Top 20 Most Important Finance Books You Must Read
The average reading of our society is very low. According to data that have lately given me, most people fail to read or a book a year.
In this post, we refer to 20 books, so you can choose, and increase your library, in less than € 3 (i.e. that there are no excuses). They are books about the growth of your personal finances, something that certainly will take to achieve financial freedom, or economic tranquility, which is the same. This means that at the end of this post you will have 20 guides, which even unwittingly, give you expertise over financing.
The books can be easily found and purchased from Amazon or Kindle, and as we near Christmas, it can be a good choice for a gift for the finance nerds!
Here is our list for Top 20 Most Important Finance Books You Must Read:
1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
Kiyosaki has several bestsellers under his sleeve and this is one of the most successful, as it explains very well the concepts related to business and finance. Virtually everything we have learned about the money we owe to our parents, because the school does not prepare us to deal with finances. We recommend this book that seeks to destroy myths about the financial world and help you discover the economic genius in you.
Original Title: Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Publication Date: 2000
2. Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
is known as the most famous and effective method to make money. With more than 10 million copies sold, this book will give you tips to generate wealth and face your fears. It is a work designed to achieve success not only in the economic sphere, but also personally.
Original Title: Think and Grow Rich
Publication Date: 1937
3. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Eker Harv
If one of your goals in life is to become a millionaire, this book is for you. Harv Eker speaks about the importance of changing our mindset to be financially successful in a natural and automatic. Commit is an essential part of the process of creating wealth: those who only “try” to make money sooner or later give up.
Original Title: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Publication Date: 2006
4. Small Capitalist Pig, Sofia Macías
Want to get the most out of your finances? Maybe not at home or at school taught you how to save, spend or invest money, but this text will have the most effective ways to deliver the best tools your income even if you are new to the subject.
Year of Publication: 2011
5. The Richest Man in Babylon, George Samuel Clason
This modern classic will give you the principles to learn how to acquire, maintain and play money in a simple and motivating way. Taking advantage of the basic rules of ancient Babylon emerged in the economy, Clason account through parables and stories, how this ancient civilization managed to accumulate great wealth despite the age.
Original Title: The Richest Man in Babylon
Publication Date: 1926
6. The Art of Making Money, Mario Borghino
This book will give you a complete plan to actually take control of your money and not let it control you. Adopt the mindset of millionaires and learn how money works to take away the urge to spend and have the ability to invest.
Year of Publication: 2012
7. The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles
The principles in this book are the result of years dedicated to studying the reasons of professional and personal success. He came to teach us that the change in attitude, solidarity, creativity and imagination are essential to reach and attract the desired objectives. In addition, this was the book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to write his bestseller “The Secret”.
Original Title: The Science of Getting Rich
Publication Date: 1910
8. The Code of Money, Raimon Samsó
This author and lecturer started from scratch to lose everything and tells an entertaining and practical way how, beyond the tips to get more out of our savings, detachment and freedom can bring abundance and prosperity naturally. Learn to be in control of your economy to make it prosper and be free.
Year of Publication: 2009
9. Money Flow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom, Robert Kiyosaki
Why some people despite working less earn more? This book talks about the mindset of people to earn income and how that mentality puts each individual in one of four possible positions: employee, self-employed, business owner and investor. Kiyosaki shows, through a thorough analysis, the reason that distinguishes thinking entrepreneur’s employees.
Original Title: Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom
Publication Date: 2000
10. Reckoning: How to Successfully Manage Your Family Finances, Vicens Castilian
If you are always running out of money before the end of the month, this book will help you regain control of your finances to have a clear idea of how money works. It depends only on you to reverse your economy, follow these tips and make the best decisions.
Year of Publication: 2008
11. 21 Secrets to Improve Your Finances – The 21 Secrets for Success, Not Only Financially, But Also in All Aspects of Life.
This book presents a formula composed of several steps that anyone can apply, regardless of their current status. You will
learn to set goals, develop action plans and to organize to get more of what you want to achieve in life. The 21 steps proposed work is based on over fifteen years of research the author with people who have managed to become millionaires through their own efforts.
- Ideas and proven strategies, presented in simple and easy way to use, to implement them immediately.
- It contains 21 keys to success in all areas of life.
- Brian Tracy is the author of several best-sellers and prestige.
12. Finance Pragmatic: Win a Lot of Money, Use It Wisely and Achieve Financial Freedom
Do you use your money or your money you used to you?
We have been fortunate to be born in the best period in the history of mankind. A time when it is possible to live anywhere in the world or earn millions from a single cafe with a laptop and an Internet connection. Never before have we had so many opportunities to be happy, and yet most people live as slaves of their own volition. Slaves to their mortgages, their debts and their irresponsible financial decisions.
Money is just a tool, and as such should be at the service of man, never the reverse. This book is a practical guide on how to use it correctly to lead the life you choose to live.
In pragmatic Finance will learn:
- The importance of having good beliefs about money.
