4 Latest Mobile Technologies and Their Advantages
In today’s modernized world, telecommunications are one of the most fascinating technologies used by most people. Mobile phones have indeed come a long way from simply a mode of communication to one of the best gadgets that acts more like your mates. It has become so popular that one cannot imagine their lives without a mobile phone. It is not just a necessity, but an addiction too especially for teenagers. It is impossible to live without mobile phones today as the demand for mobile phones have gone up like wild fire. You will find almost every person walking on the street using mobile phones. Some of the groundbreaking mobile technologies have been listed below.
Near Field Communication
(Image Source: Thebusinesstalks.wordpress.com)
One of the latest advancements in mobile technologies is with regards to how one pays for certain products in the checkout. Mobile phones like Samsung Galaxy Nexus make use of NFC (Near Field Communication) chip that makes contact with a reader in order to process a particular transaction. Some of the renowned outlets like McDonalds and Walgreens have already started using Near Field Communication equipped terminals. In addition, you can also make use of Google wallet service for tracking purchases too. Although some of the phones do not support Google wallet, therefore utilizing NFC for paying by phone is being worked out.
The greatest advantage of NFC is that it saves time as all you need to do is simply tap your cell phone on the terminal. NFC goes well beyond monetary transactions. You can now exchange data between two cell phones of Galaxy Nexus with the help of Android Beam service. You can place the mobile phones back to back for swapping browser pages, contact, and YouTube videos. Also, you can see Bluetooth gadgets using NFC for authenticating the connection between a headset and your phone, by tapping the devices at the same time. So, there is no need for Bluetooth pins anymore.
Bluetooth Health Device Protocol
(Image Source: Dexigner.com)
Bluetooth has always been around as it works quite well to stream music from the car stereo to your phone, or to use like a headset. But, now there have been quite a few advancements that are beyond the basic usage. The latest innovation is the new protocol known as Bluetooth Health Device Protocol that has already gained popularity. The whole idea of inventing this technology is to connect to heart trackers, step counting sensors in shoes, and the workout bike at the gym with no need for attaching transmitter. The best advantage of using Bluetooth Health Device Protocol is that it works well and needs no external adapters.
Advanced Mobile Security
(Image Source: News.com.au)
As far as the security of mobile phone is concerned, Mobile Spy is the cell phone monitoring software that helps in protecting all the confidential information saved in the smart phones. When a phone gets stolen or misplaced, the data stored can be deleted discreetly to ensure that the same is not being misused. In addition, last year, a researcher discovered carriers making use of a service called as Carrier IQ. This particular service monitors the text messages as well as emails. Although, this exclusive service is something mobile carriers generally install it on their own, there are high chances that hackers could also do the same, or install an application that records sound and videos even when you are not making use of the inbuilt camera. In order to keep the mobile security intact, carriers like Verizon and Sprint have started making use of a threat management service known as Lookout. It analyses flags and traffic harmful malware and blocks access to your cell phones operating system.
Expansion in Speech Recognition
(Image Source: Appadvice.com)
The Siri service especially on the iPhone 4S has proved that voice recognition feature on a mobile phone device actually works. You can speak commands like setting up a reminder on a dinner date with your loved ones, which appears as a pop up when you leave your workplace, based on the GPS location. The service can also read the incoming text messages. All the new applications will advance further. The Vlingo application for Android has the capability of reading all the incoming messages in addition to emails. This is quite an impressive advancement as email includes larger vocabulary when compared to text messages.
Advantages of Mobile Technologies
Increases Profitability & Productivity
Mobile technology helps people use the data and resources of the company without being tied in one particular location. Whether you are travelling for official meetings, on sales calls, working from home due to health problems, mobile technologies helps you to stay connected, be more productive, and make best use of company’s resources for the betterment of the business in terms of business profits. Employees cannot give excuses anymore that they are out of office in order to escape from their responsibilities.
Communication & Networking
Mobile technology gives room to companies to have connectivity between vendors, employees, or customers. Employees can download certain useful applications on their cell phones that help them to be aware of all the whereabouts of the company, and they can also get connected to social network such as Facebook, Twitter and related social media sites. Real time communication with the employees can be beneficial to deliver business requirements such as giving presentations to clients, quotations, checking stock levels, interacting with other employees while travelling, etc.
There has been a new dimension introduced by mobile technologies into marketing and advertising for businesses across the globe. Potential clients can now see business advertisements and promotions on mobile phones with the help of varied marketing inventions such as text messages, mobile applications, mobile sites, banner ads, and more. These advertisements help in customizing in order to reach more targeted, and specific audiences. Marketing becomes more effective through this customization as there is an increased exposure of advertisements through the mobile technologies.
Business Development
As the technology of telecommunications is interactive in nature, exchanging information through this particular medium helps businesses to get instant feedback on services and products from clients. Due to this accessibility and speed, there is a rapid growth in the business development.
Tags: it knowledge, mobile phone