10 Tips: How to Speed up Your Android OS
Android smart phones are everywhere now and they have become more important than their lives. Young generation can survive without food but cannot without a smart phone and an internet connection in it. But the problem is because of using smart phones at such a great speed and downloading numerous apps can make your OS working slow and you won’t like your phone once it gets slow.
Slow Android operating system is a very common problem and there are a number of things that you can do in order to enhance the speed of your android OS. In this post we are going to discuss 10 major steps that you can perform for increasing the performance and speeding up the Operating System of your Android phone.
1. Restart the Phone
This is very general and not permanent. But people usually try it when they are unable to find any other solution to their problem. This will refresh your phone’s system and will work.
2. Update the Firmware of Your Smartphone
This firmware automatically gets introduced to some bugs and other issues that you might never come to know and will make the processing of your phone very slow. Such kind of issues crop up often in your phone and you won’t be informed for this. So the best way is to keep on updating your smart phone on regular basis in order to keep your OS working at good speed always.
3. You Can Check the Internal Memory Space
Low memory space in your phone could be one of the reasons why your smart phone is not working properly. In this case you can always check for the internal memory space of your phone.
You can move all your media files like mp3 files, videos, pictures and so on to the external memory that is mainly on SD card. Some low-end smart phones might offer you low internal memories and moving your files to the SD card in that case won’t be of much help.
4. Resetting is a Good Option
Resetting your smart phone is a good option because this will set your phone settings to the original configuration like the day you bought a new one. Although this is not a permanent solution because your phone will lag behind again as it used to.
But one thing you need to keep in mind before resetting is keeping a back up of all the contacts and all other important data so that you won’t lose anything.
5. You Can Also Check for Useful Apps
Go and meet the apps store and check for some applications that could provide you solution for slow working of your smart phone’s operating system. We can give you a short list of mobile applications that will help boost up the OS of your smart phone.
- For older phones “auto task killer” is used where it kills the chosen applications whenever you want. This help you in freeing some space in the memory and making your system work at good speed.
- Install Antivirus: Antivirus will help you in scanning all the unnecessary and threatening files and will ask you to delete those files to make your phone free from any kind of issues that make your phone slow.
- Juice defender application: This application gives your phone more battery by stopping its useless applications and services.
- Download a cache cleaner: This can work in automatic manner too. This application will clean up all the cache from your phone’s memory.
- An Apps to SD card application: This allow you to move some of your applications to the SD card only if you want them to. By shifting your apps on the SD card will help you to speed up your smart phone.
- Applications for spare parts: This app offers you some more settings to configure into your phone like transition animation and faster window.
6. Remove Extra Applications
What is the use of keeping an application in your phone when you are not using it? The best way is to delete the applications that you do not use very often. This will help you in cleaning the internal memory of your phone and boosting up its speed.
7. Update Existing Apps
This is important because developers keeps on updating their applications and keep removing bugs and errors that could be the reason for making your phone work slow. So it is better to update all your existing apps at a regular interval if you are having issues with your smart phone.
8. Update Android Version
May be your phone is asking for some updates or the version that you are using for your smart phone has gone outdated and now has become slower. As a result this will make your phone work slow and you will get frustrated because of slow and dead performance of your phone. Update your software.
9. Make use of High-Speed Memory Card
Memory cards are of great advantage. When you know that your phone’s internal memory is not very huge and it cannot support a good number of applications in your phone then the best way is to add an extra memory card to your phone but make sure that your memory card is a high-speed memory card. Providing your phone with an additional memory card will make it work smarter and faster.
10. It is Better to Keep Fewer Widgets
Widgets are not applications and people think that they only run when you choose to run them. This is not the story but widgets are always active and are running in the background. Some people keep these widgets to keep the weather record and important dates of their use for quick access of the essential configurations in your phone like Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth etc.
If you are really annoyed with the slow working of your smart phone then try all the above points and definitely your android will improve upon its performance. You can also try stopping the synchronization, turning off the animations, or better not to use live wallpapers. All this will help you a lot in making your Android OS work faster.

Author: Macy Jones
Macy Jones is an artistic and very creative mobile app developer. She is working with one of the best App Development Companies in Sydney – AppXperts, Australia. After her work she loves to explore new things and leads an independent life. She is a sea of innovative and useful ideas. She is handling a team of 8 mobile app developers with this organization.
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Tags: android, app store, mobile app, operating system, smartphone
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