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Category: Info & News

20 Successful Website Clones: What to Learn from Them?

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Competition is not always faithful and the market economy does not always reward the best and brightest ideas. This fact has been part of developed society ever since the earliest days of capitalism, understood as the system in which supply and demand regulate the flow of products. It remains true in what concerns the last rush for gold – the online business environment.


The following websites took flattery (imitation) for the best products of Silicon Valley to new peaks, enjoying an immense growth of their own. Some were purchased by the original sites early on, others grew to dominate entire regions of the world. However, each presents a successful, however immoral, business model. Read more…

20 Most Notorious Get Rich Quick Schemes You Must Say NO

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The idea of becoming self-employed and rich is an obsession of the millennials. No wonder there are so many seductive offers to make quick money. While some of them might still be worthy, the most of these schemes are too suspicious. It is better to stay away from these twenty get rich schemes that are likely to become your nightmare.


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11 Tips When Shopping on Alibaba & Other Online Stores

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Online shopping has taken over the brick and mortar installations, almost. Online shopping offers ease in terms of affordability, selection of wide variety, less hassle, and convenience. These are things we are all aware of but do you know there are some secrets to making purchases at Alibaba and many other online stores.


What are they? Read on to find out. Read more…

10 Amazing Ways Augmented Reality Will Improve Our Life

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The Augmented Reality (AR) is making a loud roar as the latest innovation in technology proves that it is useful to improve the lives of people. Augmented reality is a mixture of real life and virtual reality. Developers create an image within applications that allows blending in with the content in the real environment. With the help of AR, users can interact with virtual items.


Also, users can interact with virtual contents in the real world that AR is viewing. Users can distinguish the difference between the two. Read more…

20 Most Trendy Internet Slang Words, Phrases and Acronyms

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On the Internet, there are a lot of slangs and phrases that you would come across in your routine browsing/surfing. The internet is a place where things overnight turns into a sensation. This article is intended to make you aware of the trendiest ones out there.


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20 Business Kickstarter Fun Facts You Can’t Miss Out

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Starting your own business is a lot like finding true love. It’s both terrifying and exhilarating since for every magical thing that can happen during the course of starting your business, there is always something that threatens to thwart your dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.


The man who knew a thing or two about failure, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford motor company once said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Read more…

Wireless Charging: 10 Things You Must Know

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Until our smartphones start offering week-long battery life, wireless chargers are the most reliable option to keep our devices fueled all day long. This innovative technological advancement has brought us one step closer to a wire-free existence, which doesn’t require us to fiddle with wall warts and messy cables.


Wireless charging, also known as inductive charging uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy from a platter or charging pad to your device. All you need to do is set your smartphone on the charging station, and your device will be charged. Read more…

15 Ways Graphene Will Completely Change the Tech World

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Thanks to research, modern technology is continuously expanding and once such advancement is the discovery of graphene. Graphene is a thin sheet of carbon, and it is the first-ever created substance that has two-dimensions. The thickness of this sheet is no more than a single carbon atom. When compared to the things that we can see, you will be surprised when you are told about its size. Human hair is one of the smallest things that we can see, but this graphene is one million times thinner than it.


When it comes to the matter of usage of graphene, don’t judge it by its minuscule size. The strength of graphene is 1000 percent more than steel, and its weight is insignificant – thousand times lighter than paper. It is also an outstanding electrical conductor with strong conductivity than silicon. Because of all these properties, it is expected that this substance will completely revolutionize the tech world in near future. Read more…

20 WikiLeaks Most Explosive Revelations and Scandals

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WikiLeaks is an organisation which has given us some of the most shocking scandals relating to governments and politicians in recent years. It was founded by Julian Assange, an internet activist who is currently seeking asylum in the Ecuador embassy in London over fear he will be extradited to the US and sentenced to death.


However, this threat hasn’t stopped Assange from publishing top-secret documents and the period of the 2016 US Election was one of WikiLeaks’ busiest yet. Let’s take a look at the top 20 biggest revelations courtesy of WikiLeaks…so far. Read more…

Amazon vs Alibaba: Who is the Global e-Commerce Winner?

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Who gets the top crown of global ecommerce king – American Amazon, or Chinese Alibaba? Here we look at some of the key things that separate these platforms from each other; and what that means for sellers, shoppers, and investors. Let the ecommerce games begin… (Need to brush up on your Alibaba knowledge first? Check out these Alibaba infographics for an instant refresher).


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Top 10 Proven Tips for Winning Auctions on eBay

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Shopping on eBay is all about getting unique collectibles and amazing products at a great price. However, participating in eBay auctions is also a thrill. And you can tell just by looking how much people sometimes bid on crazy items.


If you just began your shopping adventure on eBay, you might lose on many auctions. But don’t get discouraged! Here are 10 bidding strategies to help you win auctions on eBay and get the items you want at the best price. Read more…

20 Facts on Worldwide Internet Usage That You Should Know

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Do you know what percentage of the world population uses the Internet every day? Which population uses the Internet the most? How many countries do not have an Internet connection? Here are some of the top facts on worldwide Internet usage.


It is also important to know that these do not consider data from all countries because of various factors. For example, statistics regarding Internet penetration in North Korea are not made public. Nevertheless, many analysts agree that worldwide Internet penetration is on a steady rise in both developed and developing countries. Read more…

15 Facts: How Artificial Intelligence Will End Our World within Decades

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The scenario of artificial intelligence taking over the world and ending it has been an existing concern for decades now. Since the joining of Stephen Hawking to those who prophet that the world will end, this topic has achieved even higher grade of attention that it has before. ‘The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race‘ – stated Hawkings for the BBC. According to Hawkings, the AI will surpass the intelligence of humans.


Is this really going to end our world within decades? Let’s have a look at 15 facts that support the idea. Read more…

Tips: Listing Property on Rental Sites to Pay off Mortgages

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The online rental marketplace is helping the people to pay off their debts and earn an extra sum for their livelihood.


The cost of living has grown to a greater extent that makes it hard for the people to live in Toronto and many other major cities. From food to clothing, everything is expensive in the city and even the housing price in the country has grown high to almost seventeen percent by June, which is higher when compared to the pricing range of last year. But in the strife of life, the online rental platform brings hope among the people, similarly in Tasmania the people are able to pay off their debts. Read more…

15 Reasons Why You Can Never Trust the Mainstream Media

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For years, the mainstream news media have been one of the main sources of information for people. However, these days we have a plenty of online alternatives, such as various websites and forums. Big news channels like Fox News, CNN, and so on, lose audience and so become desperate in attracting more attention.


However, this doesn’t mean that they do it the right way: actually, now you need to trust the mainstream media even less than before, and I’m going to explain to you why. Read more…