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Category: Software

15 Professional Data Recovery Tools for Windows

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Data resides at the heart of all informational systems. From governments gathering classified intelligence to corporations predicting trends with Big Data, modern data dependence pervades nearly every aspect of human life; yet, in the blink of an eye anyone can experience a massive loss of stored information. Such an experience can be devastating to say the least.


For this reason, new and sophisticated data recovery tools are constantly being introduced to the tech-driven marketplace. These tools, the saviors of the digital domain, provide users of the Windows operating system with hope that their data may not be lost forever. Read more…

20 Free Windows Tools You Should Install

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Congratulations on your purchase of a new Windows PC. Irrespective of whether you have bought laptop or desktop, having certain tools will be highly helpful.


You might now be on the top of the world after having purchased the best Windows laptop or PC. You might be aware of the fact that Windows operating system comes with a number of built-in features and tools. But, as per your requirement or tasks in hand, you might be in need of some additional tools with better functionalities. Here are the top 20 free windows tools without any specific order of priority you should install in your system to improve its functionality: Read more…

100 Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know

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There are a lot of businesses that focus on the technical side of things. And as many of you believe, there are companies who rely on application and software that tracks the activity rate of its employees. This helps them monitor the activity levels and the projects that employees are currently working on. For one thing, keyboard shortcuts are one of the most effective ways to increase your productivity rate.


Let’s assume that you are the type of person who easily does things without distractions and prefer to do it in one go. So, let’s say you are editing a draft of a book and it needs to go under an ePub conversion services first, and you’ve considered it as ready for publish you just need to add a few images to the document. Well, what if I said that you do not have to move your mouse around to find the right window containing the photos? You can shortcut you way to various actions in your computer with all but a press away. Read more…

20 Tips: How to Improve Skype Call Quality

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Skype calls are considered to be an essential part of everyday life for a large number of people and it is said that approximately three hundred million minutes are used every day on Skype calls. Unfortunately, there are many users who have to go through various problems such as quality of call, connection speed, poor audio, blurry video, privacy issues, confused chats etc. and these seemingly minor problems don’t let them have better Skype experience. However, these problems can be overcome very easily and if you could follow 20 tips and tricks described below, you will be able to have a much greater experience with Skype.


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20 Skype Tips for Better Voice and Video Calls Experience

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At the turn of the century, people were hardly familiar with the concept of making video calls over the internet. Fast forward to 2015, people will now much rather use Skype to make a phone call instead of using the network of their cell phone operator. Why pay money to talk with your friends or family when you can simply strike up a conversation with them for free over the internet? Those who have stayed loyal to their phone operators will boast that the mobile networks offer better call quality than most video calling software do. This is not necessarily true. The quality of the call on Skype in particular depends on the speed of the internet as well as how advanced the equipments being used are.


As a matter of fact, calling on Skype can actually be very troublesome if you don’t know how to make the best use of the software. Read more…

20 Useful Tips on Managing PDF Files with Much Expertise

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PDF files are one type of mostly used files in our daily lives. They don’t only offer better readability across different platforms at ease but also offers basic features like export, import, viewing, annotating texts, sharing them over different media and taking printouts etc. However, there are plenty more tips and tricks that you should be knowing in order to use PDF files since they are very compact, and this format makes files more accessible over different platforms. Not just the PDF readers or makers on Windows platform, but also the iOS based PDF apps are much used. Even Google Drive allows the users to perform a handful of operations using the Drive.


We have gathered 20 of these tips for your convenient usage of PDF files. Read more…

How to Restore Mac Emptied Trash Bin Files in a Simple Way

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We say that the Mac OS X is an operating system that has many advanced features and characteristics, with utility applications that are integrated in many outstanding and creative designs. Moreover, the system has an easy to use interface due to its unique design that allows ordinary users to easily design or edit images, videos, and other multimedia files on their Mac. For these reasons many graphic designers and web designers tend to prefer the use of the powerful Mac OS X over any other operating system, yet there is a downside to having such a unique design.


