10 Types of Guest Posts Blogger Must Reject
Guest blogging has become an utmost scheme for lifting up your blog’s readership and platform. If you have a website which contains blogs and articles, it is the best way to achieve publicity. Every blogger requires a good relationship with other bloggers as well. So, by posting an accurate content to others blog, one can add value to their content. In this way, one gets popular in building relations as it introduces you to new people.
Also, through Guest posting, one can attain a good ranking on search engines. At the beginning or in the end, guest post must require a link. With the passage of time, these back links will increase the repo of your blog. This leads you to rank on top of the search engines likes Google, yahoo, and so on.
It fully depends on site holders that which guest post they should accept or deny. Sometimes, article publishers or bloggers do write, but they don’t know exactly how to write efficiently to attract and manage their blogs. Below are the 10 types of guest post that blogger must ignore:
Disregard / Not Following the Guidelines
One must follow the guidelines gravely. Whatever topic you choose, follow the given instructions thoroughly. So that it should appear friendly to the readers. Every post has different guidelines, no matter you are aware of that or not, but you must try following them in an order. Because, people who accept guest blogs, they thoroughly depends upon guidelines. They appreciate even if the formatting is wrong; at least you have followed rules. And, they never reject such posts.
One Must Utilize His Guest Post Template Letter
These template letters are generated from the website owners of the company. It contains back links to increase the demand of their website. Here, every guest blogger is advised to post following the outline letter. Companies hire or select only those host bloggers which are constant and can post any time around the web, by exchanging back links on their websites. All you need is to hit the blog and share the common information related to it.
Insert the Related Links to Your Content
Once you are over with your content, you need to update few links in your content. Through these links, a publisher receives few bucks on every click made by readers. Remember! Your links should be certified to enter into the A-list of guest bloggers. They are beneficial in generating more crowds and improve optimization on your website.
Avoiding the Bogus and Deprived Content
As a guest blogger whatever site you hung upon, you must keep this in mind that the site already holds a status. So, you ought to write in such a way, so that, a quality should be maintained. Don’t ever go on such thinking that if the site is popular, they pick every guest post. This is a false illusion as site holders are very particular about their content that generate readership. Check your content thoroughly to avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes. So, one must avoid such content that can drive off the readers.
Predict a Positive or Instant Response for Your Post
As a blogger whenever you post something to any of the site, you just want your article to get accepted or get published within a day. Remember! This can really make your accepters irritating. In fact, what all you should do is to have patience. Once your post is accepted, you should say thanks and regards to them for considering it. So, with an accurate post, an accurate pitch is also required to get a good response. Otherwise, it will only go in a spam folder.
Using Headlines Which Can Lessen Your Readership
While writing the content, even if you are posting as a host, you should avoid such headings and sub-headings which push back the audience. The title made by you should be accurate, informative and not-stretching in any way. So that, it should catch the attention of the readers and force them to read the whole blog post. And for this, you must know what your topic is all about.
Sending Such Content Which Needs to be Written Again
As a blogger, another thing you must reject is sending such content which needs to be rewritten. You need to be confident about your post so that others don’t feel like writing it again. The content should be fine written so that it should engage your readers in a beneficial way.
Guest Posts Which are Not Creatively Written
One must ignore such posts which just focus on writing. Write your post in such a creative way to make it noticeable and attractive. For that, innovative ideas should be generated to influence people and force them to read. So, all you need is to cover all the points which your topic requires with a creativity.
Sending Guest Post on Irrelevant Topic
Sometimes, it happens that you write quite opposite to what actually required. And, you post them without reading it. This can really annoy the person who is reading your post and there’s no option, but to deny. That’s why blog acceptors put forward guidelines which are to be followed thoroughly.
Using Content Which is Not Unique
No matter you are writing for your own blogging site or you making a guest post, uniqueness matters a lot. Remember! Whatever topic you are writing, that is already written by many people. So, in order to grab attention of readers and other bloggers through your blog post or guest post, you need to write it in a different way. Also, if your content is matchless, it takes you to good ranking on search engines. This will make you popular and that website will also gain popularity where you make a guest post.
Thus, these are the above 10 ways or you can say the reasons which one can avoid while making guest posts in future. One can even win dollars for your post if it interests site holder as well as readers. Track On and Get Grave Results!
Tags: blogging, tips & tricks