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Archives – February, 2013

What will be the Top Hardware Stories of 2013?

Updated on by in Hardware

New operating systems, interactive website interfaces, and exciting new games might grab the attention of technology writers around the world, but surely, the launch of new and innovative hardware gets pulses racing quickest.


Whether it is a smart television, a computer, or a mobile phone, people love to see the capabilities that the latest pieces of hardware are going to give to them. We took the opportunity to explore some of the biggest hardware stories around, and at how we can expect to see them develop over the rest of 2013. Read more…

5 Ways to Increase Your SEO Without Losing Value to Your Readers

Updated on by in Web Development

Optimization is the key to gaining more organic traffic through the search engines, but many website owners have a hard time balancing readers and optimization. You can add many keywords and fret over keyword density, but that might make your content look rigid and unappealing. You can write only for readers and forget about SEO, but that can hurt your search engine rankings. These five optimization strategies will show you how to improve your SEO without reducing the quality of your content.


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Ways Brand Use Social Games in Facebook

Updated on by in Social Media

Any company would be able to help their new brand by encouraging community members to play games online. This is particularly successful through the social site Facebook. Social media can make a brand world-wide as it goes viral. It is much cleverer then basic advertising. Gaming is addictive, fun and talked about!


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How to Share File / Attachment between Gmail and Google Drive

Updated on by in Email

Google Drive has been integrated into Gmail and this gives you the convenience of sending files stored in the cloud straight to your email, without leaving Gmail page. It’s especially useful for sending large files up to 10GB.


Due to the fact that you’re sending file stored in the Google Drive, it allows your recipients access to the most updated version of it. Also, Gmail will check and make sure all your recipients have access to the file you’re sending. If it detects the file isn’t shared with all recipients, you will be prompted with a warning message together with the option to change the file sharing settings. Also, it works well with drive links pasted straight into emails. Read more…

How / Where to Buy Google Glass: The Most Advanced Wearable Computer

Updated on by in Hardware

Google Glass is one of the most anticipated technology products people have been intensively talking for quite some time. The minimalist headset comes with a lens-less frame and a USB connector-size augmented reality display. Just like your smartphone or tablet computer, the specs has built-in voice recognition, photo and video capture, social sharing, voice search, built-in navigation, voice translation and other “on-the-spot-action” features.


The good news is that the Glass may finally be finishing the “project” phase. Read more…

6 iPhone / Android Apps to Avoid Traffic Jams

Updated on by in Mobile

In most of the major cities around the world traffic jams happen everyday. Sometimes people can be stuck in the traffic for hours during working and peak hours. The condition is worse if there’s an accident, roadblock or roadworks. Being a smart commuter, you should plan your route properly to ensure your journey is smooth and hassle-free.


One of the typical ways to keep you updated with the traffic condition is listening to the car radio. The good news is that they are alternatives available to help you get the real-time and accurate traffic info. Thanks to the mobile app developers who are devoted to making our driving frustrations less. Below we’ve rounded up some helpful traffic apps, both iOS and Android, helping you to get out of the traffic disasters, get to the destination faster as well as discover and share interesting data during your driving journey. Read more…

10 Tools for Freelance Designers to Present Designs Better

Updated on by in Web Tools

If you don’t work alone, sooner or later you’ll face the problem: How can I convey my ideas clearly and efficiently? If you are a freelancer and cannot talk to your clients face to face, what can you do to present your design, instead of sending lots of files with an email? Be careful, because a confused or just unattractive presentation may cause many further hours to placate a disgruntled client. However, not everyone has the expertise of making stunning presentations, and that’ why the following tools are existed.


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10 Foolproof Ways to Monetize your Blog

Updated on by in Make Money Online

So you have a blog, but you are without a clue as to how you can make money out of it. If you had scanned the Internet before looking for the clue, chances are you may have seen hundreds of advices and guide books promising the sky, and that, within a short period. Do not get carried away by these tall claims. The advices may be good, but not the promises and over-night fortunes they claim you will get. Monetizing your blog is both time consuming and hard (read smart) work.


When you set out to monetize your blog, first check, if you meet some basic requirements, and if you don’t, then set your home right and begin your sojourn. Of all basic requirements, good readership for your blogs is a must. To bring in readership, you need to promote your blog and to promote, you need great content, and only great contents can bring in readers. The circle is now apparent.

When you do something as laborious as monetizing a blog, you will want to make them foolproof. That is understandable. Here are some simple ways to do it. When they work for veteran blog owners, there is no reason why it should not work for you as well. Read more…

Will Apple iPad 5 Make Big in Marketplace and Outperform The Upcoming Tablets from Its Competitors?

Updated on by in Mobile

Apple is the leading innovator in personal computers, consumer electronics and many more. That is why the expectations of the Apple fans are extremely high. Consumers want new breakthrough features, and Apple has been successfully providing them for the past so many decades.


Technology is changing and developing at a rapid rate. In addition, the Apple products are also facing fierce competition from the other technical giants. Apple is at third position in the list of largest cell phone manufacturers. The leading brands are Samsung and Nokia. Read more…

Billions at Stake for Small Businesses: How to Cash In

Updated on by in Business

You won’t be getting billions in government funding or grants or legendary IPOs, but consumer dollars are up for grabs if you just do a little work to be sure they come your way. According to Bob Parsons, founder and chairman of, small businesses can cash in if they just do one thing. Offer a mobile website.


Sound too good to be true? It isn’t. If you’re part of the more than 75 percent of small businesses without a mobile website, you’re missing out on business. Check out Parson’s video blog on the topic below. Read more…

5 Best Safety Apps for Kids, Women and Old People

Updated on by in Mobile

Safety and security are important to everyone regardless of age, gender and place. If you are lost somewhere or encounter violent problems, it’s crucial to identity the issue and call for help immediately.


Below we’ve listed some helpful safety related mobile apps which you can use to call on resources to help you out of the dangerous situation, avoiding you to become a victim of violent crimes such as sexual assault, robbery, etc. These Android and iPhone apps are especially important for kids, women and elderly people. Read more…

10 Useful Open Source Web Design Tools for Developers

Updated on by in Web Design

Web designing is not for the meek hearted, or for those who don’t wish to be bothered with new developments. At no time in the history of internet and its evolution web development has stood constant even for a moment. The only constant in web is change. Early during the development of internet, every utility had to be bought individually. Things are vastly different today as more and more software come under open source development.


Typical examples of successful open source software include the likes of Linux, Joomla, XAMP, Apache, and WordPress, and so on endlessly. The advantages of open source are, they are modifiable, free to use and there is a vast community of developers to guide and support you in implementing the software. Another advantage, and most important of all is that thousands of users worldwide work improving the applications, and that means newer releases at more frequent intervals. Read more…