When the user accidentally loses photos or other important documents, and they are not familiar with this system, they can feel panicked and think that they have lost them forever. For example, when you’ve just accidentally deleted an important file and then emptied your Mac trash bin. Read more…

20 Most Useful PDF Tips & Tools to Make Your Work Easy

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What if you worked hard on a document and suddenly next day you miss that file or it lost or got deleted? You will definitely get perturbed. To rectify this problem, now online techs have created many incredible sources that allow you to manage and save your file with name in folders. Moreover, it is right to use whenever you need them.


What is PDF File?

PDF is a worldwide pattern to present much information to any application or system anywhere it is required. Dynamic features and full security; Because of these positive points this pattern is highly used by tycoons and companies. Read more…

10 Best Free Mac Video Recording Software for Your Trip

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Which video recording software is right for you on your vacation? We’ve put together a list of the ten best free video recording software options for Mac. You’re sure to find a great solution among one of these options that will take care of all your video recording needs. Whether you’re recording a tutorial for a blog or just want to show your friends how to ride a scooter on travel, you’ll find something that will get the job done on this list.


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Recover Lost Photo, Audio and Video Files from Mac OS X Yosemite

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Apple Inc. recently launched another successor in its series of Macintosh operating systems, named Yosemite – Mac OS X 10.10. The newest version brings updates for hundreds of applications and features that its predecessors have already been providing. Additionally, many new features have also been added to the operating system suite, which are intended to make consumers even more comfortable in its usage.


As you know that Mac OS X is termed the excellent computer operating system, I consider that you must know the reason behind it. If not, then let me remind you of its unmatched graphics, excellent hardware, and most importantly – its performance. How can I forget Disk Utility – the Mac OS X inbuilt disk management tool, which lets you fix many of the problems encountered while doing your work. Mac computers are even more secure as compared to other computers in the marketplace, which by the way cannot compete with Mac, no matter whichever feature is on the line. Read more…

How to Improve Mac Performance without Upgrading System Hardware

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When it comes to speed up Mac performance, people wonder if they have to upgrade the system configuration. They might be correct, though; however, hardware upgrade is not the only step they need to take. In fact, many other steps, such as defragmentation, hard drive cleanup, and the like can also be taken in order to improve the performance of the Mac.


Digging deeper inside the Mac makes you witness certain system hardware components, such as RAM, hard drive, Ethernet card, and more. However, upgrading them is not the only step you must take in order to achieve speedy performance and faster execution. Instead, following are the things you can also go for: Read more…

Using OCR Software to Convert JPEG File to MS Word Document Format

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It’s true that OCR technology is not a brand new technology. Many businesses as well as enterprises have been using this technology for years. But we are being known about this software just because of some useful and important accomplishments of the OCR technology.


Not many years ago, in order to use this technology to do conversions, a user had to manually write the text. And to complete this process, the user had to spend a lot of time. But the new OCR software represents some great features enabling users to do conversions within a minute. And the new software is far more accurate than the old ones. Read more…

8 Tips to Speed Up Windows 7

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Over time computers seem to get slower, even with new processors like Windows 7 built in to them for speed and efficiency. This is due to the junk that accumulates on your hard drive and unnecessary programs that run in the background. Factory settings don’t do well as people use more of their computer’s memory and hard drive.


There are eight changes you can make in your computer settings to speed up your Windows 7 processor. Read more…

Antivirus for Mac: Excess or Necessity?

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There’s a wide-spread opinion that the devices that run under Mac OS X are immune to viruses. Do Mac users need to install an antivirus on their devices? In this article I’d like to try and answer this question and also tell you about good antiviruses for Apple devices.


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How Cloud Storage Software Has Made The Possibility of Mobile Music Production A Reality

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Music production and recording has come a long way since the days when group of singers huddled in a room around one microphone, trying take after take until they got it just right. The advent of 8-track recorder changed the music landscape of the 60’s, the proliferation of at-home recording software changed the world of music again in the 2000s and now, in the 2010s, Dropbox and other cloud storage technology has ushered us into a new era of long-distance collaboration and a speedier process.


ProTools, Logic, Reason, Garage Band, Reaper…these digital music platforms Read more…