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Tag: google chrome

10 Tools to Test Websites in Any Browser Sizes & Screen Resolutions

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Unlike the standard computers we used in the good old days, now we have many types of devices such as laptops, tablets, netbooks, and smartphones which can be used to access Internet. Each device will have its own screen size, resolution and this makes the web design process more difficult than before. Web developers and designers have to make sure their websites or online applications compatible with most of the possible screen resolutions.


It’s unlikely to test designs in all of the Internet-capable devices, but what developers can do is to resize the browser dimension as per the screen size of a particular device. To make the job easier, here we’ve gathered some excellent online tools and Google Chrome extensions that enable users to test websites and web application in different screen sizes and resolutions. We hope you’ll find these tools useful. Read more…

Top 20 Best Chrome Extensions and Apps to Work Offline

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It’s a matter of fact that presently, a big part of our life runs around the browser, prominently chrome. We use Google Drive, Gmail and a handful of so many other services straight from Chrome OS or Chrome.


As I said above, Google Chrome has a plenty of apps that you can use undeviatingly from the browser, but sadly, most of them need an internet connection. So we’ve explored the web to find the best Chrome apps that work offline, so you don’t have to bother about being connected to the internet to use them. Read more…

10 Chrome Incognito / Private Mode Tips You Must Know

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Google Chrome is currently the most-used browser in the world, helping more than 70% of the users to search the web; leaving Apple safari, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer behind. Started out as user novelty, Chrome has become an institutional product. There is bounty of stock embedded throughout Chrome’s guts that you may not even know; that are there to make your browsing experience much more satisfying and reliable.


And while there are plethora of things we can discuss about Chrome, we’ll limit our discussion to one of the most famous but less explored feature of Chrome which is known as “Incognito Mode”. It is a feature of Chrome through which you can enjoy a private, more-obscure and extremely-flexible web browsing. Read more…

18 Ad Blockers & Pop-up Blockers for Chrome

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Majority of the world works on advertising and making money out of it. Whether it is TV shows, newspapers or online media. Whenever you access something for free, it is because of the advertising. Even if we take the example of Google, they have one of the biggest network of advertising.


But nobody likes these ads as they are directed towards a user depending upon your browsing habits making the web a place which is no more equal. They steal information from you without your knowledge and then use it to show targeted advertisements. Read more…

15 Tips To Access, Manage and Delete Google Usage History

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The world where we live nowadays is connected. As a result, every individual in today’s world who uses a computer or a mobile device will instantly know what the people around the world are doing. Information that when processed by every individual will collectively show the path for evolution which brings different behavior in society and ultimately changes the way that people live. This can be useful if we use it at the correct time. Some information cannot be useful after a period of time. Some information that isn’t useful at times is the browser history on your computer.


Browser history is a report that will tell where you have been on the World Wide Web. It can be used to help you to go back to a place you would need to gain access to again. But, as information, it can be stored and gathered, and of course, will take storage from your devices. Read more…

20 Cool Tips to Speed up Google Chrome

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Amongst the war of the internet browsers, the only survivor that has come a long way and is the undisputed king of web browsing is none other than the baby of Google, called Google Chrome. Chrome started to represent its case as the most efficient internet browsing software somewhere around 2009-2010 where Internet Explorer along with the likes of Mozilla was still going strong. Eventually Mozilla Firefox created its own niche market and the rising superstar then kicked out Internet Explorer for good.


Now the maximum value that the Internet Explorer has in an average computer user’s life is its icon present on the desktop by default. This is the irony, but also a reality which clearly shows the importance of keeping up with the changing trends in technology and giving into the demands of the consumers and there is no one other than Google who could be better at this when it comes to technology. Therefore, all the talk of the town when it comes to internet browsing only belongs to Google and Google Chrome. Read more…

30 Chrome Extensions for Displaying Amazing New Tabs

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You may not have given much thought to your Chrome browser‘s new tab page. It’s just where you type in the URL to the next page you want to go, right? Wrong. With these 30 (yes, 30!) Chrome extensions, you’ll have a chance to personalize your new tab page to fit your needs exactly.


The extensions fell into two categories: those that primarily served to help you be productive, stay on task, or find information more easily, and those that serve as a make-over to brighten your day and make your Chrome experience a little more beautiful. However, just because an extension’s main use is improving your productivity, it doesn’t mean it isn’t nice to look at! Many of the productivity extensions also feature attractive designs and/or great art and photography. Read more…

20 Useful Tips on Managing PDF Files with Much Expertise

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PDF files are one type of mostly used files in our daily lives. They don’t only offer better readability across different platforms at ease but also offers basic features like export, import, viewing, annotating texts, sharing them over different media and taking printouts etc. However, there are plenty more tips and tricks that you should be knowing in order to use PDF files since they are very compact, and this format makes files more accessible over different platforms. Not just the PDF readers or makers on Windows platform, but also the iOS based PDF apps are much used. Even Google Drive allows the users to perform a handful of operations using the Drive.


