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Tag: technology

How Brochure, Banner and Book Printers Can Establish Themselves in the Business

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Technology has undergone tremendous leaps of progress over the last few years. Several new industries have come up, and the classic industries have been completely revolutionized and revamped with new methods and new technology.


A prime example of this is the printing business, which has gone into overdrive ever since digital printing became an accepted industry standard. It is an industry which is growing exponentially day by day, with new applications, technologies and prospects emerging every single day. This is as good an industry as any for an aspiring entrepreneur to set up a business. Read more…

20 Coolest Futuristic Gadgets for Your Car

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Increasingly more companies are manufacturing vehicles with fancy navigation systems and built-in Bluetooth. That being said, it’s obvious that the industry is changing. In-car gadgetry is now a common thing, and almost everyone looking for a new car will purchase a type with some sort of futuristic gadget incorporated. From dash cameras and multi-talented connected navigation to DAB radio and satnavs, a lot of innovations are being integrated in today’s newest cars.


Here are 20 of the coolest gadgets you should consider for your vehicle. Read more…

15 Google Projects that Might Change the World

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The destiny and fortunes as well as all the cards to change the future for our generations and us lie nowhere but within our own bare hands. The world and its innovations, including the human talent has given so much empowerment to individuals, that we can change and shape our future the way we want it to. Technology and technological advancements or breakthroughs completed by individuals only are the ways which have carved out a line of direction for all of us to follow and continue to build upon a more advanced future for ourselves.


There are firms and companies that have dedicated so much of their blood in terms of human power and funding to source groundbreaking research and technological projects, which has up till now completely changed the way we operate on our daily lives. Read more…

30 Amazing Things Smart Watches Can Do

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There’s been a lot of hype around the Apple Watch, which can drown out the cool stuff other smart watches can do. Most of them sync up to a particular cell phone, just like the Apple Watch syncs only to iOS phones. But that’s to be expected. What isn’t necessarily known are all the seemingly little things that make the current lineup of smart watches worth looking into. Here’s a list of 30 amazing things smart watches can do.

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Top 10 Future Smart Car Technologies You will be Impressed with

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Today’s conventional car has features most of us take for granted. Things such as satellite navigation and self-parking were movie effects or radical theories a couple of decades ago. If autonomous cars go mainstream what will our grandkids drive 20-30 years from now, space ships? Here are 10 of the smartest car technologies that will blow you away.


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10 Technologies You Might Find in Apple Car

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Near about four decades, Apple is one such company which has created wonders in computers, mobiles, tablets and many other gizmos. Now, soon in the upcoming years, Apple Company has tightened their belts to launch its SmartCar. It would be a delight to observe whether it will shake the automobile markets or not!


You must have heard, but if not, this is to inform you that these days tech-giant is much more focused on his upcoming launch- Apple SmartWatches. These watches will not just show time, but will be comprises of all features that a Smartphone have with a Wi-Fi network access. Read more…

Smartphones and 3D Technology: A Cool Feature or Lame Gimmick?

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Over the past decade, 3D technology has seemingly come into its own. The biggest blockbuster movie releases come in 3D variations, 3D printers are on the rise, and now smartphones have even tried to dabble in this technology as they seek to differentiate themselves from a crowded and competitive marketplace. Although the idea of a 3D smartphone isn’t exactly a new notion, the idea of a smartphone that has working 3D features that consumers actually use has yet to hit the market. The real question, however, is whether or not 3-dimensional interfaces and features matter in the mobile phone space. Is this something that could benefit users, or is it a gimmick meant to drive sales and benefit the marketing department of a major manufacturer?


We know that the goal of every major mobile phone producer is to come up with a way to top their competitors, which has resulted in several ridiculous features that aren’t necessary, but designed to attract consumers. Although this technology is still in its beginning stages, it is still intriguing—especially if it works. Read on to get a better idea of the true potential of 3D smartphones and whether or not it’s a legitimate feature, or a marketing ploy to attract customers. Read more…

How / Where to Buy Google Glass: The Most Advanced Wearable Computer

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Google Glass is one of the most anticipated technology products people have been intensively talking for quite some time. The minimalist headset comes with a lens-less frame and a USB connector-size augmented reality display. Just like your smartphone or tablet computer, the specs has built-in voice recognition, photo and video capture, social sharing, voice search, built-in navigation, voice translation and other “on-the-spot-action” features.


The good news is that the Glass may finally be finishing the “project” phase. Read more…

Top 10 Coolest Movie and TV Spy Gadgets in History of Technology

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Spy movies and TV shows have been crowd favorites for a long time now. People love watching handsome men in suits fighting off the bad guys, flying helicopters, firing guns and most of all, using their cool gadgets. Since the 60s, there are many gadgets which have become popular after being used in a spy movie or show. Not only are they incredibly cool to look at, but they make you think why no one has ever bothered to design them for real.


You can get cable to watch the movies and TV shows. You can also head to the cinema to watch your favorite spies in action. While there are hundreds of such gadgets to choose from, here are the top ten coolest movie and TV spy gadgets in the history of technology. Read more…