Best E-Commerce Design of All the Time
Finding the right design approaches and nailing the combination that delivers the best result for the web store owners is crucial in today’s competitive times. Generally, the three most important aspects for designing an ecommerce site are: Site Navigation, Product or Service page and the Checkout process.
Site Navigation is one of the most distinguished designing aspects for any ecommerce website. It allows the shoppers to navigate and find the information easily.
A website’s product page is the page that helps the shoppers in making buying decisions of your product. A well-designed product page will increase your chance in converting visitors to buyers.
Lastly, but most importantly comes the checkout process as a designer’s job is to design the whole process in such a way that it is hassle free.
The First Impact
It just takes two seconds to create a first impression. So ecommerce store owners just have those few two seconds to capture the attention of the internet surfers. It is imperative for ecommerce store owners to have spectacular and eye catching website. The website has to be visually appealing and yet functionally wise. Visuals of any website are the top influencing aspects of your website. Remember that designs used in the making of website play a distinguished role in keeping or losing the customer. Designs create feelings, and so, having a design that goes well with your company’s image is ideal.
Define the Personality of Your Website
To have a strong visually appealing website can be a daunting task but one cannot ignore the strength that an attractive website holds. Start defining the personality of your website by spotting each and every element that would communicate with the customers. Elements such as color, font size and type, navigating options and so forth should be very well in advance considered. All these elements need to work cohesively for your website to create affluent designs.
Tools Available for Ecommerce Designs
Creating a visually appealing ecommerce design can be a job easier said than done. So let’s explore numerous tools available to make the lives of designers easy.
In the world of ecommerce and web designing, Magento holds a prominent name. It is an open source platform, gives you ample designing choices that help in meeting your business goals. Cost effective and performance based tool. It is the most personalized product that customizes many features of the website. Some of the key benefits for using Magento are:
1. Order Tracking availability
2. Multiple currencies supported
3. Integration with Paypal and Google Checkouts
4. Search Engine friendly
Oscommerce has a strong presence in ecommerce market. Similar to Magento, this tool is an open source platform offering efficient solutions to online designing and marketing. It is apt for designing purposes of the website as it gives precise template layouts along with supporting any dynamic image.
Templates of Oscommerce are offered by TempleMonster that are professional looking and great in its functionality. Other benefits of Oscommerce include:
1. Multi currency support
2. Template integration possible
3. Supports indefinite products and services
4. Secure and safe transactions supports
It is a stunning woocommerce personalized product that helps users create aesthetically pleasant web designs. The templates offered by Squarespace commerce are rich in designs and are highly polished. The styling options available at squarespace commerce are second to none and are easily customizable. Apart from offering beautiful designed web store, it suffices other requirements too:
1. Helps in configuring shipping options and payment
2. Allows you to optimize all the basic SEO functions
3. Provides you with analytics dashboard
Data on the website can get very overwhelming sometimes, so use Wordle as it allows you to enter text of all kinds and get an affluent visual representation of the text.
Website Overlay Tool
This tool comes in handy to know what people have done and clicked where on pages. It lets you understand how people navigate your website. Lot of information comes from this tool, which helps you tremendously in designing your website.
This is a very interesting and useful tool. It lets you analyze any marketing feature of your website to know what parts attract attention of your viewers and in what order. It stimulates eye tracking via algorithms. It is an important tool if the information is utilized in the right way while designing the web page.
CofffeeCup uses HTML5 and CSS3. One can design responsive websites by using this. It also has the capability to create a flat design. The tool is highly customizable, thereby making life of a designer simpler. CoffeeCup also has a Cloud based drive called S-drive and acts as web hosting company.
Tips for Designing an Effective Webpage
Call for action
Design your page clearly and communicate effectively. Your designs should help viewers to understand what is it exactly that you want them to do. Make sure the button of action is not hidden or is not too vague visually.
For your ecommerce webpage, copy is very significant. Make sure your copy goes in sync with the design of your web page. A great copy will ensure that it communicates the message in the right way and does not leave gaps for confusion.
Use attractive Photos
Yes, using attractive and comprehensive images of your products is important. The photos should give a detailed view of the product; add multiple angels to the item to ensure a person can see as much as possible.
Ecommerce websites evolve consistently with many of us now shopping online now. There is a constant rise among shoppers spending money online, which gives rise to many competitors creating web stores. To stay ahead in the world of ecommerce, follow the ‘KISS’ (Keep it Simple Stupid) mantra for designing your ecommerce website.
Keeping your website simple in terms of designing will go a long way for attracting more new customers and retaining the old ones.
Tags: e-commerce, web design resources, web development resources