image editing web application that works with your Flickr account. Using the Flickr API, Preloadr imports your images and lets you apply effects like: sharpening, color correction, blur, auto contrast, granulation or grayscale transformation.
Gickr.com lets you instantly create animated gif online. Just upload pictures or grab them from your Flickr. Create funny flashy slideshows with you and your friends, cartoons, previews, banners, etc.
Spell With Flickr
A tool that spells words with photographs.
BigHugeLabs lets you play your Flickr photos by using their Motivational Poster maker, Magazine Cover maker, Warholizer, and much more.
Tagman Flickr
Hangman game for Flickr tags. Guess all the letters of a tag and see 4 photos.
Flickr PM
This Greasemonkey script adds easily accessible icon links to a users Email, Favourites, Flickr DNA, Flickr Scout, most Interesting photos, Photo Archive and Profile, next to their usernames in forums and photo comments. It also allows you to send a Flickr mail to a user without actually leaving the page you are on.
Notifyr is built so that users don’t need to register in order to use it. You can subscribe anyone to your photo page by sending them a Notifyr link containing your Flickr page address and their email.
Color Hunter
Color Hunter is a place to find and make color palettes created from images. When you search for color palettes by tag, ColorHunter searches Flickr.com for images labeled with the tag you entered. The thumbnails of the Flickr images are used to create a color palette.
Flickr Finder (Mac only)
Flickr Finder is a Mac-only application that lets you browse Flickr photos without a browser.
Earth Album
Earth Album is a simpler, slicker Flickr mash-up that allows you to explore some of the most stunning photos in the world courtesy of Google maps and Flickr.
Tilt Viewer
TiltViewer is a free, customizable 3D Flash image viewing application. It requires JavaScript and the latest Flash player.
Flickrvision is a Google Map on which you in real-time will see new photos that are being posted on Flickr.
Flickr Plugins for WordPress
Flickr Tag Cloud Widget
This is plugin for the Widget Sidebar in WordPress. It will display your Flickr tags as a tag cloud in your blog’s sidebar.
Tags: photography, web app