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Category: Inspiration

Unveiling 20 Famous Logo Designs with Hidden Messages

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Logo is an important graphic or word mark that helps a company or an organization to attract people’s recognition. Creating a unique logo has always been a challenge to graphic designers. To make it exceptional and outstanding some designers will secretly hide a message or even a story inside the logo.


Logo embedded with hidden message gives viewers a little puzzle to solve. Once viewers managed to get the hidden message behind the logo it creates an instant satisfaction which makes them talking about it and sharing with others.

Today we would like to showcase 20 famous company logos with hidden messages that will blow your mind away. Read more…

Showcase of FIFA World Cup Logo Designs 1930 – 2014

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The fascinating FIFA World Cup is just around the corner. Football fans from all over the World will once again be crazy about the most celebrated tournament. Before the game kick off, we at Quertime would like to take the opportunity to let you review back all the World Cup logos and see how they evolve throughout the years.


The World Cup logo is important to represent the host country conveying their message to the World. It’s also the identity of the World Cup event. When you look at the logo, it might bring to mind all the highlights from that particular year of tournament. Read more…

18 Most Unbelievable, Weird and Unique Hotels that will Blow Your Mind

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What kind of hotels do you usually stay in during your travel? For regular travelers, they might just look for affordable, safe and clean hotel since they will probably spend most of the time outside instead of staying in the hotel room.


However if you have a chance to stay in an unbelievably unique hotel that will bring you extraordinary living experience, would you give it a try? Imagine of staying in a hotel underwater with fishes and corals next to you, sleeping on the bed that feel like floating in the air, or even living in a hotel room that made of ice? Doesn’t it sound so cool?

In today’s roundup, we would like to show you 18 most extraordinary hotels around the world that will make you go…OMG and WOW! Read more…

Top 10 Coolest Movie and TV Spy Gadgets in History of Technology

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Spy movies and TV shows have been crowd favorites for a long time now. People love watching handsome men in suits fighting off the bad guys, flying helicopters, firing guns and most of all, using their cool gadgets. Since the 60s, there are many gadgets which have become popular after being used in a spy movie or show. Not only are they incredibly cool to look at, but they make you think why no one has ever bothered to design them for real.


You can get cable to watch the movies and TV shows. You can also head to the cinema to watch your favorite spies in action. While there are hundreds of such gadgets to choose from, here are the top ten coolest movie and TV spy gadgets in the history of technology. Read more…

30 Impressive Shadow Art Photography

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Shadows are the phenomena of nature which have in a way become so common that they often remain unnoticed. Since ancient times, shadows have been manipulated to resemble animals and other objects. It’s hard to say when the shadow was first used by humans for entertainment and art, but it probably originated in the Far East countries like China. The art of Chinese shadow puppetry called Ombres Chinoises, which means “Chinese shadows”. In today’s modern world, we called it shadowgraphy or ombromanie, which is the art of performing a story using shadows made by hands.


However, the shadow art is not limited to hand shadow. Almost anything around you can be used to resemble different shapes from its model. All you need are creativity and good manipulation of light and space. In today’s showcase, we’ve crawled deep into the net to surface some of the most mind blowing shadow artworks that’ll make you say Wow! Read more…

Angry Birds Disrupt the Farm [Infographic]

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Angry Birds is one of the most successful mobile games the world has even seen. The app was created by Finnish developer Rovio Entertainment. Since its first release for Apple’s iOS in December 2009, the app has achieved over a billion of downloads across all platforms, including both regular and special editions. FarmVille, CityVille and Zynga Poker, on the other hand, are popular social games developed by Zynga in 2009 for Facebook and other social networking sites. They were all once the most popular Facebook game by daily active users.


In conjunction with the recently released Angry Birds Star Wars app, we would like to present a beautiful infographic about Angry Birds and Zynga’s social games. Read more…

Best 40 Beautiful Cinemagraph Artworks (Part 2)

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Last year, we had introduced 40 amazingly beautiful and intriguing cinemagraphs and received very great response from our audience. This makes us decided to release the part 2, showcasing you another 40 examples of aesthetically appealing art pieces you can’t afford to miss! In case you’ve never heard of cinemagraphs. Well they are basically still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs. These animated photographs are usually published in GIF format giving the illusion that you’re watching a video.


Sounds cool and interesting? Let’s check them out now! Read more…

40 Extremely Amazing Graffiti Artworks / Wall Paintings

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Graffiti is drawings scribbled, scratched, painted or sprayed on a wall or other surface in a public place. It ranges from written words to wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times, dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Today, in modern times, Graffiti is used to express underlying social and political messages, present Hip-Hop culture, or even serve as an indicator of gang-related activities. This rapidly developing art has many types and styles varying across different cities and countries.


