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10 WeChat Tips to Sell Your Products and Services

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WeChat plays a very vital role for different brands to get closer to their customers globally. This application is also a paramount social media tool in most of the countries of the world.


You can’t take WeChat as a simple messaging application used for messaging; this is social media platforms that allow the users to get location-based services, make video calling and also has a payment system. It also helps the users to participate in contests, play mini-games and also to issue coupons.

We all know about the fact that e-commerce market around the globe has been growing every day for the past few years globally. WeChat is a perfect mobile application that enables the sellers or brands to get in touch with their customers directly via quick messages. This application recently introduced a great new option granting the businesses and brands to market their products to their target audience globally. Mobile phone users in the world are growing by 25% worldwide annually. The vast marketplace of this application has been attracting thousands of new brands annually globally, looking for new clients with the help of various channels.


WeChat launched a new option of online payment recently. Therefore, businesses based globally have earned another space to get closer to all their target audience from every part of the world. Now sellers from different regions of the world have a different way to reach their customers and sell their products easily.

Here are some great ideas and tips for you to sell your product by using WeChat app.

1. Make Sure You Have a High-Quality Content

There are brands out there who have their accounts on WeChat. Customers of the brand can subscribe or follow these accounts to stay updated with the brand network. You can always find some verified and also accounts that are non-verified. WeChat recognizes the account that is verified and knows that it is official and has the creative and high quality of content. Brands can attract their target audience towards themselves easily by sharing high-quality media content, on their verified accounts on WeChat. These media contents can be videos, audio messages, text or photos that they can share their followers and fans.

2. Communication

Due to the one to one communication system of WeChat, it is a perfect CRM tool. This app can be used for the customer relationship management and loyalty programs as this app enables a personal conversation between the followers and the brand. WeChat Provide the feel of being unique to the users, you be the sole focus of the brand is an effective strategy to attract the target audience.

3. QR Code


One of the best features that WeChat offers is that customers from different parts of the world can now search for you through QR codes, who are unable to search you directly via search. Make sure the QR Code of your brand appears in your shops, packaging, website and other social media platforms.

It is vital to offer a reason to your audience for scanning your QR code. Some tremendous encouragement for brands to use are:

  • Discount Offers
  • Virtual VIP card
  • E-coupons

4. Customer’s Reviews & Feedback

WeChat is a perfect platform to benchmark the satisfaction of their clients because, with the help of WeChat, different brands can gather feedback from their customers, fans, and followers. It’s important for brands to learn about customers’ opinions of the products that they are offering.

5. Both Online & Offline Sales

Every brand in the world is using different promotions to move both online and offline sales. Brands from various parts of the world launch new promotions on the internet world that members can avail in their retail location.

6. WeChat Shops


Some of the famous and well-known brands have created WeChat accounts. Here these brands are selling their products to the customers directly, but it’s important for the brands to have enough logistics capacity to supply the customers.

7. The Best Online shop platforms

Different brands in the world have made their stores on WeChat, here they meet their customers directly and sell them what the customer needs. However, brands and companies can avail this option under some “Service Accounts.”

8. “Word of Mouth”

Using the traditional way “word of mouth” is another great way for the brands to sell products to customers with the WeChat. After the brands share their product information, a promotional process is started by the designer team. They share all your product various networking pages.

9. Product Launch

WeChat is a perfect tool when brands from around the world are planning to launch a new product. This app is a perfect way of inviting the subscribers according to their location or browsing history.

10. Payment Services


A new payment method launched by WeChat which assists the customers to pay for the product that they are willing to buy on click of a button. Now buyers from different parts of the world can link their bank cards and avail some great offers and advantages.

There are many famous brands such as Pepsi, Burberry, Coach or Starbucks that have been enjoying the benefits by WeChat. Don’t fall back, if you have a brand or even if you’re planning to start a new brand and want your product to be visible in the eyes of your target audience then make a verified account on WeChat. This application is the easiest way to reach the customers from around the world. Now you can easily do this by keeping the tips that we gave you in this article in your mind for your brand.

If you have some great tips for people or brands, who are starting to work on WeChat, share them in the comments. It would be great to know what strategies do you take up to sell products on WeChat and learn more about the topic.

Author: Mark Good

I am apart of Logo Venture & a professional in reader by night and a writer by day. Graphic and logo designing trends is his favorite area of interest.

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