We have gathered 20 of these tips for your convenient usage of PDF files. Read more…

45 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Facebook

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Due to the popularity of Facebook and Twitter, many social media related add-ons and extensions have been developed for web browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome. Just like your mobile apps, these thirty party tools allow you to update and track your Facebook right from your web browser without having to access to the Facebook homepage. If somebody posts on your wall or “Like” your status update, you’ll know right away and make a quick response to them.


So, for those of you who spent hours on Facebook, following are some of the best Google Chrome extensions you’ll absolutely love them. Enjoy! Read more…

9 Best Tools to Check and Highlight DoFollow / Nofollow Links

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In the previous post, we talked about getting links from high Page Rank websites and blogs can help you improve your site’s SEO and increase your PageRank score. But before that, you need to make sure the backlinks you obtain do not contain “nofollow” attribute as this kind of links won’t give you any SEO benefits. To make your life easier, below we’ve gathered some search engines for you to dig out websites and blogs that allow you making comments and generating backlinks without “nofollow” tag. It’s important to make constructive and useful comments, contributing value to the post’s discussion. Bear in mind that any spam comments you make will be easily filtered by the system like Akismet or manually deleted by the site owner. So please, don’t spam!


In addition, we’ve also included useful Firefox addons and Chrome extensions assisting you to highlight “dofollow” and “nofollow” links on any webpage you surf. Read more…

How to Save and View Websites for Offline Reading (7 Apps)

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Nowadays, Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. Without Internet connection, it seems like there’s nothing much you can do. You can’t post updates on Facebook, search information on Google, play social games, or watch videos on YouTube. To avoid from having such a boring day, you can pre-install or download some stuff on your mobile phone or tablet. This helps you to consume your time easily when you are on the move and there’s no WiFi connection around.


Here we would like to introduce you 7 awesome apps that are useful to save web pages and articles to your laptop, smart phone and tablet device for later reading. Read more…

19 Best Pinterest Tools, Chrome Extensions and Firefox Addons

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Pinterest is one of the fastest growing content sharing services that allows users to “pin” images, videos and other objects to their pinboard. Since its debut 2 years ago, the online service has successfully attracted millions of users as well as social media marketers. In addition to easy image sharing functionality, Pinterest also has other social networking features that let you to make friends from around the world who share your interest. If you happen to be a blogger or website owner, use it to promote and market your site.


In today’s post, we’ve gathered 19 amazing web tools, Chrome extensions and Firefox add-ons to help you enhance your Pinterest experience! Just check them out and choose one that best suits your needs. Read more…

How to Change the Background of Facebook Login Page

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Bored of seeing the same blue and white Facebook homepage every time you login? Well, it’s time to change the Facebook login page with your own custom design! Yes, you heard it right! You are allowed to change and customize the background of your Facebook login page. Does it sound unbelievable? Today we would like to introduce you a cool Google Chrome extension that allows you to set a custom image URL as your Facebook login page’s wallpaper. Be it a picture of your loved one or beautiful landscape photography, you can have any background customization you want.


Without further ado, let’s follow the simple tutorial below to set your favorite image or photo as your Facebook login page’s background! Read more…

Top 26 Best Web Annotation and Markup Tools to Annotate and Highlight Web Pages

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Sometimes we come across some web pages that we wanted to add note, highlight texts or draw diagrams, that’s where web annotation tools come in allowing you to perform these jobs with ease. This is pretty much like what we normally do with pen or pencil on a real book and newspapers. With annotation tools, you can discuss, exchange ideas and brainstorm with your friends and colleagues effectively. They allow you to mark up websites you visit with notes, and add comments to any web content that interest you. This makes web annotation tools especially useful for groups to communicate in a direct and easy to reference way.

26_best_web_annotation_and_markup_tools_to_annotate_and highlight_web_pages

In today’s roundup, you can find 26 most popular web annotation and markup tools, bringing you a new level of convenience to communicate and collaborate with a friend or group. We hope you’ll find them useful! Read more…

44 Best Gmail Add-ons, Extensions, Web Tools, Notifiers and Scripts

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Google Mail, Gmail is one of the most popular email services on the web. It comes with many awesome features that can meet most of your email needs, but it doesn’t mean you cannot ask for more. Due to the popularity of Gmail, many online tools and addons are created to further enhance the Gmail functionality and bring your emailing experience to the next level. Here’s our best collection of 44 Gmail tools and resources including Firefox addons, Chrome extensions, web tools, notifiers and scripts. Try them out now and let us know which one is your favorite!


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