In today’s showcase, we’ve collected 40 extremely creative and extraordinary Graffiti artworks and wall paintings for your inspiration. Enjoy! Read more…

50 Facebook Timeline Covers for Top Brands

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Facebook Timeline cover has been a great place for users to showcase their favorite photos, celebrities, places, and creativity. An eye-catching and creatively designed Timeline image will help you drive more “Likes”, comments and new friends, making your Facebook more interactive and successful. For those of you who are looking for cool ideas to make your Facebook Timeline photo looks awesome, here’s the right place where you can find great inspiration!


Below we’ve collected 50 Facebook Timeline covers for famous brands. The photo collection gives you ideas on how the big names attract visitors to their fanpage, promote their products, campaigns, special offers and latest updates. So don’t miss the opportunity to learn their interactive design, marketing strategies, and branding techniques, and then apply them on your own Facebook Timeline cover. Read more…

36 Awesome World Map Artworks for Your Inspiration

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When it comes to arts, everything can be reproduced to make it more interesting, meaningful and compelling, depending on one’s creativity. World map is no longer special to anyone, it can be found from the web as easy as tabbing Google Map app on your smartphone or tablet. However some creative artists, designers and photographers decided to give the world map a new look, making them amazingly beautiful, unique, and different from the standard maps we know. Some are digitally designed, painted, carved, and even spilled with coffee.


Here’s a showcase of 36 most amazing and interesting world map artworks that I’ve collected from the web. Don’t forget to save them as a source of inspiration or share with your friends for enjoyment. Personally, I like the carved apple as it caught my attention with its clean map image. How about you? Read more…

Amazing New iPhone Design and Features (Photos and Videos)

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Is iPhone the smartest phone in the world? While this question remains to be answered, but what we are so sure is that iPhone has become a benchmark for all other smartphones to compete with. Although there was no iPhone 5 launched in last year, instead Apple rolled out the iPhone 4S. The phone also known as iPhone for Steve as the Apple’s visionary co-founder has passed away the day after iPhone 4S was launched.


This year, Apple will be launching a total revision of the iPhone and the publication reports that Steve Jobs was closely involved with the development of the new iPhone. Most notably, he was overseeing the redesign of the phone right up until his death late last year. Read more…

40 Stunning Handmade Paper Artworks for Your Inspiration

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Paper art can be presented in a number of ways, from paper folding to book craving. The arts of folding, cutting, and shaping of paper were originated about a thousand year ago. They are usually showcased in the museums and exhibitions. Nowadays, paper art is considered to be one of the primary mediums for artistic expression. Instead of using blank A4 paper, many artists develop and improvise their ideas by using some unexpected materials and methods.


In today’s showcase, we would like to present 40 truly amazing and beautiful paper artworks that will make you Wow! These awesome art pieces are all hand-made by 13 talented artists. Enjoy! Read more…

35 Cool QR Code Artworks That Make You Say Wow

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QR Code (Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode that can be read quickly by a cell phone. In the recent years, the system has become very popular in many industries due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard barcodes. You can see the codes are being used in everywhere, in a magazine advert, a web page, on a billboard, or even on someone’s t-shirt. Once you scan the code by using your smart phone’s QR code reader, it gives you details about that business. It can even show you a link which you can click for a movie trailer or give you a coupon which you can use in a local outlet.


QR code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. However some talented designers have transformed this boring looking code into visually appealing designs. In today’s roundup, we bring you 35 very creative and beautiful QR codes for your enjoyment. You’ll be surprised that some of these colorful QR can be scanned for info too! Read more…

35 Global Warming Artworks to Create Public Awareness

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Global warming is a serious issue that all of us can’t afford to ignore. Our earth has been sending us warning messages as early as 19 century, and the signal is getting stronger. In the recent years, we can see increasing temperature in many countries, ice at the North Pole melted at an unprecedented rate, rising sea level, and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather conditions. If we continue to disrespect our earth, more dangers and complications will come to us for sure.


We, at, as an advocate of green and sustainability, would like to showcase 35 global warming related artworks. We hope these art pieces can help to increase public awareness about the plight of our mother earth. Read more…

40 Stunning and Beautiful Architecture Photography

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Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and construction. It works in the material form of buildings and is often perceived as works of art. This form of art can be seen anywhere in our daily lives, so it’s a popular subject for photographers. In today’s article, we would like to present a showcase of beautiful and stunning architectural photography. These photos are taken from the best angle, with the right timing, settings and effects to achieve the most amazing shot of buildings. We hope these artworks can be your source of inspiration!


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