What is 5G Technology? 10 Reasons Why You’ll Need It
According to Exchangewire.com, by 2025 –– it’s estimated there will be 1.1 billion 5G connections. Simply put, 5G stands for fifth generation and it refers to the latest mobile wireless standard of broadband technology. Though 5G isn’t expected until 2020, there’s an increased interest in what it is, what it does, and why we need it.
We might not be fully aware of what the standards of 5G will be just yet, but we do know it will revolutionize the world and the way we interact with it. Here are 10 reasons why it’s incredible — and why you’ll need it!
1. More Capacity
According to Pocketlint.com, analysts have predicted that by the year 2020, each person in the UK alone will own and use 27 different internet connected devices, and that there will be 50 billion connected devices worldwide (ranging from smartphones, to tablets, smartwatches, cars, etc). With 5g, the capacity to accommodate these devices and shift the data back and forth is greater. The system will understand how to do this and be able to allocate the bandwidth.
With the Internet of Things in a constant state of growth (objects that employ connected features) bandwidth strain continues to grow as well — making capacity a crucial element of the future.
2. Faster Data Speed
There’s no exact definition of how fast 5g will be — but we do know it will be wildly fast (and certainly faster than 4g). According to Wired.com Verizon spokesman Marc Tracey stated, “Basically, 5G will provide a wider pipeline and faster lanes.”
Consider speeds that are ten times faster than 4G LTE, meaning you can download in seconds, experience live virtual reality with little lag and much more. From what we’ve read, we’re looking at speeds between 10Gbps and 100Gbps.
3. Tactile Internet
In essence, Tactile Internet means an Internet Network with low latency, high availability, high reliability and high security. It’s the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) with human to machine interaction. It means that all apps are moved into the cloud and a user utilizes a thin client equipped with a touch-enabled display that doesn’t process any data locally.
If the mobile internet allowed us to exchange data and multimedia content on the move — the IoT enables the interconnection of your smart devices. And the Tactile Internet enables the control of the IoT in real time.
4. Data safety
Once the only thing being transmitted over the network connection is the display’s contents, it will not be possible tosteal data. With 5g, you can rest assured that your data is your own.
5. Low Latency
Though speed is an exciting factor, too, the real buzz about with 5G seems to be the low latency (or, the short lag time between a device and the response it gets from the network. Current networks do not transmit data in real time. But, according to Wired.com, 5G’s potential ultra-low-latency could might range between 1ms and 10ms — meaning that a bystander at a sporting event could watch the live stream of another camera angle to see what is going on ahead yet perceive no delay.
This will allow for incredible possibilities of things like remote surgery, as the surgeon may not need to be in the same room as a patient in the future.
6. New Format Possibilities
Latency has been one of the largest barriers for widespread adoption of VR and AR (virtual and augmented reality). But with 5G and low latency, those new formats can be brought to life. This paves the way for the sharing of highly personal and engaging content across a variety of channels (whether for business or personal use) and allows users to have individualized experiences.
7. It Will (Hopefully) be Less Expensive
5G sounds too good to be true so it must be astronomically expensive, right? Think again. While it’s still too early to tell, it’s said that 5G will hopefully be less expensive, as it will lead to a lower cost-per-gigabyte for the wireless companies (which should theoretically mean cheaper cell plans for all).
8. Internet in Every Place
5G technology promises to deliver Internet connectivity nearly everywhere. So, you can say farewell to that feeling of “no Internet” — as you’ll be able to connect when you want and where you want.
9. Internet for Everything
Not only will you be able to get Internet everywhere, but you’ll be able to get it with everything. From automobiles to drones and cameras, you’ll enjoy the ease of available Internet connectivity with all your devices.
10. Smart Cities
According to Statetechmagazine.com, “The next generation of connectivity will play a huge role in enabling the Internet of Things, connected transit and other technologies as cities evolve.” A 5G network is set to provide up to a million connections per square kilometer, which will be fundamental when it comes to creating “Smart Cities.”
Think: smart-city energy grids, transportation networks, and water systems that are controlled in the cloud.
Though we still have a ways to go before we can fully grasp and understand what 5G will mean to us and our evolving world, now is certainly the time to get excited, curious, and in-the-know about what it will do and how you will use it.
As written by qz,com, Asha Keddy — general manager of mobile standards for advance tech at Intel — describes 5G as the first network designed to be scalable, versatile, and energy smart for the hyper-connected Internet of everything world.
As the technology of 5G progresses, we’re eager to see it all unfold and witness how it integrates itself into our day-to-day lives.
Tags: internet, technology