- The only secret to financial freedom.
- How to avoid becoming a modern slave.
- A very simple strategy to invest your savings and take out the maximum profitability.
- How Angel he created a passive business that allowed him to quit his job to go travel the world.
13. Money Lessons for Kids: Book for Parents and Teachers
In many countries the issue “money” is excluded both in schools and at home, talking about money is an emotional burden and avoids talking about it, yet it is part of the dynamics of life of all people, virtually any act that do has an economic assessment (use, valuation or depreciation) for that reason considers it important to write this book.
The earlier we start talking and teach them about money to children is much better, greatly facilitates learning when we start with the stage of the games (buying and selling, loans, payments for work, exchange, loans, etc.)
14. Finance for a Fool: Financial Reeducation for Day to Day
Discover that you yourself can achieve financial freedom and get your money work for you and not for the bank.
Juan Tonto of Finance is incapable of self-administered either: spend money on lotteries, snuff and other whims and needs to work long hours to support his family. On a visit to the amusement park Money-Land meet Mario Lopez, the Human Calculator, and through him learn concepts such as teamwork, humility and forgiveness they can save their financial mismanagement.
Are you one of those who think that a house is a long term investment for which you are willing to hypothecate for forty years? Have you ever left money in an account in exchange for a set of luggage? The financial psychotherapist, Juan Marín Pozo offers in Finance for a fool the key to understanding the tangled world of finance without being expert concepts. Thanks to the story of John Tonto, full of examples applicable to everyday life, you will discover how wrong you are when it comes to managing your money, you learn to take control and not let others decide for you which.
15. Family Finances: How to Get Financial Security and Achieve Their Dreams
Discussions about money are the first ground for divorce. David Bach, prestigious financial advisor knows not to follow this path. He has advised millions of people on their finances through seminars, books, television shows, and has helped thousands of couples overcome their economic problems. With this book wants to bring his advice to all people who want to navigate the complicated waters of family finances. To do so, it helps couples work together on your finances as a team. Its tools and easy tips to implement include: End myths about couples and money How to get the best out of banks and insurance companies Delivering the goals and dreams of families Avoiding discussions on economic issues How to Save and properly invest This book is a financial lifeline that will help couples of any age and in any economic situation to communicate about money and start comfortably create a stable financial future together.
16. Personal Finance in a Week
This book explains the economics of everyday life in a clear and straightforward way to be truly master of his own money and can maximize it. And it is that as well has the author on the front pages, “You and only you are responsible for putting the reins to his economic situation.” We must know, therefore, that although there are random factors we can not control, we must have sufficient resources to successfully overcome any situation. This book will help you find the tools to get your finances a day and to save his money.
17. How to Get out of Poor and Not Die Trying? – Personal Finances
Simple, pleasant, funny and to the point book in which there are a number of very interesting guidelines aimed at providing a financial basis for the ordinary citizen. Nontechnical basic financial concepts, financial investment, business, tax and management are discussed.
18. Smart Enrich Couples Together: Personal Finance for Couples
Is it advantageous to have separate accounts?, how do savings plans and insurance?, how to give a couple when only one salary?, What is the best way to resist the temptation to spend?, how to manage a heritage?
Economic problems are one of the main reasons of crisis and rupture of the couple. This book will help couples plan their finances properly, and to remedy the economy which are experiencing difficulties.
This book, a sales phenomenon in Portuguese with more than one million copies sold, has been adapted by a Spanish expert in the field, and provides a number of tips for the couple to manage money, correct your spending habits and manage your savings. In short, it provides ideas to meet those small pleasures that bring harmony to the home and make life less routine.
19. Live Like a Real Millionaire: The Big Difference between Rich and Really Seem to be
This book will explain the difference between becoming a millionaire and act as if it were. Live like a real millionaire will clarify any confusing and inaccurate idea you have about rich people: where they shop, what they buy, and most shocking of all, where they live (not where you think).
The research of Dr. Stanley also discovers what makes rich people happy. The satisfaction with life arises, do not achieve with difficulty you have as heritage, but boldly to build its financial resources -to spend time with family and friends, be free to volunteer and pursue goals.
Live like a real millionaire takes away the misconceptions about how people really millionaire. Few become rich because of their high incomes; and still less become truly wealthy if your income is not as high. However, the most interesting of all is that almost everyone has the ability to become wealthy-even without an income-super. The question is simply to stop acting like millionaires… and start living intelligently from the financial point of view, to get… really have a good fortune.
20. Increase Your Financial IQ
In 1997 Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki, he stunned readers to contradict the idea that “your house is an asset”. Many aspects of his philosophy were criticized and the book became one of the lists longsellers most important, such as The New York Times sales. In 2007 when the value of real estate properties decreased, or they were seized for non-payment of the mortgage, millions of homeowners proved the veracity of what was stated by Kiyosaki. Robert T. Kiyosaki Increase your financial IQ.