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Tag: pinterest

15 Types of Social Media Fans and Followers

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What is the one thing all your social media followers and fans have in common? Quite simply, they follow you across your different social media accounts. In many instances, this is where the similarity ends. Your social media fans can range greatly – from fans who re-pin, Like and retweet your posts at every opportunity, to the furious ‘fans’ who follow you across various platforms to share their negative customer experience.


By gaining a greater understanding of the different types of consumers of your social media posts, you can form a solid strategy to generate engaging content. Hitting the right note with your posts is crucial to get your followers to take action and share, like, comment and repost your content. Read more…

10 Ways to Use Pinterest to Promote Your e-Commerce Store

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Nowadays the internet world has become far more visual, especially in respect of social networking sites. Pinterest is a case in point; it is a social networking site that allows people to share images and videos via a bulletin board type layout.


Pinterest is unlike Twitter and Facebook, where content is shared among friends, followers and groups. Pinterest is a network of people who are gathered around topics of interest rather than being relationship focused. Read more…

Top 13 Online Advertising Tools to Promote Online Business

Posted on by in Make Money Online

Experiencing an advertising burn-out? Well, maybe you need to find new ways to promote you awesome business! Hey, it has to be awesome enough to promote it, right? Quit using the old methods and find out the current best and most popular ways to promote your online goodies.


Luckily, you won’t have to approach the print media or a T.V. channel to promote your stuff for tons of precious funds. You could spend a lot of money on an online advertising campaign as well, but who needs to when you can do the job with just little or no spending?

Use these top 13 online advertising solutions that are currently the most popular methods to promote — and not so pricey either. Read more…

Best Times to Get Most Likes, Shares & Tweets on Social Networks

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No matter you are a blogger, content distributors or brand marketers, social media is the must-have platform to engage with your online audience. We all know that content is king thus posting breaking news, impressive images, or interesting videos on social networking sites will surely catch people’s attention making them share with other people.


However if you post a great content at the optimal time where most of the social users are right in front of their computers or smartphones and primed to share the content, chances are your post will receive tremendously high click rates and shares. Who knows your post may go viral within hours? Read more…

20 Pinterest Tips to Get More Followers and Drive Blog / Business Traffic

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Most of the blogs, websites and businesses have both Facebook and Twitter profiles to engage with their online audience. However having only these 2 social profiles are simply not enough, you should have multiple social media profiles targeting different groups of Internet users.


Among myriad of social networks available on the web, Pinterest is definitely one of them you should add into your social marketing strategy. Basically Pinterest is a visual discovery, collection and sharing service that allows you to manage collection of images, videos and other online contents, and share with other people online. Read more…

19 Best Pinterest Tools, Chrome Extensions and Firefox Addons

Updated on by in Social Media

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing content sharing services that allows users to “pin” images, videos and other objects to their pinboard. Since its debut 2 years ago, the online service has successfully attracted millions of users as well as social media marketers. In addition to easy image sharing functionality, Pinterest also has other social networking features that let you to make friends from around the world who share your interest. If you happen to be a blogger or website owner, use it to promote and market your site.


In today’s post, we’ve gathered 19 amazing web tools, Chrome extensions and Firefox add-ons to help you enhance your Pinterest experience! Just check them out and choose one that best suits your needs. Read more…