35 Global Warming Artworks to Create Public Awareness
Global warming is a serious issue that all of us can’t afford to ignore. Our earth has been sending us warning messages as early as 19 century, and the signal is getting stronger. In the recent years, we can see increasing temperature in many countries, ice at the North Pole melted at an unprecedented rate, rising sea level, and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather conditions. If we continue to disrespect our earth, more dangers and complications will come to us for sure.
We, at Quertime.com, as an advocate of green and sustainability, would like to showcase 35 global warming related artworks. We hope these art pieces can help to increase public awareness about the plight of our mother earth.
If you do care about our living environment, do your part to reduce waste by using reusable products, plant more trees, use less heat and air conditioning, or at least, share this post to encourage others to conserve.
Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute
Stop Global Warming, They Need Spaces
Stop Global Warming Advertising Poster
We are drowning. Rescue us from global warming
Global Warming Awareness: Earth
Tags: artwork, inspirational idea