Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Team in Web Design
When presenting a prototype of a new website to customers, you, as a serious web designer should make sure the prototype looks finished. With all the necessary text, photos and other design elements put in place, the viewers would have a chance to better understand the idea behind the website you’ve created. Instead of using rectangle and square boxes to show what should be in a specific location, you can actually put some text where text goes and some images where images go for better visualization.
Below we’ve rounded up some of the best dummy text generators that can create filler text in seconds. The generated filler text can help you get an accurate feel of the balance between design elements and white space, allowing you to see the relative weight of the text compared to other design elements on the page. Read more…
Updated on
October 19th, 2014
by Quertime Writer in Info & News
The advent of web and cloud based tools has made the project management process virtually unrecognizable from a couple of decades ago. These tools have eliminated some of the disadvantages of offline systems and they have also made real improvements to the way we do business. Here are six of the key benefits of online project management systems.
Updated on
November 29th, 2012
by Quertime Writer in Hardware
In this era when technology changes and develops so fast, it is no longer an unusual scenario where a recently released high technology device will find a fierce competitor sooner than what they think. Today, iPad is about to experience that situation with Microsoft’s latest product. However, it seems that Apple’s iPad is not just about to get a competitor but rather, a challenger in the presence Microsoft’s Surface. This may be bad news for the computer technology giant, Apple but it will definitely delight consumers who are always anticipating the latest products from the leading manufacturers in the industry.
Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Team in Inspiration
QR Code (Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode that can be read quickly by a cell phone. In the recent years, the system has become very popular in many industries due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard barcodes. You can see the codes are being used in everywhere, in a magazine advert, a web page, on a billboard, or even on someone’s t-shirt. Once you scan the code by using your smart phone’s QR code reader, it gives you details about that business. It can even show you a link which you can click for a movie trailer or give you a coupon which you can use in a local outlet.
QR code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. However some talented designers have transformed this boring looking code into visually appealing designs. In today’s roundup, we bring you 35 very creative and beautiful QR codes for your enjoyment. You’ll be surprised that some of these colorful QR can be scanned for info too! Read more…
Updated on
December 30th, 2024
by Quertime Team in Web Development
For those who are looking for some great web tools to create websites for free, pay attention on this post! Well, not everyone is willing to pay premium to set up a website. May be you just want to own a simple website for a temporary purpose, or you have to produce a website on a budget.
Fortunately, there are many useful web applications available which allows you to put up a website without spending a dime. Below we’ve rounded up 37 best free website builders to fulfil your needs of both web design and development. We hope these top notch free website building tools can help you to create a professional-looking website with ease. Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box below. Read more…
Updated on
November 30th, 2012
by Quertime Team in Email
Do you know that Gmail offers a series of keyboard shortcuts to streamline your email activities? Yes, instead of using your mouse to perform various email actions, you can actually use easy keyboard tricks to increase productivity. In today’s post, we’ve gathered 15 really useful Gmail keyboard shortcuts to enhance your Gmail experience. Before you can use these shortcuts, make sure you’ve enabled the feature by clicking the gear icon > Settings > General > Keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts on > Save changes. You can also click this link to enable shortcuts feature automatically.
Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Web Development
The first question you probably ask when concerning SEO is usually, what is it? Well the initials stand for Search Engine Optimization, and it means exactly what it says. You use SEO strategies to make your website appear in online search engines more frequently and on the top of the search page with your keywords. It may sound a little complicated, but it really isn’t.
When you use a search engine you are using a keyword or words to find the most relevant content that applies to you. This is the search engines job, and it can be pretty difficult sifting through billions of web pages worldwide to find you the most relevant article. To make this job easier, search engines use complex algorithms with data collected from every webpage around the world to create relevant search results. Read more…
Updated on
August 1st, 2018
by Quertime Team in Web Development
Infographic is a good way to present complex data, information and knowledge. Instead of generating boring report or publishing long article, an infographic can let readers understand the content quickly and clearly. Most of these graphics are visually appealing which make the learning process fun and interesting, more importantly, they are easy to understand. Below we’ve gathered 35 very useful infographics for web designers and bloggers. The topics include web design, web development, social media as well as global Internet usage.
We hope this post helps you achieve success on your web career or blogging endeavour. If you stumble upon any good infographics, please add them in the comment box below. Read more…
Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Team in Social Media
Twitter is absolutely one of the largest celebrity networks on the web. Many celebrities, athletes, politicians and musicians are using the microblogging service to show their fans a more personal side and post photos of themselves in everyday life. This drives a tremendously large group of people joining Twitter to follow their favorite celebrities, which is one of the key success factors behind Twitter as a social network.
Below you’ll find 5 web services that you can use to find and follow your favorite celebrities and important people on Twitter! Read more…
Updated on
August 1st, 2018
by Quertime Team in Mobile
Looking for some cool drawing and design apps for your iPad? We believe this post will fulfil your needs. iPad or other tablet devices have become a must-have tool for web designers, developers and artists. This is because there are too many awesome apps can be installed on your devices for drawing, painting, sketching, website editing, publishing, wireframing and other design purposes.
Below we’ve rounded up 34 most feature-rich apps that have design and drawing capabilities. They are for both beginners and experts alike. We hope you enjoy this post! Read more…
Updated on
October 21st, 2014
by Quertime Team in Social Media
How many social networking accounts do you have? We, at Quertime.com, have joined most of the major social networks including Facebook, Twitter and Google+. They are absolutely great for sharing good stuff with our audience and fans. However some of you might find these mainstream social media sites too common. Perhaps you are looking for a social experience that caters to specific topics and interests. Below we’ve listed 10 niche social networks you’ve probably never heard of.
Updated on
January 9th, 2024
by Quertime Team in Email
As of January 2012, Gmail has 350 million active users worldwide. Due to its popularity, the Google email service has become the target of hackers, phishers and scammers from all over the web. No doubt Gmail has sophisticated security system, but it can never be perfect and 100% invulnerable. As a regular Gmail user, we should do our best to keep our emails, contacts and sensitive information safe. Below we have 10 useful tips which you can use to further strengthen your Gmail security from any possible cyber threats.
Updated on
July 2nd, 2018
by Quertime Team in Inspiration
Global warming is a serious issue that all of us can’t afford to ignore. Our earth has been sending us warning messages as early as 19 century, and the signal is getting stronger. In the recent years, we can see increasing temperature in many countries, ice at the North Pole melted at an unprecedented rate, rising sea level, and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather conditions. If we continue to disrespect our earth, more dangers and complications will come to us for sure.
We, at Quertime.com, as an advocate of green and sustainability, would like to showcase 35 global warming related artworks. We hope these art pieces can help to increase public awareness about the plight of our mother earth. Read more…
Updated on
November 30th, 2012
by Quertime Team in Make Money Online
Here we have two options for AdSense users: 10 clicks to earn $10 or 1 click to earn $10. Which one will you choose? If I were you, I will seek for the third option, which is 10 clicks to earn $100. That’s where high CPC (cost-per-click) meets high CTR (click-through-rate). If you happen to be a blogger and Google AdSense is your main source of revenue, then AdSense optimization is something you should not ignore. In today’s post, I’ll explain 5 useful tips to help you get high AdSense CPC and increase overall ad revenue.
Updated on
August 1st, 2018
by Quertime Writer in Web Design
These days the number one source of making money quick and easy is through the Internet. By running a business over the web you have the opportunity to target every individual in the world that has access to the Internet. Theoretically, this means you have a global business. You can sell products, services or as Ebay has proved anything over the Internet. Hence the number one job, highest in demand is of a web designer. For any individual to make a website over the Internet, they need a web designer.